<i>"5. Various swaps. This might, or might not, be a problem. Most swaps have credit requirements regarding counterparties. Downgrades might result in posting collateral or having to unwind a swap at an inconvenient time."</i><p>
Hmmm-m-m-m, why do I think that this "might, or might not, be a problem" is something huge? Ohh-h-h, I am probably just a worry wart. It is probably nothing. After all, the counterparties have credit requirements. And the inconvenient time couldn't posssibly be when the counterparty is insolvent. And of course, the counterparty always has the collateral available. Nah, everything will be just fine. The risk has been spread out. No biggie. Ahh-h-h heck, what do Warren Buffett, James Sinclair, and the IBS know anyway?<p>
Fitch Places 173,022 MBIA-Insured Issues on Rating Watch Negative<p>