Have to say the response from Costa Mesa is a bit disingenuous. They already have an enormous homeless/addict count south of Wilson and West of the 55 freeway and aren't very aggressive with that population. When they move on up...to the Eastside, well, that's another story.
The County owned Developmental Center is actually a perfect fit. It's not tent housing. There are plenty of empty beds as well as plenty of pre-existing security. It's surrounded by a golf course for the most part, with commercial to the East. There's already lots of room to stay within the Developmental Center instead of wandering the streets. Access can be restricted so if there are drug issues, they can be dealt with right away.
This is transition housing, nothing more. For those homeless who don't want to return to accepted societal norms that issue needs to be settled no matter if they are forced on Irvine or Costa Mesa. Not clear how to answer that problem outside of incarceration for vagrancy, public intoxication, and violating anti-camping laws.
My .02c