Interesting/Amusing Property Finds

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<p>It maps successfully on Google... Hmm.</p>

<p>edit: <a target="_blank" href="">Right on the border</a>! (yes, I have too much time on my hands)</p>
Reused Homes:

Old Buildings, New Life

<a target="_blank" href=""><img title="This Old House" alt="This Old House" src="" /></a>

<p> </p>

<img src="" alt="Living in a Lighthouse" />

<p> </p>

Living in a Lighthouse

<p>The Morgan Point Lighthouse has stood on Connecticut's Fishers Island Sound since 1868. An advertisement in a 1995 Wall Street Journal led its current owner to the empty, neglected structure. Nearly $1 million was spent on its reconstruction, which included a new lantern and various nautical details designed by the architect -- a former Coast Guard engineering officer.</p>
<p>Here is a 1$ house. Yes 1$ will buy this house. It is not a joke. It is actually free but it looks like they needed a price to list it on redfin.</p>

<p><a href=""></a></p>

<p> </p>
<p>Ouch. </p>

<p>I wish there were pictures.</p>

<p><a href=""></a></p>

2420 East Sycamore ST ANAHEIM, CA 92806

<p>Price: $449,000</p>

<p>Original List Price: $599,000</p>

Sales History

<p> Date / Price / Appreciation

11/16/2004 - $540,000

10/01/1997 - $160,000 </p>
<p>1) Zovall or somebody else: can you fix the HTML in Troop's post, please?</p>

<p>2) Ouch again. At least these old 50's houses are starting to be priced appropriately.</p>

<p>Here is the code. Please fix it and I will edit it. Sorry I haven't done any code in about 10 years, so I am clueless.</p>

<p><div id="gallery_title" style="BACKGROUND: url( no-repeat">

<h1 style="DISPLAY: block">Reused Homes:

Old Buildings, New Life</h1>

<div class="right_sponsor"><a target="_blank" href=""><img title="This Old House" alt="This Old House" src="" /></a> </div>


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<p> </p>


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<div id="next"><a class="btnNext" id="next_top" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseover="hpg_changeBg('next_top', 'btnNext_Over');" onfocus="this.blur()" onmouseout="hpg_changeBg('next_top', 'btnNext');" href=""></a></div>



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<li class="hpg_first" id="hpg_photo0" style="DISPLAY: none"> <img alt="Living in a Lighthouse" src="" /> </li>




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<p class="hpg_credit"> </p>

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<h3>Living in a Lighthouse</h3>

<p>The Morgan Point Lighthouse has stood on Connecticut's Fishers Island Sound since 1868. An advertisement in a 1995 Wall Street Journal led its current owner to the empty, neglected structure. Nearly $1 million was spent on its reconstruction, which included a new lantern and various nautical details designed by the architect -- a former Coast Guard engineering officer.</p>





<p>Try this, but without the <pre> tags. Nice and simple.</p>


<p><h1 style="DISPLAY: block">Reused Homes:

Old Buildings, New Life</h1>

<a target="_blank" href=""><img title="This Old House" alt="This Old House" src="" /></a>

<p> </p>

<img alt="Living in a Lighthouse" src="" />

<p class="hpg_credit"> </p>

<h3>Living in a Lighthouse</h3>

<p>The Morgan Point Lighthouse has stood on Connecticut's Fishers Island Sound since 1868. An advertisement in a 1995 Wall Street Journal led its current owner to the empty, neglected structure. Nearly $1 million was spent on its reconstruction, which included a new lantern and various nautical details designed by the architect -- a former Coast Guard engineering officer.</p></p>

Oops, sorry guys about the lighthouse mess up. I cut and pasted that thing... and it went all crazy. I don't know thanks.

<p><a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p>