IHB needs a resident bull on board

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cali - I read that, but was unsure of Truthi's meaning. Is Truthi under the impression that he/she is in control of that particular blog? Is that what it sounds like to you? We may need to get a Napolean hat for Truthi.<p>

Has anybody considered inviting Truthi over here to be our resident bull?
To be honest, I don't know what to think. It's as if they believe they are responsible for keeping anyone who doesn't believe their point of view in line. I thought the blog was for anyone who wants to participate, no matter their point of view. I also thought the "owner" was the writer who provides the content. Silly me.

I stopped posting there because everyone kept ignoring my facts and went right on insulting each other. Not productive.
<p>So. County home inventory ‘best since August’</p>

<p><em>no_vaseline Says:

<a href="http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2007/11/26/investors-2-worry-is-housing-energys-1/#comment-34694" title="">November 26th, 2007 at 10:34 am</a></em> </p>

<p><em>I heard that everytime somebody reads the IHB, God kills a puppy.</em></p>

<p><em>Is this true?</em></p>

<p>OMG, that is the best comment in that thread. I nearly spit my coffee out when I read that. </p>
<p>Why Graph you are a mean mean person and are single handedly bringing down the housing industry. Even here in Florida--it's due to you Lennar isn't selling its houses.</p>

<p>Aren't you ashamed.</p>

<p>Is truthi, um, how to put this, ritght in the ole cabeza?</p>
Actually, one could argue that the faster people come around to an IHB point of view, the faster the housing prices drop. The faster the prices drop, the faster homeowners get foreclosed on or sell. The faster they have to go to little rental apartments that don't allow pets. The faster the animal shelters fill up. And, ulimately, the more animals that will get put down (who are the truly innocent victims of this whole meltdown).
I have really been enjoying reading Truthiness's comments. She (I read it is a she) has completely lost all grip on reality. She is a case study in the stages of grief. Watching her move between anger, denial and bargaining is amazing to watch. If someone knows who it is, I hope they are referring her to proper psychological help.
I wish he/she would share more facts instead of just throw insults and names around, because it is nice to see another POV represented. The only real fact I know about Truthi is they bought in 2003.
<p>I like Xsocal Land Merchant's take. Realistic, long term bullish, apparent prior experience. Positive communication style.</p>

<p>I also consider myself bullish on real estate, long tem, as a method to provide stability to my familiy and provide inflation hedge income from investment properties with likely tax advantages.</p>

<p>In the short term, for the vast majority of properties, I can't look past the huge disparity between owing costs verus equivalent rental costs. </p>

<p>I also think serious bears should be looking this winter. If you're looking for a unique property, now is a good time, there's few transactions, buyers are very finicky and plenty of inventory. If you have good credit, you can still good loan terms. All this leads to one thing, finding a realistic seller with the house you want at the price you want. Price is the key though, everybody's price point will differ, but future uncertainity, future hassle, all create trade-offs which can shift rental equivalence for owning sooner rather than later. </p>
I agree that Truthi is a she. In my line of work, we call people like her 5150. <a href="http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cacodes/wic/5150-5157.html">FindLaw for Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal and State Resources, Forms, and Code</a>
<p>Land ho! Now's the time to buy



<p>If you act quickly, you can get into companies with hard real-estate assets before the coming herd of overseas investors does. Land also offers some protection against a bigger market downturn.</p>

<p>RE "I am starting to conclude that the only bullish outlook right now is denial."</p>

<p>Or ignorance. I've run into some innocents lately that appear to never watch the news. It's like 20% off? Wow, that's like a bargain, I should buy it. Without any further thoughts at all, and a void of missing information/quesitons.</p>
Please retract the invitation. The Bull in Residence at IHB needs to be a savvy critical thinker with good data. That person has a hard time with cohesive (my OPINION; I don't want to get sued for libel).
<i>"I also think serious bears should be looking this winter. If you're looking for a unique property, now is a good time, there's few transactions, buyers are very finicky and plenty of inventory. If you have good credit, you can still good loan terms. All this leads to one thing, finding a realistic seller with the house you want at the price you want. Price is the key though, everybody's price point will differ, but future uncertainity, future hassle, all create trade-offs which can shift rental equivalence for owning sooner rather than later. "</i><p>

Or later rather than sooner. I think the only reason a serious bear should be looking this winter is if the bear wants to get his paw sliced by a falling knife. A unique property? What is a unique property? Is it a property that I can pay twice as much for right now as I can a few years from now? That is not unique. That is common.<p>

NSR - Are you an re agent?