<p>Posted by ocrenter on another blog.... look at the D.O.M. !</p>
Saturday, October 06, 2007
<a name="8065962996069363096"></a>
<a href="http://bubbletracking.blogspot.com/2007/10/days-on-market-1123-in-middle-of.html">Days on Market #1,123 in Middle of Nowhere, Nevada</a>
<p>I just realized that as we celebrated Phoenix's record breaking achievement with our <a href="http://bubbletracking.blogspot.com/2007/10/days-on-market-1234-in-buckeye-arizona.html">Buckeye pothead</a> and his sidekick <a href="http://bubbletracking.blogspot.com/2007/10/days-on-market-1138-in-gold-canyon.html">Sandtrapped flopper</a>, we didn't accord the same honor for their Vegas equivalent. Because whatever they are smoking over in Buckeye they are smoking in Vegas as well.
Here is the oldest listing from Vegas. As far as I can tell per google maps, we are looking at 20 miles away from civilization...
<img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5118209201246558562" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" height="207" alt="" width="303" border="0" src="http://bp2.blogger.com/_QMoXJ8fOgo4/RweIJq5v2WI/AAAAAAAABVg/emrd1bxCwqA/s320/439185_P05.jpg" /><img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5118209261376100722" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 302px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 215px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" height="225" alt="" width="307" border="0" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_QMoXJ8fOgo4/RweINK5v2XI/AAAAAAAABVo/y8Cc2ScB10U/s320/439185_P02.jpg" /><img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5118209321505642882" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 302px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 214px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" height="220" alt="" width="307" border="0" src="http://bp2.blogger.com/_QMoXJ8fOgo4/RweIQq5v2YI/AAAAAAAABVw/XtiBInWbewk/s320/439185_P01.jpg" />
26000 STATE HWY 156, Las Vegas, NV 89138
--3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1,524 sqft on 2 acres.
--built in 1950.
--09/2004: listed for <em><strong>$1.3 million</strong></em> (<em><strong>$853/sqft</strong></em>).
--10/2007: still on market after 1,123 days.
Currently in majority of the bubble markets we are seeing a complete stalemate as the sellers and the buyers do their staredowns. Which is one reason that total SFR sales in the month of September for Vegas actually dipped below 1,000.
As entertaining as these crazies may be, they may represent a nice psychological barometer for us. The way I look at it, the day that Ted Kaczynski here actually give up and pull off his listing may actually signal the beginning of complete capitulation on the part of the sellers.