Irvine demographic & impact on kids

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Is Tustin better than Baker Ranch? Went to Helena today, all Asians again, not impressed. I moved to Irvine over a year ago, I don't think I have seen more than 30 Caucasians. There is only one white boy in my son's 1st grade, I don't want my kids to not know that they live in America. Some of the postings clearly show typical Asian mentally, exactly the ones that I don't want my kids to have. "The real world is competitive", do you know competition means we compete with our own personal best?  Or someone posted something like  "white people treat you all the same?"  So what? Why do you care what white people think? Do white people define you? Such sorry inferior complex, what a pity. Asians need to stop being scared and stop living from a mentally of lack. In corporate America,  managers are whites and the Asians are the worker bees because of how Asian kids are brought up in suburban cities like Irvine.
IrvineRes88 said:
Is Tustin better than Baker Ranch? Went to Helena today, all Asians again, not impressed. I moved to Irvine over a year ago, I don't think I have seen more than 30 Caucasians. There is only one white boy in my son's 1st grade, I don't want my kids to not know that they live in America. Some of the postings clearly show typical Asian mentally, exactly the ones that I don't want my kids to have. "The real world is competitive", do you know competition means we compete with our own personal best?  Or someone posted something like  "white people treat you all the same?"  So what? Why do you care what white people think? Do white people define you? Such sorry inferior complex, what a pity. Asians need to stop being scared and stop living from a mentally of lack. In corporate America,  managers are whites and the Asians are the worker bees because of how Asian kids are brought up in suburban cities like Irvine.

Baker Ranch is fairly new and used to be majority white. Since recently launching their 1mm plus homes in the market, there are many Asian buyers( mostly China).

To be honest, I think the demographics will be 50/50 at baker ranch.

The school system ( lake forest ) shows 10 percent. I believe in the next 5 years this will jump to 30 percent.
Sorry, Asians not = Steve Woz, they work for Steve Woz. When academic success is a box Asians boxed themselves into, it is safe and it will provide for a comfortable life. This mentally will never produce a Steve Jobs.
Seems like there are a lot of Indians here too.. just sayin.

Just don't box them into Irvine.. you can go out on the weekends to another city you know. 
Panda said:
A Wealth Management Firm in the east coast conducted a research of the upbringing of the upper class millionaires with investable assets between $3M - $10M. I would consider these 100 men and women to be independently very very successful in their chosen vocations. Please note that only 1 out of 100 who made this list grew up in a gated community. 72% of them grew up either from poverty, lower middle class, or middle class. Looking at the stats below, it seems to me that the hungry South Angelos student would have a clear advantage in becoming financially independent and successful in the real world as an adult.

Family Background:
For every 100 upper class milionaires in the United States:

8% grew up in poverty
28% grew up in lower middle class
36% grew up in middle class
25% grew up in upper middle class
8% grew up in a wealthy or affluent class

For every 100 upper class millionaires in the United States:

45% grew up in the suburbs
27% grew up in urban areas
20% grew up in rural areas
9% grew up in the inner city
1% grew up in a gated community

This is flawed logic - using a tiny sample of a fractional percentage of the US population ($3M-$10M in wealth) to suggest that you have a financial advantage by being born and raised in a lower to middle class home. Numerous robust studies prove this is a patently flawed premise.
The question I have for the education-obsessed no-fun-allowed parents, is, how much of this effort is due to your desire for the best possible economic security for your child(ren) and yourself as their financial burden, and how much is due to your desire to impress your friends and family?
IrvineRes88 said:
Sorry, Asians not = Steve Woz, they work for Steve Woz. When academic success is a box Asians boxed themselves into, it is safe and it will provide for a comfortable life. This mentally will never produce a Steve Jobs.

Maybe the title of the thread should be I like Irvine, but I hate Asians even though I am Asian?
eyephone said:
IrvineRes88 said:
Sorry, Asians not = Steve Woz, they work for Steve Woz. When academic success is a box Asians boxed themselves into, it is safe and it will provide for a comfortable life. This mentally will never produce a Steve Jobs.

Maybe the title of the thread should be I like Irvine, but I hate Asians even though I am Asian?

LOL -  just spit out my coffee - too funny!
This is absolutely ridiculous don't care what nationality, race, or religion their friends are.  Parents do.  That's because kids don't see race or religion...they just see a friend to play with.

