Marty said:looks like radius for Site A (blue) vs Site B (orange)
Tyler Durden said:With Bo Gua Gua's parents both imprisoned for life, i guess he will actually have to use his degrees to make his own way (unless he somehow has rights to the family fortune before it is seized).
Agree. This makes the most sense.iacrenter said:As far OH is concerned, those West of Culver will go to Beckman HS (TUSD) and those East will be IUSD. I highly doubt IUSD would assign these new homes with closest proximity to NW HS to the GP HS. They are more likely to reassign homes at their boundary edge while allowing current students to continue in the school.
Changing school district borders is a little bit complicated, however it's not impossible. Currently, IUSD doesn't have any plans (publicly announced) do make any changes.iacrenter said:As far OH is concerned, those West of Culver will go to Beckman HS (TUSD) and those East will be IUSD. I highly doubt IUSD would assign these new homes with closest proximity to NW HS to the GP HS. They are more likely to reassign homes at their boundary edge while allowing current students to continue in the school.
Even worse, Site A is just between the jail and the toxic landfill (in fact on the border of the landfill), which (according to the article) requires a periodic inspection. So, guess what happens if this inspection finds a leak? Right, the school will be closed immediately, $260M will be wasted at a brisk of an eye. On the top of it, any escape from the jail will put the school on lockdown, etc.ps9 said:So bottom line:
Next to jail or over superfund site. I pick superfund site. Jail is visible and will be a permanent state/county run visible reminder. So the farm program suffers at the new HS, who cares. Woodbridge HS is over a pollution site and is fine as is. Just tell the kids to not eat dirt or any plants/fruits that grows out of it and to drink Santa Ana sourced tap water.
adventurous said:Even worse, Site A is just between the jail and the toxic landfill (in fact on the border of the landfill), which (according to the article) requires a periodic inspection. So, guess what happens if this inspection finds a leak? Right, the school will be closed immediately, $260M will be wasted at a brisk of an eye. On the top of it, any escape from the jail will put the school on lockdown, etc.ps9 said:So bottom line:
Next to jail or over superfund site. I pick superfund site. Jail is visible and will be a permanent state/county run visible reminder. So the farm program suffers at the new HS, who cares. Woodbridge HS is over a pollution site and is fine as is. Just tell the kids to not eat dirt or any plants/fruits that grows out of it and to drink Santa Ana sourced tap water.
Unfortunately, the Board of Education is completely deaf on the subject and stubbornly endorsing Site A
Musick Jail is going to house level 3 inmates (highest level for non-public inmate... literally, murderers, rapists, etc) for short term stay and level 2 for long stay, literally called as "bad guys" by the official from the Sheriff's Office. Who knows what's on their mind, when they find their way out.qwerty said:you guys need to stop with the escape from the jail bullshit. no person that escapes is going go to the high school!!
I wish you bumped into this guy on his way to escape. I hope you'll live. I wouldn't bet my money on it, thoqwerty said:and even if they did, the junior/seniors should be able to take care of business and take the guy down.
adventurous said:Musick Jail is going to house level 3 inmates (highest level for non-public inmate... literally, murderers, rapists, etc) for short term stay. Who knows what's on their mind, when they find their way out.qwerty said:you guys need to stop with the escape from the jail bullshit. no person that escapes is going go to the high school!!
I wish you bump into this guy on his way to escape. I hope you'll live. Well, I wouldn't bet my money on it, thoqwerty said:and even if they did, the junior/seniors should be able to take care of business and take the guy down.
Yeah... a skinny Irvine kid against 6+ ft. 250lb bubba... Do you think a violin can be used as a self-defense weapon?ps9 said:Have you seen irvine kids? They're not the ruffians you see in Tustin. What will they use as a weapon to defend themselves from an escaped convict? Their SAT prep books? Or their 5 page resumes full of extracurricular activities? Maybe beating them senseless with wind instruments![]()
Keep lifting weights... It's good for your health. It's useless against a regular street fighter, tho... However, good for your BMI. You literally don't understand what level 3 inmates (killers, robbers, real gangsters with 20-30 year sentence) are capable of when they lose free.qwerty said:unlike you, i lift weights so i can actually take care of myself if i had to. qwerter dont like violence, but qwerter will do what he has to do. now you on the other hand would probably get analized by the convict.