I watched it so you don't have to tear you eyes out..."Million Dollar Listing"

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This show, like OC Housewives, is going to be such a disaster area it is kinda fascinating to watch. The three Douche brokers they follow are so over the top that you just hate them instantly. I watched this thing last year and it seemed the markets had not tipped just yet in BH. However, this year may be a bit different...ya think? Things in the BH and Malibu start out swimmingly but soon head into the trash can behind the Red Onion on Rodeo. The market does not seem to want to stay up...ooops. From what I can see it will just get worse in following shows. Too much fun, I think it will parallel the downfall on Housewives. There is already interviews in the Register as these Realtards expand their markets down to the OC in search of ANY Million Dollar listing that is left.

<a href="http://southcoasthomes.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/12/bravos-reality-stars-look-to-coastal-oc-in-damaged-housing-market/ ">What the Three Stooges think</a>
[quote author="morekaos" date=1255472057]This show, like OC Housewives, is going to be such a disaster area it is kinda fascinating to watch. The three Douche brokers they follow are so over the top that you just hate them instantly. I watched this thing last year and it seemed the markets had not tipped just yet in BH. However, this year may be a bit different...ya think? Things in the BH and Malibu start out swimmingly but soon head into the trash can behind the Red Onion on Rodeo. The market does not seem to want to stay up...ooops. From what I can see it will just get worse in following shows. Too much fun, I think it will parallel the downfall on Housewives. There is already interviews in the Register as these Realtards expand their markets down to the OC in search of ANY Million Dollar listing that is left.

<a href="http://southcoasthomes.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/12/bravos-reality-stars-look-to-coastal-oc-in-damaged-housing-market/ ">What the Three Stooges think</a></blockquote>
Funny that you mention that show. I actually enjoyed watching and was hoping they'd come out with this season to see them coming back down to earth. I missed the first 2 episodes. :( But I will get a guilty pleasure watching the market humble these jokers. Most of them go some of their business through their family connections.
Maybe Chad Rogers is reading the IHB, from the link on your article:

<a href="http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/12/celebrity-realtor-fears-socal-home-prices-could-hit-2001-lows/39771/">http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/12/celebrity-realtor-fears-socal-home-prices-could-hit-2001-lows/39771/</a>


- As for what he sees for the Orange County and Southern California real estate market in general, and he didn?t sugar coat it: ?I hate to sound negative, I want the real estate market to get back to normal ASAP, but I really feel that we haven?t hit the bottom yet and we?re going to get a second wave (of foreclosure listings) in the coming months.?

- ?Right now we?re consistent with 2003 (prices).? he says. ?We could be going back down to 2001, 2002.?


And in the original article:


The hairspray fanatic has one bit of advice for buyers and sellers at this stage of the market: ?Don?t act on impulse. Just make sure that you?re getting a good deal and that you?re getting value. You?re going to find that there?s a lot of deals to be had in the coming months, if one house doesn?t work out for you, then another one will.?


At least he's not as delusional as other Realtors although he may just be playing lip service. The comments are negative because of his youth but he does have some interesting things to say. One thing that stood out to me:


As buyers are approaching this market more cautiously, Rogers prides himself in tactics to garner interest in his listings.

?You know how people say ?location, location, location?? I say ?food, food, food.? It works all the time.?

Rogers has been known to set up open houses, stocked full with catered eats for brokers and agents to enjoy as they tour his listings. He says that though they may not be interested in the listing or find it to be right for their client, those agents will return to their respective offices and talk about the good food.

?It creates a buzz. In business, it?s all about the buzz.?


Heh... "I don't even remember how many bedrooms that house had but the hors d'oeuvres were amazing!". Kind of reminded me of "I Love You, Man".
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1255474778]Maybe Chad Rogers is reading the IHB, from the link on your article:

<a href="http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/12/celebrity-realtor-fears-socal-home-prices-could-hit-2001-lows/39771/">http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/12/celebrity-realtor-fears-socal-home-prices-could-hit-2001-lows/39771/</a>


- As for what he sees for the Orange County and Southern California real estate market in general, and he didn?t sugar coat it: ?I hate to sound negative, I want the real estate market to get back to normal ASAP, but I really feel that we haven?t hit the bottom yet and we?re going to get a second wave (of foreclosure listings) in the coming months.?