So how, a 80% white population is okay but a 80% Asian population isn't?  I just went to a birthday party at an indoor jump house place...90% of the party were Chinese.  I don't think jump houses are a normal Chinese thing.

You want to talk about real world?  California is 46.6% White, 32.2% Latino, 11.1% Asian/Pacific Island, 6.4% Black.  Are you distraught that that Irvine or SVUSD doesn't have 32.2 % Latino or 6.4% black? 

It's absurd.
eyephone said:
IrvineRes88 said:
Sorry, Asians not = Steve Woz, they work for Steve Woz. When academic success is a box Asians boxed themselves into, it is safe and it will provide for a comfortable life. This mentally will never produce a Steve Jobs.

Maybe the title of the thread should be I like Irvine, but I hate Asians even though I am Asian?

I'm not sure this is completely fair. This is not Donald Trump level bigotry. It's just a parent seeking an ideal, as s/he sees it, cultural and educational environment.
Perspective said:
eyephone said:
IrvineRes88 said:
Sorry, Asians not = Steve Woz, they work for Steve Woz. When academic success is a box Asians boxed themselves into, it is safe and it will provide for a comfortable life. This mentally will never produce a Steve Jobs.

Maybe the title of the thread should be I like Irvine, but I hate Asians even though I am Asian?

I'm not sure this is completely fair. This is not Donald Trump level bigotry. It's just a parent seeking an ideal, as s/he sees it, cultural and educational environment.

Yes...if we are talking about stereotyping Asians but most of society does.  No one really thinks about SE Asians or Pacific Islanders when we talk about "Asians".
Etinchen said:
Asian people: Steve Woz

White people: Steve jobs

Steve Jobs is not even "white"...he's Syrian.  Sergin Brin..born in Russia.  Elon Mush, South African and Canadian.

Also, Jerry Yang and Jack Ma seem to have done quite well.
Happiness said:
LOL.  These self-haters who talk about the presence of Asians other than themselves as "unhealthy" and have a "herd mentality of academic success" reminds me of Chris Rock's observation that black people hate black people too.  Let me remind you that whites and others make no distinction between health and unhealthy Asians.  You are all the same.

Well, not really.  There are "unhealthy" Asians, and then there are Uncle Tom Asians.  White people love the model minority Uncle Tom's, as long as they stay that way (a minority).  ;)

Good Asian: Amy Tan, Hop Sing from Bonanza, Dali Lama, Roundcorners
Bad Asian: Mainland China nouveau riche, Veteran Cemetery protesters
Bad Ass Asian:  Bruce Lee, Magicj1zz
Etinchen said:
Baker Ranch is fairly new and used to be majority white. Since recently launching their 1mm plus homes in the market, there are many Asian buyers( mostly China).

To be honest, I think the demographics will be 50/50 at baker ranch.

The school system ( lake forest ) shows 10 percent. I believe in the next 5 years this will jump to 30 percent.

Honestly, if the OP is so bothered by the demographics in new Irvine or other Orange County developments, the only suggestion I can make is to

1) buy in an older neighborhood. Areas like Villa Park, North Tustin, Anaheim Hills, Orange Hills, Old Towne Orange, Orange Park Acres, and Yorba Linda come to mind. Also Floral Park in Santa Ana is beautiful although adjacent to some sketchy areas. All areas with many beautiful older houses, many with large grounds. Many are much nicer, IMHO, than new Irvine developments. Chinese buyers tend to prefer new houses,  and generally do not value large yards. (generalization, I know, but generally true). I don't know enough about other Asian nationalities to speak about non-Chinese buyer habits.
2) If your budget allows for it, buy in the coastal cities. Costa Mesa is an undervalued area which I think has great potential for appreciation in the future, particularly Eastside Costa Mesa.
3) don't live in Southern California/Orange County.  May I suggest looking in the Midwest or deep South? (except John's Creek, apparently  :P )
IrvineRes88 said:
I moved to Irvine over a year ago, I don't think I have seen more than 30 Caucasians.

Gee, you don't get out much.  Talk a walk over at the Irvine Spectrum.  You'll see so many white people, you'll vomit pork blood and magic j1zz all over yourself.