
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081008/ap_on_go_co/meltdown_pelosi">Pelosi says $150B economic stimulus plan needed</a>

Yeah, the last one worked so well...
AIG already blew thru the 85 BILLION FED loan and needs 38 BILLION MORE!!


Press Release

Release Date: October 8, 2008

For immediate release

The Federal Reserve Board has authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to borrow securities from certain regulated U.S. insurance subsidiaries of the American International Group (AIG), under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act.

Under this program, the New York Fed will borrow up to $37.8 billion in investment-grade, fixed-income securities from AIG in return for cash collateral. These securities were previously lent by AIG?s insurance company subsidiaries to third parties.

As expected, drawdowns to date under the existing $85 billion New York Fed loan facility have been used, in part, to settle transactions with counterparties returning these third-party securities to AIG. This new program will allow AIG to replenish liquidity used in settling those transactions, while providing enhanced credit protection to the New York Fed and U.S. taxpayers in the form of a security interest in these securities.

2008 Other Announcements
<em>SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- An auction to work out the value of Lehman Brothers (LEHMQ: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc $0.08, -0.02, -18.0%) bonds for derivatives traders valued the debt of the bankrupt brokerage firm at 8.625 cents on the dollar, according to Markit and Creditex, the administrators of the auction. Earlier estimates put a higher value on Lehman bonds. That means sellers of protection in the credit default swap market may have to pay out more than expected to settle the trades.</em>

Any one know who the seller was on the Lehman CDSs? If you do, then short or buy puts on them. If I knew, I would.
pimco's total return fund was seller of lehman CDS according to the bloomberg article awgee posted. although in the grand scheme of things, this shouldnt put much of a dent in that monstrous fund.
<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/105936/Stock-Market-Crash:-Understanding-the-Panic">Understanding Market Panic.</a>

Or you could just watch the market gyrate down 10% in 30 minutes, then fight back up above break even in next 45 minutes, then a long four limbo down 10% again, then a power jump up 5% then a nose dive to close down 1.5%. Pandamonium.
This ought to bode well for the dollar:

<a href="http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=anUDEEEP1_M0&refer=home">US deficit in the last couple weeks</a>
[quote author="graphrix" date=1223691010]

Any one know who the seller was on the Lehman CDSs? If you do, then short or buy puts on them. If I knew, I would.</blockquote>

Pimco was a large seller, and there probably twenty to fifty other sellers, many of which are hedge funds and most of which are not public companies.

And where do you have access to a Bloomberg terminal?
Not a headline, but an interesting thought nonetheless:

Subject: An Idea

To my fellow Americans.......


> I'm against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.


> Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in

> a 'We Deserve It Dividend.'


> To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000

> bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.


> Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman

> and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..


> So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.


> My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a

> We Deserve It Dividend.


> Of course, it would NOT be tax free.

> So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.


> Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.

> That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.


> But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.

> A husband and wife has $595,000.00.


> What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?

> Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.

> Repay college loans - what a great boost to new grads

> Put away money for college - it'll be there

> Save in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs.

> Buy a new car - create jobs

> Invest in the market - capital drives growth

> Pay for your parent's medical insurance - health care improves

> Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean - or else


> Remember this is for every adult US Citizen 18+ including the folks

> who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company

> that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.


> If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's really do it...instead of

> trickling out

> a puny $1000.00 ( "vote buy" ) economic incentive that is being proposed by

> one of our candidates for President.


> If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult US

> Citizen 18+!


> As for AIG - liquidate it.

> Sell off its parts.

> Let American General go back to being American General.

> Sell off the real estate.

> Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.


> Here's my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't.


> Sure it's a crazy idea that can "never work."


> But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!


> How do you spell Economic Boom?


> I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion

> We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington

> DC .


> And remember, this plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5

> Billion is returned

> instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.


> Ahhh...I feel so much better getting that off my chest.



> PS: Feel free to pass this along to your pals as it's either good for a

> laugh

> or a tear or a very sobering thought on how to best use $85 Billion!!


> And let's not even think about the proposed $700 Billion!!

[quote author="Trooper" date=1223841771]> So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.

> ></blockquote>
Trooper, you have my complete trust (AND respect, AND thanks) for the job you do.

AND for your courage in doing it, and in your recent postings.

You can count my vote as a convert to your view on Prop 8.

(I still don't think it's the best possible solution, but it is the best solution available on the ballot.)

But math.... not so much. 85,000,000,000 / 200,000,000 = 425 (not 425,000)

I wish you my best.
Wait, wait !!! Let me call the gay power gurus.....I'm supposed to get a toaster if I convert someone ! ;)

Crap, I didn't check the math...I just thought it sounded good. Thanks for fixing the mistake.

thx GoIllini.
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1223897279]I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you...

<a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27150665/">Congress may propose a second stimulus plan</a></blockquote>

Cash for votes...

Historical factoid: Did you ever wonder why only govt stores can sell liquor in Canada? It's because back in the old times, the ruling political party could be the only one offering free drinks at the polling booth...
<a href="http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/09/0905_fast_selling_homes/index.htm?chan=rss_topSlideShows_ssi_5">Where homes are selling the fastest</a>

No. 3 San Diego, CA

No. 14 Venice, CA

No. 20 Pasadena, CA
and even more shocking is tomorrow the govt will guarantee debt. they already injected equity into the banks today and tomorrow they effectively remove all risk from the system! hooray?
it is 4:25pm, all I see from Watermarke is a huge plume of smoke coming from the vicinity of UCI; several helicopters are dropping water trying to douse the blaze. i don't have a TV, does anyone know what is burning?
<span style="color: red;">THIS JUST IN</span>

<strong>IrvineRenter</strong> has launched a presidential campaign. He's got my vote! The news report is <a href="http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=370743&altf=Jswjof&altl=Sfoufs">here.</a>