[quote author="blackvault" date=1223525317]<blockquote>It's not the hedge funds silly, it's the companies that are crap are crap, and those that are solid are solid.</blockquote>
I'm sorry but not an inch of my body can agree with your statement. Market manipulation happens all the time. Perhaps not "just" a hedge fund, but rather I should say anybody with a large pool of money that can move stock significantly. Plenty of solid companies are played around with and manipulated. If you don't think hedge funds or other institutions with alot of money move stock prices either up or down to benefit their pocket while fundamentals are screeming the opposite, then you are missing part of the picture. There have been plenty of stocks that I bought based on strong fundamentals, yet the price of it went down or stayed stagnant as high as 3 years. Then all of a sudden when the big boys are done loading up, you experience mass appreciation.
WAKE UP! This isn't 1950 wall street.
I really hope graphrx that your statement is a joke or meant something else that I'm not seeing. If its not, I understand why you wanted to meet for lunch for advice.</blockquote>
Yes, you misinterpreted my statement, especially when you took it out of context like you did.
My point was that just because a hedge fund has a position in a company doesn't mean that it is manipulation. My point, in which I cited TPG (a huge hedge fund) taking a $2bil plus position in WaMu, which we all know how that turned out for them. On that day that SEC doc was released the shares of WM went up, but if they sold any of those shares there would be another SEC doc showing they did, and the whole trade imploded on them. They were wrong, plain and simple.
My second point was how Lehman was bitching that short sellers, like David Einhorn, pushed their shares down in value. It wasn't the short sellers, it was the fact they had a bunch of crap loans on the books that weren't worth what they said they were and they had too much debt/leverage to survive. Einhorn shorting them wasn't manipulation, it was just a smart trade because he saw what was on the books of Lehman and what he saw was a bunch of garbage. He was right, plain and simple.
What you are citing as manipulation may be that, but I have just always seen that as how the market moves. I really don't give too much thought into a $2 swing on a $50 dollar stock. It is just what it is, and whether it is manipulation or not doesn't concern me as long as I understand the same theory you do, but just under a different name.
It's cool that you have experience and that you are willing to share, but that is no reason to be condescending to anyone here. I know acmpe and what he does for a living, and lets just put it this way he is color blind now from all the staring at the red and green numbers. You should see all the red light running tickets he has. You have 11 years of trading experience, which is about double mine, but I have made more money than I have lost. I'm not a dummy when it comes to trading, and that can be seen from my lackadaisical effort in the Pandaless game. I have one loser right now, GS, and all my sells have been a nice profit even with the ass crap execution of how their trades go. I wanted to go to lunch with you to pick your brain and get some ideas, and I would hope I could return the favor by doing the same for you. I am open minded to learning from other people, even if I don't think they are right or wrong. If someone else is doing it that way, then I want to know about it.
So I am asking nicely to take a step back and reread what you have posted, and while you may disagree, you don't need to be condescending. I try my best to not be that way, and every once in a while I slip, but I do my best to take a step back when I do and try to realign myself to have a healthy discussion. I actually had to do that for this thread and this post, as I was ready to throw in the towel and just go back to picking on Panda (like how I sold my puts on FXI the other day for nice profit), but instead I wanted to make this thread the fun and informative thread that it could be. You have great points, and your points need to be made, but the way you are going about is just pushing buttons. I have learned a lot from acmpe, Ipo, awgee, and you, but we aren't learning if all we do is spend all day ranting about how someone is wrong, especially when it was taking out of context. I mean, that is what the politics threads are for, out of context bitter whining and bitching. But not the econ threads, please, I love the econ threads and awgee and I are the ones who requested the divorce from the politics thread. Irreconcilable differences ya know.