Google's Street View - Creepy or Cool?

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Thanks eva, now I know what to look for. I'm pretty sure L.A. has already been done though so not sure if any are still around.
Oh, man. Take a look at this guy on his bike. Start <a href=";=&layer=c&cbll=41.466608,-81.745762&cbp=1,20.89648551146678,,0,-2.5605277167245255&ll=41.468409,-81.745352&spn=0.003586,0.007296&z=17">here</a> and then look at the next two pictures going North. You have to rotate back to look at him.

Sorry for the late reply! He is convinced that someone will be able to find out personal info on him through his license plate, but someone could also go down to the County Recorder's office and look up his address and have a field day from there!


You RULE! That bike-crash in three parts made me laugh out loud! Thanks!

I wonder how fast the Google fleet travels when taking these pics? they are pretty high-res.
i heard kevin costner took some losses on RE but i never imagined <a href=";=&q=788+Pearl+St,+La+Jolla,+CA+92037&sll=32.84207,-117.275308&sspn=0.006589,0.010042&layer=c&ie=UTF8&ll=32.839942,-117.275051&spn=0.006589,0.010042&z=17&iwloc=addr&cbll=32.839885,-117.27519">he'd be riding a bike to work these days</a>.
[quote author="CM_Dude" date=1209018984]Eva,

Sorry for the late reply! He is convinced that someone will be able to find out personal info on him through his license plate, but someone could also go down to the County Recorder's office and look up his address and have a field day from there!</blockquote>

Oh gosh, he would hate to know what ChoicePoint or any of the marketing companies have on him. Heck, with Dick Cheney's project at AT&T;, who knows what the <em>government</em> has.