I have made my opinion of these women known in <a title="Permanent Link to The Grand Illusion" rel="bookmark" href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/2007/08/24/1190/">The Grand Illusion:</a>
<p>For instance, I think the women on the <a href="http://www.bravotv.com/Real_Housewives_2" linkindex="13">Real Housewives of Orange County</a> are soulless, gold-digging <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slag_%28slang%29" linkindex="14">slags</a>. My derision is only eclipsed by my disrespect for the way they live, what they believe, and what they represent. However, they think I, and everyone else who knows them through the show, believes they are something special, something to envy as if they really have it “going on.” They have status. Not because people regard them highly, but because they <em>think </em>people do. But I digress…</p>
For people who don’t have the internal strength to base their self worth on what they believe about themselves, they end up basing their self worth on their perceptions of what other people think about them. Once they have given their power away to others in this manner, people will expend tremendous amounts of time, energy and money in a vain attempt to influence other people — hence we have fancy cars, opulent houses, designer clothing, and all the other trappings of conspicuous consumption. In my opinion, this is a sickness (their mind control fails on me.) It is a consuming disease which fed on the borrowed money made available during the housing/credit bubble.