I got a speeding ticket this morning...

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Now I would call bull on that if the information was public, but I'll just have to trust you I guess. Anyone has access to statistics on traffic violations? Via the courts maybe? I commute on the same road every day and the increase in flashing blue lights is clearly obvious.

People respond to incentives. Incentives don't need to be spelled out as for 5-year olds, so save "it's illegal" statement for the judge. If the state and local budget is in the toilet, what's the change in your motivation, Trooper? And with so many PDs out there there's bound to be a few where this was put on paper in a less than PC language ("road safety month" or "speeding awareness week"). And if anyone finds it, forget about bad publicity and lost jobs and think about class action lawsuits. You bring your graphic accident pics to court, we bring statistics. You may win, but then again, you may not.

With three kids in school I am not against giving money to the state (I donated to IUSD). I am against the arbitrary tax extracted via traffic fines. This is how the war of independence started.

<blockquote>Study: When local revenue falls, traffic citations go up

Published on Jan 12, 2009 - 11:19:28 AM

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By: University of Chicago Press Journals

Jan. 12, 2009 - A new study to be published in next month's Journal of Law and Economics finds statistical evidence that local governments use traffic citations to make up for revenue shortfalls. So as the economy tanks, motorists may be more likely to see red and blue in the rearview.

Study authors Thomas Garrett, assistant vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and Gary Wagner from the University of Arkansas Little Rock, examined 14 years of revenue and traffic citation data from counties in North Carolina. They found that the number of traffic citations issued goes up the year following a revenue drop.

"Specifically, a one percentage point decrease in last year's local government revenue results in roughly a 0.32 percentage point increase in the number of traffic tickets in the following year," Garrett and Wagner write.

That number may sound small, but it's a statistically significant correlation, the authors say.

The study controlled for demographic and economic differences in the sample, which contained data from 96 North Carolina counties collected from 1990 to 2003.

The finding adds credence to something many drivers have long suspected: Safety isn't the only motive in traffic enforcement efforts. Since many municipalities retain the money generated by traffic fines, perhaps traffic enforcement also acts as a bit of a fundraiser.

"There is ample anecdotal evidence that local governments use traffic tickets as a means of generating revenue...," Garrett and Wagner write. "Our paper provides the first empirical evidence to support this view..."

And don't expect to be able to throttle up when the economy recovers. The study found no significant drop in tickets when revenues increased.

Garrett, Thomas A., Gary A. Wagner, "Red Ink in the Rearview Mirror: Local Fiscal Conditions and the Issuance of Traffic Tickets," Journal of Law and Economics, 52:1, Feb. 2009

<a href="http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/presscenter/newsreleases/NR68-08.PDF">http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/presscenter/newsreleases/NR68-08.PDF</a>

<blockquote>Traffic tickets paid on or after January 1 will carry an additional $35 assessment and, in some counties, an increased court construction penalty. The fee to process a request to attend traffic school and keep the ticket off the driver?s record will be $49 beginning January 1, up from $24. The fee for proof-of-correction citations, or ?fix-it? tickets, will go from $10 per citation to $25 per violation. Fines imposed upon convictions of misdemeanors or felonies on or after January 1 will result in an additional $30 assessment. In some counties, these convictions will also be subject to an increased court construction penalty.</blockquote>
There is absolutely nothing to "chill" about. Preception is reality.

I am sure none of us can find a written directive in any PD about handing out more tickets. I am also sure there are cops outthere don't like to give out tickets. But making a blanket statement of saying"COPS don't like to give out tickets" is just being not very credible.

What do you call "hiding behind trees on the motorcycle in a peaceful neighbourhood at 2pm with barely anyone on the street?" Sure I know it is called "enforcing the law", no argument from me. But I am sure this cop has better things to do, as all the PDs are saying they don't have enough money for COPs to deal with crimes.

I have bitched enough about cop issuing silly tickets, that is not my purpose here. I have decided to be very careful in following all the signs as I have no time or patience to deal with those very rude cops with a gastank in between their legs.

Let's just call it what it is. If you believe money plays no role in cops' motivation of issuing tickets, then you are either just kidding yourself, or kidding us. Most of us draw conclusions not based on imagination, but based on experiences, and observation.


[quote author="Trooper" date=1231954423]You all need to chill. There is no "directive" to hand out more tickets. Quotas are illegal, and we cops (contrary to popular belief) DON'T like to give out tickets.

<em>It?s true, my Friends wife works at a PD and She said officers had a directive a couple of months ago to raise more revenue by handing out tickets?.

She doesn?t work for IPD by the way..</em>

What department is this Peter. I'll report them right away. It's illegal, and the officers and the officer's union knows it. I don't believe a word of it and I'm calling bullsh*t.

