Greenwood in Tustin Legacy

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Been in six months and have enjoyed it.  The neighborhood is coming together nicely, the new Heritage school seems to be on a very good path, and most of the neighbors we have met have been very nice and outgoing.  Some minor annoying aspects but all things which are getting worked out and are very similar to what we saw in our last new development we lived in.  I'm on the interior Crawford section and do not hear any Jamboree noise.
You must be near me. I'm in the Stafford area. If you purposely listen for Jamboree noise from my house you can hear it. Sleeping downstairs, windows open, no noise. Upstairs windows open in the front of the house would hear the white noise from Jamboree, back upstairs bedroom again no noise.

Windows closed no noise at all.

I thought we would have issues with parking with having motorcourt homes in the neighborhood but not really. Most of the Crawford residents park on their side of the street or motorcourt/garage. Most of the Stafford folks park in the garage or driveway.

A lot of people with little white dogs. Till today when I saw someone with a lab I started thinking other types of dogs must be banned....... lol!

I was a little worried I wouldn't like it here but I'm really happy to be here...... so far anyway.

Biggest downside........ no gas station. I go up and down either Tustin Ranch Rd/Von Karman or Jamboree and my hubby makes his daily trek 3 miles up Von Karman to work.......... such a problem......... lol!
Ready2Downsize said:
You must be near me. I'm in the Stafford area. If you purposely listen for Jamboree noise from my house you can hear it. Sleeping downstairs, windows open, no noise. Upstairs windows open in the front of the house would hear the white noise from Jamboree, back upstairs bedroom again no noise.

Windows closed no noise at all.

I thought we would have issues with parking with having motorcourt homes in the neighborhood but not really. Most of the Crawford residents park on their side of the street or motorcourt/garage. Most of the Stafford folks park in the garage or driveway.

A lot of people with little white dogs. Till today when I saw someone with a lab I started thinking other types of dogs must be banned....... lol!

I was a little worried I wouldn't like it here but I'm really happy to be here...... so far anyway.

Biggest downside........ no gas station. I go up and down either Tustin Ranch Rd/Von Karman or Jamboree and my hubby makes his daily trek 3 miles up Von Karman to work.......... such a problem......... lol!
As long as you go at a good hour, you do have a costco gas station right there. 
Maybe when they open the shopping center they will put a gas station there. On, someone said the land deal between Tustin and regency will close in August and construction would start in August with CVS and stater bros opening 10 months later in June of 2017 (I'll believe it when I see it)
gasman said:
Bullsback said:
As long as you go at a good hour, you do have a costco gas station right there.

8am-10:30am is the sweet spot.  Left lane is generally quicker.
I'm a morning person so I get mine at like 6:45 or so on a weekday...never any issues. Literally only place I get gas (unless I do something unplanned).  Takes no time and thankfully for me in a direct path of my daily commute to / from work. 
There are decent Stater Brothers.

Their nitch is higher density areas so they do tend to have a disproportionate number of stores in lower socioeconomic areas.

I've seen Ralphs and Vons that were way worse than Stater Brothers.

The old Vons on Yale/Irvine Blvd was as bad as any Stater Brothers I've been in. DEFINATELY looked nothing like the Pavilions.

I've gotten some pretty decent prices at SB, my favorite being when I get ebay gcs for $50 with a $10 cat back. Use the cats on whole chickens or other meat on sale. I'll even drive to a SB for those deals.
Forgot about the Costco gas station. I don't have a Costco card so skipped my mind.

I do have to venture out to North County sometimes and just buy gas when I'm up there. I go to either Berry Brothers in Orange or Ralphs way up in Fullerton if I'm that far north (combine it with gc points and a credit card and easily beats Costco prices).

Since I drive very little since moving here, I don't need gas a whole lot. My biggest routine drive is to Orchard Hills School on Sundays.

But....... had to think of some downside to living here besides the "OMG! NOT IRVINE!" and the school district (which I have no kids to attend) and the small yards which compete with the Irvine small yards.
I'll be surprised if that retail center breaks ground this year.

Veteran's Park was supposed to break ground last year.

Why is Armstrong not open yet?

They sure are great at throwing up banners on the fences tho...
gasman said:
I'll be surprised if that retail center breaks ground this year.

Veteran's Park was supposed to break ground last year.

Why is Armstrong not open yet?

They sure are great at throwing up banners on the fences tho...

The banners bring hope?