Okay, Madison is definitely living in LALALand. Convincing that woman to lease her home because she can sell when the "market comes back" was absurd. He has no reason, other than stupidity for suggesting this, he honestly believes the market is just going to magically return to where it was very soon. I'm sure the woman will really appreciate it when she is trying to sell it for 5 Million instead of the "under 9" amount she didn't want to sell it for now. It seems that Madison is trying to survive on leases and has all but given up trying to convince overly optimistic and unrealistic sellers that they need to drop their price. I am amazed that this seller is so young and so wealthy, has two multi-million dollar homes in LA and yet is so stupid that she doesn't have an ounce of real estate sense. Madison is shooting himself in the foot as far as future business. At least Josh told the dumb NB people that it wasn't going to work and he bailed when they wouldn't drop their price. Of course, no one let the viewers know that the place was going to be foreclosed anyway and it was probably already a short sale.