When someone gets a ticket for "70 in a 60", it usually means they were traveling at a much higher speed, but the officer was kind enough to "knock it down" to just 10 MPH over the limit so the ticket isn't so expensive. We won't pull someone over for going 10 mph over the limit. Guaranteed. So your 80 mph in a 60 zone, gets knocked down to "70 in a 60" zone, because you were polite.

Anyone need any more lessons?

HINT: If you are going to PM me for hints on how to get out of a traffic ticket, at least be respectful.</blockquote>
123, you are *still* pissed at that ticket you got last year, huh ?!

Since no one else here is a police officer, you are all going to have to take my word for it. We do not have quotas, and we have not been told to write more tickets. If there was even the slightest "hint, hint", the police union would run to the newspapers with the story faster than you can say, "Pull to the right." We are not here to fix the budget, we are here to promote traffic safety by issuing tickets. Case in point, you've started obeying all posted signs now. That little lesson worked, didn't it.

P.S. Cops on motorcycles are traffic officers. Their primary function *is* to write traffic tickets, not "find something better to do."

Now, I do have a bone to pick with Arizona and the Cities around the Phoenix area. They have slapped up I don't know how many "camera radar" sites. To me, that might read "revenue generator."

<img src="http://www.chillnite.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/radartrafficcam.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="Trooper" date=1232113662]123, you are *still* pissed at that ticket you got last year, huh ?!

Since no one else here is a police officer, you are all going to have to take my word for it. We do not have quotas, and we have not been told to write more tickets. If there was even the slightest "hint, hint", the police union would run to the newspapers with the story faster than you can say, "Pull to the right." We are not here to fix the budget, we are here to promote traffic safety by issuing tickets. Case in point, you've started obeying all posted signs now. That little lesson worked, didn't it.

P.S. Cops on motorcycles are traffic officers. Their primary function *is* to write traffic tickets, not "find something better to do."

Now, I do have a bone to pick with Arizona and the Cities around the Phoenix area. They have slapped up I don't know how many "camera radar" sites. To me, that might read "revenue generator."

<img src="http://www.chillnite.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/radartrafficcam.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

I'm curious. Are these contraptions generally something that police officers dislike and if so, why? I'm wondering if it is kind of like my friend in the grocery business who hates the self-checkout.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1232113662]Case in point, you've started obeying all posted signs now. That little lesson worked, didn't it.


Wrong, Troops. I retained a lawyer and will make it a point to make the cops look as silly as possible in court. "Trained in visual speed estimation", are you? Or at least to make the effort more costly for them than the revenue generated from my fines. I also invested my time in learning the case law around the traffic code.

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for lunch.

Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote."

a gun was pointed to one of my friends who cut off someone on the freeway. I learned his lesson to be extremely careful not to cut off anyone on the freeway neither intentionally or unintentionally. I don't want to get shot by the gang members. I guess the potential violence of gang members does work to make me a more careful driver. Trooper, you want to start to praise how those gang members unintentionllly enforced the law?

Say what you want to say, I am not going to argue with you after this. We can agree to disagree. Just remember Peception IS reality to most people.

Yes, this "little Lesson" you are refereing to does work. It worked because I learned the cops with gas tank in between their legs are ultra rude, ultra unprofessional, and really ass holes ( at least that is my experiences). I can't say that for the cops that I have expereinced in cars. I chatted with the cops that responsible for my current neighbourhoods, he is extremely nice and helpful. I got tickets before from car cops too, they are at least nice, and professional.
Hey Trooper

The natives are getting restless.

Did you see the stories around Christmas about the people in Santa outfits putting decorated boxes over the cameras in Phoenix? I will try to find them and post a link.

I have a friend who recently relocated here fron the OC and has received 2 cam ticlets in the mail. She said she was only going 2 miles over the speed limit. Actually the cams give you 10 miles over so she was really going 12 miles over. Interesting perspective of hers as to what the speed limit is.

An initiative should be on the ballot next year to outlaw the cams in all of Arizona.

Enjoy and stay safe.
[quote author="xsocal land merchant" date=1232192569]Hey Trooper

Did you see the stories around Christmas about the people in Santa outfits putting decorated boxes over the cameras in Phoenix? I will try to find them and post a link.


<a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewthread/3980/">Here you go.</a> Seeing the article made me homesick!
[quote author="xsocal land merchant" date=1232192569]

I have a friend who recently relocated here fron the OC and has received 2 cam ticlets in the mail. She said she was only going 2 miles over the speed limit. Actually the cams give you 10 miles over so she was really going 12 miles over. Interesting perspective of hers as to what the speed limit is.

An initiative should be on the ballot next year to outlaw the cams in all of Arizona.


I lived in Phoenix for a summer and received a ticket in the mail for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone. I can't help but think that had it been an officer, they probably would've let it pass but since it was a cam I got a ticket...mostly because I have the same mentality as your friend - 30 mph really means 40 mph. In my mind I know it's not true but my foot on the gas pedal seems to disagree.
[quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1231202913]Back east(NY, NY, CT), PBA cards are worth more than gold. Get rolled, flash your card and get a slap on the wrist.

