How much will IPO sell his place for?

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[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215689712]Panda, I love you to death, but have you ever thought that some of the more personal stuff should go into a private message?</blockquote>

You must not have any Panda in your genes. It's a Panda thing, sheesh.
Who can tell me the name of the school of RE at USC, and tell me why that name is not a good thing? And, there is a gym named after someone else who would fit in the same category, can you get that name, and why it is not a good thing?

I can say good things about USC, but there is a reason why Tenmagnet is here learning about RE, otherwise he would ended up being a BK'd knife catcher by now if he followed the Marshall legacy.

Bkshopr is not allowed to play, he is in timeout due to failing me in his feng shui 101 class here at IHB.
The Lusk name is still a good one... one of the biggest benefactors that OC has ever known.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

But I think you are alluding to the fact that their company went the same way as LDM, Pacesetter, JM Peters, and Presley, to name a few.
Hmm... I don't recognize the RE name, and I thought the person the gym was named after was generally ok. He's made 10X more money than I ever will in my lifetime, that's for sure.
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215727862]Hmm... I don't recognize the RE name, and I thought the person the gym was named after was generally ok. He's made 10X more money than I ever will in my lifetime, that's for sure.</blockquote>

Did you say Gym?

There we go Eva, now we?re starting to finally connect.

May not know much about Hot Pockets and generally avoid carbs all together but I love the gym (second home).

The Lyon Center was named after a general who later got into homebuilding.
[quote author="ipoplaya" date=1215674524]

Dude, come on, doesn't everyone know that the Hot Pockets guy sold his company to Nestle years ago? Don't they do case-studies at Marshall?!</blockquote>

Stop embarrassing yourself Ipop.

Of course I wouldn?t remember a Case Study on Hot Pockets.

I only retain relevant information and only remember the important case studies.

Like the one we did on Hooters, another was EAS (sports nutrition).

God Bless Hot Females & Creatine!
I tried some EAS stuff and it tasted like crap...back to my usual stuff

when do we find out what Ipo's place went into escrow for? Are you waiting til it closes?
[quote author="24inIrvine" date=1215731245]I tried some EAS stuff and it tasted like crap...back to my usual stuff


I agree their product is garbage now but they were the first to come out with Creatine Monohydrate.

It was in powder form, had a poor absorption rate and would make you bloated.

Today, Creatine Ethyl Ester is 50X more effective, no more bloating, goes right to the muscle cell.

Take it in capsule form. It's the shizzle.
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215732878]I think we now know what Ten is doing with his marketing degree.</blockquote>

My sister went to SC before me.

She majored in Trophy Wife.
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215732878]I think we now know what Ten is doing with his marketing degree.</blockquote>

Working security at Hooters?
[quote author="tenmagnet" date=1215735146][quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215732878]I think we now know what Ten is doing with his marketing degree.</blockquote>

My sister went to SC before me.

She majored in Trophy Wife.</blockquote>

All that effort just to get her MRS?
[quote author="caycifish" date=1215736391][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1215735146][quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215732878]I think we now know what Ten is doing with his marketing degree.</blockquote>

My sister went to SC before me.

She majored in Trophy Wife.</blockquote>

All that effort just to get her MRS?</blockquote>

Tell me about it, we had this <em>beautiful</em> mechanical engineer (very, very rare in the engineering world). She was smart, funny, witty, and very kind. She was also mormon and as soon as she graduated with her MS in engineering she became pregnant, married and quit work.... Wow....

Her husband was Capt. Boring, so it was a wonder how that happened.

[quote author="biscuitninja" date=1215737503][quote author="caycifish" date=1215736391][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1215735146][quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1215732878]I think we now know what Ten is doing with his marketing degree.</blockquote>

My sister went to SC before me.

She majored in Trophy Wife.</blockquote>

All that effort just to get her MRS?</blockquote>

Tell me about it, we had this <em>beautiful</em> mechanical engineer (very, very rare in the engineering world). She was smart, funny, witty, and very kind. She was also mormon and as soon as she graduated with her MS in engineering she became pregnant, married and quit work.... Wow....

Her husband was Capt. Boring, so it was a wonder how that happened.


She got her masters in engineering just to be a housewife and not use most of what she worked so hard to learn...damn...that's a lot of money and time and effort wasted. I'm sure she feels accomplished, but...damn. Engineering isn't exactly easy, and that sounds like a terrible ROI. Unless her husband was interested due to her degrees, then at least it was useful for something.
princess masako of japan graduated magna cum laude from harvard. she did graduate studies at oxford, then univ of tokyo. all that only to marry the crown prince of japan and spend the rest of her life in a ceremonial position with no real duties. before everyone jumps on how great being royalty would be...

"Princess Masako has remained largely out of the public eye since before 2003, allegedly due to a mental disorder which many speculate is due in part to the pressure to produce a male heir.[1] The Princess -- and the bullying she has allegedly experienced at the hands of the Imperial Household Agency -- are the subject of a controversial best-seller written by the Australian investigative journalist Ben Hills titled Princess Masako: Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne. "

I guess she could... GASP.. divorce. Really when people start bullying me, I would step up and return the favor. I'm sure that's because i'm American and the smallest of three sons (Twin, 6'3", bother 6'1"... me 5'10"... :( ) I do feel sorry that anybody has to feel trapped for whatever reason.

Anyways good luck


I heard that Air Heads with a lot of money goto USC and poor kids with brains goto UCLA? Is this true? Dude, don't shoot me, I did not attend either of these schools. This is just what i hear from the people in the midwest. Some acronoyms like,

USC - University of Spoiled Children

UCLA - University of Caucasions Lost Among Asians

[quote author="PANDA" date=1215748525]Ten,

I heard that Air Heads with a lot of money goto USC and poor kids with brains goto UCLA? Is this true? Dude, don't shoot me, I did not attend either of these schools. This is just what i hear from the people in the midwest. Some acronoyms like,

USC - University of Spoiled Children

UCLA - University of Caucasions Lost Among Asians


That actually sounds about right Panda...