Well-known member
Liar Loan said:Look one flaw with your method of demanding listing histories is that nobody values real estate that way. There is a thing called comparable sales that allows agents to determine the value of a home that hasn't sold yet. You take several homes that have sold with similar features and square footage and use those to estimate the value of the home in question. That is the way you should be approaching this if you are serious.
But that's my point, you didn't do that with your Trulia post. You just said "4br homes, peak $1m, crash $7k, 30% drop'"
That didn't have any slicing on type of home, square footage, features or whatever.
So if you were serious, you would have dug in more like USC said.
You're comment is just as misleading as the "15%" claims because there is not like model comparison for those values.
I know you know what I mean but you are overlooking it just for arguments sake.
If in 2006, 5 3000sft 4br homes sold for $1m and then in 2011, 5 1800sft 4br condos sold for $700k, the "statistics" would say 4br homes drop 30%. But without the details, that is misleading. That's why I also want to see $/sft data, as that is at least slicing into actual size of home.
Secondly, the listings you have provided are ridiculous.
10 Quebrada sold in 1993 and then again in 2013. How does this even apply to the time period in question when prices fell from 2007-2012?
15 Hermosa sold in 2002 and then again in 2012. Nobody has argued that prices didn't rise over that 10 year timeframe. This is true for almost any house in Orange County.
Uh yeah, it's showing you that they didn't drop, that's why you don't see any sell price during the peak in the $1.2m range for those to be 30% off. And you can extrapolate the data, if you look at Windstream inventory during that time period, most of those homes did not sell for more than 30% above those sale prices (2013 is close enough to 2011/2012). But really, my links were for R2D so she could see what type of stock I was looking at.
Again, your point about a 40-50% drop is a strawman because nobody on this thread has argued that is what happened. The bears from IHB are long gone now, and I wasn't even a participant on IHB.
Why is it a strawman? IHB posters predicted that would be the drop, I'm not making that up. There is not one post in this thread where I said anyone is claiming that Irvine dropped that much, what I said is Irvine did NOT drop that much despite those predictions.
And if you weren't around on IHB then, why are you belaboring my call out to IHB? You're the one who keeps saying what I said is a strawman but you're not supporting your Trulia post. Show me a good number of Irvine 4br SFRs that dropped 30% or it's just as good as the 15% claim.
P.S. Sales detail history is actually how many people value real estate. You look at comparable homes in the area and their history. Isn't that why so many people post listings to compare to what other people are buying/selling for?