- ?Right now we?re consistent with 2003 (prices).? he says. ?We could be going back down to 2001, 2002.?


And in the original article:


The hairspray fanatic has one bit of advice for buyers and sellers at this stage of the market: ?Don?t act on impulse. Just make sure that you?re getting a good deal and that you?re getting value. You?re going to find that there?s a lot of deals to be had in the coming months, if one house doesn?t work out for you, then another one will.?


At least he's not as delusional as other Realtors although he may just be playing lip service. The comments are negative because of his youth but he does have some interesting things to say. One thing that stood out to me:


As buyers are approaching this market more cautiously, Rogers prides himself in tactics to garner interest in his listings.

?You know how people say ?location, location, location?? I say ?food, food, food.? It works all the time.?

Rogers has been known to set up open houses, stocked full with catered eats for brokers and agents to enjoy as they tour his listings. He says that though they may not be interested in the listing or find it to be right for their client, those agents will return to their respective offices and talk about the good food.

?It creates a buzz. In business, it?s all about the buzz.?


Heh... "I don't even remember how many bedrooms that house had but the hors d'oeuvres were amazing!". Kind of reminded me of "I Love You, Man".</blockquote>

The buzz will be his catering bill and no money to pay for it. Idiot, might as well hand out dollar bills as everyone knows your a fool with nothing in your pipeline...
Well the proof will be in the pudding. Lets see what the kid can do with this monster

<a href="http://lansner.freedomblogging.com/2009/10/13/corona-del-mar-home-on-tvs-million-dollar-listing/39217/">$7,350,000.00</a>

<a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Corona-Del-Mar/2717-Shell-St-92625/home/3254386">2717 Shell St</a>
Well well..quite a hunk of Humble Pie got served up on last nights show. The boys seem to have slammed headlong into a crappy market. I imagine this was filmed some time around the economic implosion last year. Most of the fights seem to have centered around delusional clients wanting 2007 prices. Looking for a way out sets up a frying pan to fire scenario. Although, all of them surprisingly told clients to lower prices the "take it off the market because things are sure to get better" strategy was deployed (Doomed!) and the "Lets sell raw land because they aren't making any more of it" alternative was tried (Doomed!). The spiral down from here should make for amusing TV. No?
[quote author="morekaos" date=1256075250]Well well..quite a hunk of Humble Pie got served up on last nights show. The boys seem to have slammed headlong into a crappy market. I imagine this was filmed some time around the economic implosion last year. Most of the fights seem to have centered around delusional clients wanting 2007 prices. Looking for a way out sets up a frying pan to fire scenario. Although, all of them surprisingly told clients to lower prices the "take it off the market because things are sure to get better" strategy was deployed (Doomed!) and the "Lets sell raw land because they aren't making any more of it" alternative was tried (Doomed!). The spiral down from here should make for amusing TV. No?</blockquote>
I sure hope so. I enjoyed that one old nasty woman in Malibu listing the home for $4.6m and then eventually selling for $3m. It really showed how sellers in these high-end area were in major denial.
It is fun to see sellers claim that a certain price is unacceptable to them (the lady in the marina with the dancer daughter) and then have the realtor tell them that the sellers dont care about what she paid for the house but about what they are willing to pay. It goes back to Awgee's preaching that a house is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay, nothing more, nothing less.
[quote author="USCTrojanCPA" date=1256096092][quote author="morekaos" date=1256075250]Well well..quite a hunk of Humble Pie got served up on last nights show. The boys seem to have slammed headlong into a crappy market. I imagine this was filmed some time around the economic implosion last year. Most of the fights seem to have centered around delusional clients wanting 2007 prices. Looking for a way out sets up a frying pan to fire scenario. Although, all of them surprisingly told clients to lower prices the "take it off the market because things are sure to get better" strategy was deployed (Doomed!) and the "Lets sell raw land because they aren't making any more of it" alternative was tried (Doomed!). The spiral down from here should make for amusing TV. No?</blockquote>
I sure hope so. I enjoyed that one old nasty woman in Malibu listing the home for $4.6m and then eventually selling for $3m. It really showed how sellers in these high-end area were in major denial.</blockquote>

