Potential buyers beware! We were interested in Ironwood and had given permission to copy our Pre-Qual. docs from Primrose with Mary P. at Ironwood. We even picked out the lot we may want in a later phase and was told that we had first choice should we decide to purchase since we are the first ones to submit pre-qual. docs.
Well couple of weeks ago, I went in to check, and was told by Mary that they didn't have my pre-qual docs and thought they may have shredded them because they were old. She promised me that she will check on the situation/ call Primrose to get another copy and to call her in a couple of weeks.
I called her 2 weeks later, and she obviously hadn't checked. Told me that there were other people already signed up for the particular lot we were interested. She told me that I had to fill out another pre qual doc and meanwhile, she will check what happened to my old docs. When I complained that she promised to check on the docs 2 weeks ago, and was concerned about the priority situation, she sounded annoyed at me and gave me attitude. She didn't apologize, but rather acted offended that I was unhappy about them not knowing where my pre-qual docs were and that I lost any priority I had on the lot we selected months ago.
So apparently, from what I now understand, they shred your pre-qual docs if you don't buy something soon after you submit them, and they won't let you know that they shred them. Also, when they shred your pre-qual doc, you lose your priority.
Can't believe she told me she'll look into it and never did! Can't believe she gave me attitude after I complained about poor customer service! Don't they want to sell those units?
Anyways, we are still looking and are still very interested in other neighborhoods other than Ironwood and this experience (esp. disorganization and the attitude) really makes me want to stay away from KB home.