How did you hear about IHB?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I wish I was able to edit the poll because I probably should have added "in a news article" to the list of options now that IHB has been mentioned several times in various papers.

I started reading Lansner about a year and a half ago. That's where I noticed IHB listed in the blogroll and is also where I became familiar with the names of other people in the comments section like graphix, no_vas, IrvineRenter, and some others then followed you all over here.
Thanks for posting this poll, SoCal...I've been curious about this for a long time. I heard about IHB from my husband :)
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1242898891]I wish I was able to edit the poll because I probably should have added "in a news article" to the list of options now that IHB has been mentioned several times in various papers. </blockquote>

I added this as another option. ;)
I've notice that you can create a thread; like the one I did for Cachette; do a google search for "Cachette" on google and it popped up as the top three! nice... way to get the IHB out there
Back in the day when Lansner's blog was the only place to go, I started to click the links to blogs by posters known as BMIT and OC_Fliptrack. I thought... man... these guys get it. I read them both daily, and probably commented on them daily as well. I haunted them both, and contributed to BMIT's Fraudera Ranch post, and a few of the failed flips at OC_Fliptrack. I really miss OC_Fliptrack and his penchant snark that went with it, it was a place where even IR got criticized for being a harsh snarky bastard one day. Anyway, one day a regular commenter named zovall said he was thinking of starting a blog on Irvine housing and would anyone else be interested in joining. ISM stepped up and joined zovall in his venture, and as soon as IHB was announced on OC_Fliptrack, I was hooked. I even helped provide some info on the Fraud Park post. Later on IR had been posting fantastic, and industry based knowledge comments (I got that they were industry based knowledge by the details), on SoCal Housing bubble, BMIT, and OC_Fliptrack. Zovall reached out to him to blog for IHB, he was honored to join IHB, and the rest is history. He is now the face (literally) of IHB.

I guess I am an OG bubble blogger.

Eff, you remember FidelityTitleGuy? I still have a rant saved in a word file for that dumbass. I wonder what he is doing for a job now. You really should post some comments from the dopes.
I found the IHB after an internet search. I read the blog a few times a week for about 4 months before ever visting the forums. Once I visited the forums, I was hooked. I read the forums for about 2 months before posting for the first time. This is the only blog/forums that I currently participate in. A few years ago I was pretty active on FlyerTalk, but I don't really travel for work much anymore and so I lost interest.
You know those episodes of Star Trek where someone goes back in time and changes something which then changes the future. I would go back and stop myself that first time.

Just kidding. I have no idea how I found the IHB, but I do remember being amazed because there was someone out there who was thinking like me. I was not alone. I wept.
I was looking to rent in Irvine and typed "Irvine Renter" and found IHB. When found this site, " I started to cry." It was as if part of Panda's heart was missing since he was a little cub.

It was funny... when I first joined IHB, Irvine Renter was like the "Wizard of Oz" and I was Dorothy. When IR replied to my first PM, I was so amazed as if an "Irvine God" has send an email.
I googled "terrible time to buy real estate" and found and IHB a while back. It helped me articulate to my now husband why we shouldn't buy any of the houses we had been looking at...
[quote author="PANDA" date=1242954342]

It was funny... when I first joined IHB, Irvine Renter was like the "Wizard of Oz" and I was Dorothy. When IR replied to my first PM, I was so amazed as if an "Irvine God" has send an email.</blockquote>

LOL. Same here Panda. I fondly remember the first time I got a thumb's up from IR. It was partial disbelief mixed with joy.