I know, I know, don't feed the troll. But, I was feeling extra snarky today, and some of my comments get deleted on Lansner's blog. So, Samson asked truthi these questions, and my responses are in italics.
graphrix Says: <a title="" href="http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2007/12/03/bet-wrong-on-oc-home-lose-109514/#comment-36867">December 4th, 2007 at 3:59 am</a>
<p>Samson - Let me help you out:</p>
<p>How much did you pay for your place in relation to your income?
<em>It doesn’t matter, homes prices will always exceed income and inflation</em></p>
<p>How many times median income was the median priced home at that time?
<em>The median numbers are useless. They are up when you bears say they are down, and up when the numbers say they are down</em></p>
<p>Could you afford to purchase your home on your salary now if say you had only 10% to put down?
<em>Why would I put money down? There is NO tightening, and no need for a down payment. And, yes, I can afford it. I am in the import export business. AKA, not working. Seriously, I post all day and night here. How the heck could I possibly have time to work. I get paid on a per post basis, er I mean by per export basis</em></p>
<p>After all that if median priced homes where far less than 8 times income, why don’t you think it should be reasonable to be the same now?
<em> I have told time and time again, incomes and prices do not matter. Just buy a home, if you don’t, then you are a loser.</em></p>
<p>What has changed in the OC in that time frame?
<em>It gets more beautiful here everyday. Why can’t you see that? Now that we have less people working here, it will be less crowded with dumb bears</em></p>
<p>Are the beaches cleaner?
<em> Yes! In fact, only two were closed last week, and I only stepped on two syringes this year, instead of three.</em></p>
<p>Disney has a new land a few more rides, but the lines are longer.
<em>Dude, they have fast passes now. If you owned a home, you would know that, and be first in line. Stupid renter.</em></p>
<p>There are a lot more restaurants and shops, but it takes twice as long to get there.
<em> That is because everyone wants to live here. If you don’t like it, move to Iowa. I hear there isn’t any traffic there.</em></p>
<p>Why do you think it should be any different now than before?
<em>I live here, and that makes it 1000 times better. Will you be my friend?</em></p>
<p>Don’t tell me incomes because they have gone up less than 50% in seven years while home prices have gone up over 250%.
<em>It doesn’t matter. It is a new paradigm. People get rich by moving up.</em></p>
<p>Why should it be any different?
<em>You already asked that question. Because, I own a home.</em></p>
<p>Should only those that bought before 2001 be the lucky ones? Should we say screw you to everyone else that comes along including any childtren you may have?
<em>Save the children. Only IHB ruins the lives of the children.</em></p>
<p>What is better now than when you bought to justify such a jump in prices that should be prolonged at the detriment of a majority of society?
<em>If I cared about anybody else other than myself, then I still wouldn’t care about anyone else. This is just part of your greedy plan to take advantage of others, and I’m not falling for it.</em></p>
<p>I know that is a lot to answer. I guess I dont really expect a response. It just baffles me that people seem to think life is really that much different here in the OC or anywhere in SoCal than it was 7 years ago.
<em>It is soooo different here. It is sunnier, there has been no rain, and housing continues to go up. Why do you hate me, er I mean OC?</em></p>
<p>In some ways I am sure it is a bit better, but I am sure there are alot of people that can tell you it is a lot worse.
<em>The people that think it is worse, are loser renting bears. How is that balcony? Why don’t you buy a home and make your family happy? If you and all these dumb bears bought a home, all would be happy here</em></p>
<p>I will put my soap box away now and get some sleep, but try really hard to think about the negatives that this overly speculative market has created and those that are really affected by it.
<em>Sorry, but I read the book “The Secret” and if you think happy thoughts and that home prices will go up, then that will happen. It is the best book ever, along with David Lareah’s books. They are the best</em></p>