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IrvineRes88 said:My kids elementary (outside) of Irvine had a balanced diverse feel with only 25% Asian population. Now that we have moved to Irvine, I am increasingly uncomfortable with what seems to be 80% Asian student population. This environment is not diverse nor healthy for kids. I know some friends moved to Saddleback school district because they don't want their kids to study all the time. I moved to Irvine due to the convenience of Asian markets & restaurantso but I am beginning to really question the herd mentality of academic success with Asians. My kids used to have basically all white friends from school, now all their friends are Asian, it is making me uncomfortable, I would much prefer them to have both but it is not something that Irving can offer to them. I'very heard many good things about the Saddleback school district, is Baker Ranch a more diverse environment for kids?
I'm going back to the original post now. Can someone refresh my memory regarding why the OP thinks having more white friends is better than more Asian friends? It's not really clear here. is 25% Asian any more (or less) diverse than 25% white? Why did the OP move to Irvine? It's not like Irvine became Asian overnight.