Homeless Vets (and Women) Facility Adjacent to Altair

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Guess it makes sense as Altair and CP have the highest MR.

"To whom much is given, from him much is expected". 

Very strategic timing by the County as I don't think many people actually live in Altair yet, maybe 100 or so?  If it were full, more pitchforks would be rising.

I can see Lennar and Toll Brothers execs scrambling in high level meetings this morning.
Burn That Belly said:
aquabliss said:
Guess it makes sense as Altair and CP have the highest MR.

"To whom much is given, from him much is expected". 

Very strategic timing by the County as I don't think many people actually live in Altair yet, maybe 100 or so?  If it were full, more pitchforks would be rising.

I can see Lennar and Toll Brothers execs scrambling in high level meetings this morning.

Altair is fortified so should be fine. It's Cadence Park that is going to be the problem.

Altair is fortified from vehicle entry, but on foot you can walk right through the unlocked gate.
aquabliss said:
The location is not exactly where I first thought:https://www.ocregister.com/2018/03/...r-homeless-veterans-women-proposed-in-irvine/

This is literally right up against Altair gated entry. 

Spitzer is pretty excited:
?This is permanent housing that would fit in aesthetically with the local area,? he said. ?It?s going to be beautiful.?

This location is caddy corner from the new Portola High School.  Also going to be across the street from one of the park's proposed entrances.
Here's a legend:

Burn That Belly said:
Who owns Altair's land BTW? Is it still 5P?

No, its own by Toll Brothers and Lennar.

They formed a joint venture called Heritage Hill, iirc, and both committed a little over $200m. 
Isn't there a wildlife corridor running right through this spot?  Is this going to be a royal rumble between conservationists vs. homeless activists vs. veteran supporters vs. women advocates vs. Irvinites?
Maserson said:
Isn't there a wildlife corridor running right through this spot?  Is this going to be a royal rumble between conservationists vs. homeless activists vs. veteran supporters vs. women advocates vs. Irvinites?

No. According to Belly and I. (Big time experts)

It?s between the nimby and vets.. ;)