How did you hear about IHB?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Googled Irvine Housing while looking at rentals back in the day.

This is about the time I became a full on RE Bear.

My business partner was putting an "ALL IN" on his REIT and I was doing

everything I could to convince him and our CPA that they had made a bad bet.

They told me RE in California was a safe investment. Oops.

Together they lost 600 Large on that REIT on Californian second trust deeds.

Still a Big Bad Bear. Long way to go down still. Welcome to Japan America style.
[quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1243044447]I saw it scrawled on a bathroom wall, next to Bookies telephone number... "For a good time..."</blockquote>

My very fist post on this forum was in response to BK's question: "What do you call a hole in a public toilet partition?"
My wife found the IHB back in October of 2006. After she showed it to me, I got hooked. I commented so much that Zovall asked me to write for the blog, and once I started, I kind of took over...