Not to get too personal but did you check out her face? She had more work on it than this place. :ahhh:
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<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/470_uF58rO4VHR5nbP199gax.jpg"><img src="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/470_uF58rO4VHR5nbP199gax.jpg" class="gc-images" title="grenade2.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
Why is there so much animosity toward successful people? Obviously these guys did well, found their niche and milked it for all its worth. If you don't like the show, then don't watch it.
[quote author="autox" date=1256175061]Why is there so much animosity toward successful people? Obviously these guys did well, found their niche and milked it for all its worth. If you don't like the show, then don't watch it.</blockquote>
What are you talking about? The dude with the hair has well-to-do parents who fed him half his business (he only had a couple of sales the past few years) and the short kid is connected up via his grandmother who has a lot of pull. The only agent that I somewhat respect on the show is the guy over in Malibu because he started from scratch and built himself a nice niche. It's more fun to watch the denial of their clients and the agents reactions to them than anything else.
[quote author="autox" date=1256175061]Why is there so much animosity toward successful people? Obviously these guys did well, found their niche and milked it for all its worth. If you don't like the show, then don't watch it.</blockquote>

Puleeezzze! These shows are conceived, shot and edited to make the audience absolutely hate the cast! It makes for great TV. You really think the "Housewives" shows are made to make those women endearing to the audience? It is what most of us see as a guilty pleasure. Like eating a box of Sees Candy when no one is around to call you a pig. Just plain fun to poke fun, not animosity or jealousy. Hell, I got it great, would never want one of these guys lives but there is no show about me. Too boring but all good.
[quote author="Knife Catcher" date=1256207337]The kid with the Grandma knows how to make deals happen. I wish my agent could make a deal happen in my lifetime. :(</blockquote>
Time for a new agent! ;)
the three guys dont seem like bad agents at all. They are straight shooters for the most part, i think coming from money and not necessarily having to rely on the commission income entirely (assuming they have access to family money) allows these guys to be honest with their clients vs spewing BS to just close a deal and get paid, although im sure they do that as well. Ive worked with several millionaires throughout my career and have noticed that since these guys became independently wealthy and no longer had to actually work, they were straight shooters all the time, knowing that they could basically say whatever was on their mind because if they got fired they didnt need to work.
I watched the show a few times last year and I was definitely entertained. The guys are pretty hilarious for many reasons but I do think that overall they are pretty smart. This thread made me set the TIVO for this show, so I'll be watching a few episodes here and there soon. Thanks for the reminder.

I just caught a bit from the TIVO'd episodes (damn thing was taping Housewives of Atlanta when the programming actually said Million Dollar Listing, talk about ridiculous and absurd). I'm sorry, but I have to admit that the show is extremely entertaining, sort of like dessert for dinner. I won't make a habit out of it, but I actually like it.
Watched the latest episode tonight and had a few questions for you IHB folks about the Newport Coast home. First off - when they showed the property they claimed that it had a view of downtown LA. Is that possible? I've spent a decent amount of time in Newport Coast and it seems inconceivable to me that you could see the "downtown LA skyline" from there.

Also, did that house ever sell? The seller was holding firm on a $10 million price. Anyone know if it actually did sell and how much it ended up selling for?
I saw the episode with the douche who wanted to rent out his place for $20K/month and then proceeded to make multiple passes at the eventual renter's fiance. Once -- bad joke pal, move on. Twice -- shame, shame. Three times -- my bf (who was watching it with me) said he would have beat his a*s.
[quote author="Sunshine" date=1256652665]I saw the episode with the douche who wanted to rent out his place for $20K/month and then proceeded to make multiple passes at the eventual renter's fiance. Once -- bad joke pal, move on. Twice -- shame, shame. Three times -- my bf (who was watching it with me) said he would have beat his a*s.</blockquote>

Yeah, but she was hot and craved the attention.