I can cherry pick articles too:
If China is the reason why Android is pulling past iOS in generating revenue, why does this article say the opposite?
If you analyze the data, the key here is comparing Google Play to Apple's App Store. Any metrics that say including China generates more revenue is because they are including the Chinese Android stores (not Google Play), but that means these are apps that are usually designed strictly for China and unless you are an Irvine app developer, that's not a target market for you.
Your article is misleading because the main reason why Android app revenue is comparable to Apple app revenue is volume of downloads across all apps (10 apps make $10 vs 1 app that makes $10), but if you compare revenue on a single app or single user basis, iOS is higher. So if you were an app developer, the statistic that is more important is how much more money your app can make on an iPhone than on an Android device.
The ecosystem argument is an outdated argument. Apple is more controlled and support but Android is much more accessible for non-established developers. Anyone can build an app and make money off of it.
You may be out of your depth here. Have you ever developed a mobile app? I can tell you that many developers prefer to work on iOS than Android, not just because of the revenue argument but also from a development viewpoint, it's an easier platform to code on. Fragmentation is still an issue here and the controlled ecosystem lends to a more stable environment to be able to develop, debug, maintain and support. On average, Android apps contain about 30% more code overhead (time and lines) than the same app on iOS. Apple's developer support is also more mature than Google's.
But I know you will just Google for the first article that says it's better to develop on Android so I did it for you:
Just remember the source (you seem to slip on that).
And to your point about anyone being able to build an app and make money... have you tried it? Do you know any mobile app developers? What do they tell you?