ISM, if you haven't already payed for your ticket, PM, I'll be more than happy to help you beat your ticket.</blockquote>

Thanks Serious Weapon but, I actually believe that I deserved to get this ticket and I don't feel the need to cheat my way out of it on some technicality. I was pretty much going exactly 85mph on the 101, 20mph over the limit, and that's what he cited me for.

Maybe it's what I do for a living that makes me such a nerd in this way. I'm kind of like a cop in the pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing industries. It's my job to make sure everyone follows the documented rules and I get really peeved when people think they are above the rules. They're not; I'm not; you're not.

Now if I had been cited for some slimey reason that I felt was patently unfair, you bet I'd be fighting it with all I could muster!
[quote author="irvinesinglemom" date=1232276561][quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1231202913]Back east(NY, NY, CT), PBA cards are worth more than gold. Get rolled, flash your card and get a slap on the wrist.

ISM, if you haven't already payed for your ticket, PM, I'll be more than happy to help you beat your ticket.</blockquote>

Thanks Serious Weapon but, I actually believe that I deserved to get this ticket and I don't feel the need to cheat my way out of it on some technicality. I was pretty much going exactly 85mph on the 101, 20mph over the limit, and that's what he cited me for.

Maybe it's what I do for a living that makes me such a nerd in this way. I'm kind of like a cop in the pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing industries. It's my job to make sure everyone follows the documented rules and I get really peeved when people think they are above the rules. They're not; I'm not; you're not.

Now if I had been cited for some slimey reason that I felt was patently unfair, you bet I'd be fighting it with all I could muster!</blockquote>

Beating the system at it's own game isn't considered cheating or being above the law.

6-6, I love California.
this is from today's foxnews:



"...in the Boston suburb of Malden, Mass., Police Chief Kenneth Coye urged officers to bring in revenue for the cash-strapped suburb by writing at least one parking or traffic ticket per shift." "We need to increase enforcement in areas that create revenue ? write 'ONE TAG A DAY,'" Coye told officers in a memo obtained by the Boston Herald. Coye said tickets are crucial to maintaining quality of life, the Herald reported. He did not return several requests for comment from FOXNews.com.

Unless foxnews is lying, and made up this officer, I guess there is a such a thing as ticket quota?
[quote author="irvine123" date=1234331761]this is from today's foxnews:



"...in the Boston suburb of Malden, Mass., Police Chief Kenneth Coye urged officers to bring in revenue for the cash-strapped suburb by writing at least one parking or traffic ticket per shift." "We need to increase enforcement in areas that create revenue ? write 'ONE TAG A DAY,'" Coye told officers in a memo obtained by the Boston Herald. Coye said tickets are crucial to maintaining quality of life, the Herald reported. He did not return several requests for comment from FOXNews.com.

Unless foxnews is lying, and made up this officer, I guess there is a such a thing as ticket quota?</blockquote>

In California it's illegal.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234333174][quote author="irvine123" date=1234331761]this is from today's foxnews:



"...in the Boston suburb of Malden, Mass., Police Chief Kenneth Coye urged officers to bring in revenue for the cash-strapped suburb by writing at least one parking or traffic ticket per shift." "We need to increase enforcement in areas that create revenue ? write 'ONE TAG A DAY,'" Coye told officers in a memo obtained by the Boston Herald. Coye said tickets are crucial to maintaining quality of life, the Herald reported. He did not return several requests for comment from FOXNews.com.

<strong>Unless foxnews is lying</strong>, and made up this officer, I guess there is a such a thing as ticket quota?</blockquote>

In California it's illegal.</blockquote>

Fox news, lie? No way.
[quote author="irvine123" date=1234331761]this is from today's foxnews:



"...in the Boston suburb of Malden, Mass., Police Chief Kenneth Coye urged officers to bring in revenue for the cash-strapped suburb by writing at least one parking or traffic ticket per shift." "We need to increase enforcement in areas that create revenue ? write 'ONE TAG A DAY,'" Coye told officers in a memo obtained by the Boston Herald. Coye said tickets are crucial to maintaining quality of life, the Herald reported. He did not return several requests for comment from FOXNews.com.

Unless foxnews is lying, and made up this officer, I guess there is a such a thing as ticket quota?</blockquote>

It's not really a quota if you consider it like "pieces of flair."

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234333174]In California it's illegal.</blockquote>

Bwa ha ha ha! That's settled then.

Update on my cases, all 3 tickets dismissed, with the help of lawyers snowing the cops with subpoenas for the total cost of $2000. This is what makes this society a plutocracy, rather than democracy, "justice for all" <span style="font-size: 11px;">(who have $2000 to burn).</span>