When you have over 2 decades of easy credit and prolong period of zero interest rates, it will take just as long to right the ship.
If we don't right the ship and reverse or change course, on a couple of bumps on the road, then we are dooom as a country, as a leader of
capitalism. These next few years will be extreme, cross currents from many sides of status-quo, and keeping things the way they are to benefit a few
at very top. I hope JPowell, stay the course,, we can not afford zero interest rate. As far as housing, it has been in reccession since June 2022. There
places fare better than other. Everything will get reprice, My optic for housing in Irvine, so far is that it still has too many people that prefer to live
here than rushing to the exit. Housing is a big part of the CPI. Let's not forget, the landlords suffer the same inflation, labors, material, and taxes
has risen substantially,, many did not even able to collect rents during the rent moratorium and not getting paid.