Housewives of Orange County

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I am so with you Adam...I don't like any of the folks on the show, but I can't help watching it when I have time! I guess I just like trashy shows.... LOL...
I think the ranch is in San Juan Capistrano. There are some big, equestrian areas out in the eastern part of SJC....out Ortega Highway. I would guess its out there.
I will admit to watching the 1st show of the 3rd season over the weekend. The new family the Barney`s is interesting. The stepfather handing the son his list of conditions had me ready to just burst out laughing. I have a 21 year old son and that was just some of the worst parenting I have ever seen. How about having a realtionship with the kid of some kind. The quickist way to hurt your marriage is to get between a mother and her son.
The stepfather is a jerk. Then what do you expect from a FJ MB sales person ? I bought two cars from FJ MB internet / fleet department, and both time the two different sales person tried to screw me. Both time I got their GM involved. I got a good deal both time bc of the involvement of their GM, but what a painful experience.
<p>I can't stand to watch it, these people are 900% fake. They look and laugh at me because i'm not driving the car they think I should drive, I'm not living in the house they think I should have.... I find it funny though that when you ask them about what they have done for the future... they all give you this blank look of "does not compute"... ha ha.</p>

<p>Oh well.. have fun guys</p>

Personally, I got a chuckle out of how the daughters felt as if they were entitled to their father's money when he died. <<rolling eyes>>
<i>"Why are you interested in shallow peope?"</i><p>

Because it makes me feel less shallow and more superior. At least I can kid myself for 30 minutes.
<p>Awgee--you are joking, right?</p>

<p>I have never watched more than 2 minutes of any "reality" show, due to immedicate and extreme boredom. I find it painfully embarassing to see people act so stupidly.</p>

<p>I feel horrible for them, even if they don't feel horrible, because they feel no shame. Obviously, since it's painful, I don't watch, because I avoid pain whenever possible.</p>

<p>Now, if you want shallow, you should see the trashy novels I read. I have even been willing to read a romance novel, if it had vampires in it.</p>

<p> </p>
I have made my opinion of these women known in <a title="Permanent Link to The Grand Illusion" rel="bookmark" href="">The Grand Illusion:</a>

<p>For instance, I think the women on the <a href="" linkindex="13">Real Housewives of Orange County</a> are soulless, gold-digging <a href="" linkindex="14">slags</a>. My derision is only eclipsed by my disrespect for the way they live, what they believe, and what they represent. However, they think I, and everyone else who knows them through the show, believes they are something special, something to envy as if they really have it “going on.” They have status. Not because people regard them highly, but because they <em>think </em>people do. But I digress…</p>

For people who don’t have the internal strength to base their self worth on what they believe about themselves, they end up basing their self worth on their perceptions of what other people think about them. Once they have given their power away to others in this manner, people will expend tremendous amounts of time, energy and money in a vain attempt to influence other people — hence we have fancy cars, opulent houses, designer clothing, and all the other trappings of conspicuous consumption. In my opinion, this is a sickness (their mind control fails on me.) It is a consuming disease which fed on the borrowed money made available during the housing/credit bubble.
<p>All that stuff is fine if you actually have the money. I like seeing well dressed people walk on the street.</p>

<p>An emigree after the French revolution asked her what she did in France and she said, "I had the honor of being a lady of fashion."</p>

<p>This too is an art form.</p>

<p>I might have liked looking at the lovely lady of fashion, but doubt I'd like to get to know her. As long as society doesn't force me (either litterally or with ostracism) to wear bustles or corsets, or very high heels or piercings everywhere, I don't mind if somebody else does that, and I may or may not find it aesthetically pleasing. </p>

<p>But that doesn't mean I'd like to see their "private" lives on tv.</p>

<p>And has anybody heard of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle? Those cameras are a honking big probe in the data. I heard a real actor moaning because these untrained bad actors were taking away his possiblities of getting jobs on a real drama, which these were displacing.</p>
<p>lawyerliz - It seems to be a guilty pleasure, and they are my neighbors.</p>

<p>There is a specific type of reality show which I truly enjoy; the type where the crew builds someone a house or rebuilds their worn out auto. And in the past I would watch a reality show about some high school kids in Laguna. The show only lasted for thirty minutes, twenty without the commercials, but it gave my oldest daughter and I stuff to talk about for hours.</p>
<em>"IR, your Buddhism is showing. I know a bunch of Buddhists; they are very nice people, but seem to have as much stuff as anybody else."</em>

The stuff isn't the problem as much as one's attachment to the stuff.

That being said, I don't own much stuff because I still find myself getting attached to it.
I watch because it's funny to see the look on the kids' faces when some of the parents do something outrageous or stupid. I almost died laughing when Vicki showed up out of the blue to her son's frat house with beer and "wooo hooo"s. It can be equally as funny to see the look on a parent's face when their kid does something outrageous or stupid.
<p>I must confess, I sorta like the make over shows. But I only tune in for the "befores" and then the "afters". Getting a new set of teeth does do wonders for the appearance. And the people are thrilled with their new teeth, and are not acting shameless or stupid. Or tummy tucks, or hair weaves.</p>

<p>You say to yourself, gosh, I look better than that to begin with, just think how gorgeous I could be with all the money in the world.</p>

<p>With the writer's strike, I suppose that's all we'll have to watch.</p>

<p>Hmm, IR, after hurricane Andrew I lost all of my stuff. There was one antique that I miss, and still, after 15 years, I miss my lost cookbooks. Otherwise, I guess I wasn't that attached to it. Also, there are a few scifi books that are out of print that I miss from the pre-Andrew period.</p>

<p>Otherwise I like my stuff. Really I only have too many books. Just enuf of the other stuff. I just love being surrounded by books. Sometimes I fall asleep in a nest of books.</p>

<p>I don't mind being attached to books.</p>