Originally they claimed over 1000 people were inhabitng the river bed.
The county offered motel stays to 697. (hmm, did the other 300 just leave?)
Of the 697, 108 were evicted or disappeared before they could be assessed.
of the remaining 589, 111 declined all services. another 71 did not show up or left on their own, etc,
338 335 went to some sort of shelter or service (335 because incarcerated isn't service or shelter IMHO)
So when we finally decided to enforce basic civilization on the 1000 people in the riverbed basically 1/3 cleared out before taking a free motel for a month, 1/3 evicted, declined help or disappeared before they could be assessed for services, and the remaining 1/3 went roughly 50/50 to mental health services or other services.
JIMHO, there dosn't appear to be a shortage of services, there appears to be a shortage of willingness to take services.