Game Over - Great Park

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Veteran cemeteries are incredible majestic and aesthetically pleasing. Each time I visit DC I must drop by Arlington. Like today I went to pay tribute to our nations heroes at Westwood. Both have incredibly high aesthetic standards and regiment. All markers are in precise rows. I would love to live next to a Veteran Cemetery. The best architecture are the cemetery chapels. In my opinion they are detailed nicer than those Pelican Crest McMansions. I would pay anything not to have FCBs as my neighbors and this is the best natural FCB deterrent.
All of northeast Irvine is done. Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground? TL for life!
irvinehomeshopper said:
Veteran cemeteries are incredible majestic and aesthetically pleasing. Each time I visit DC I must drop by Arlington. Like today I went to pay tribute to our nations heroes at Westwood. Both have incredibly high aesthetic standards and regiment. All markers are in precise rows. I would love to live next to a Veteran Cemetery. The best architecture are the cemetery chapels. In my opinion they are detailed nicer than those Pelican Crest McMansions. I would pay anything not to have FCBs as my neighbors and this is the best natural FCB deterrent.

Funny you admire the markers in precise rows yet despise TIC 's marching trees every 10 feet.
qwerty said:
Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground?

When it's Native American graves that they are already living on top of, they don't care. When it's veterans, all of a sudden, they care. #FauxFengShui
irvinehomeshopper said:
I would pay anything not to have FCBs as my neighbors and this is the best natural FCB deterrent.

I assume you either live in Irvine or still shopping for an Irvine home.  Why Irvine if you dont want to live next to FCB????
Thats like me moving to Santa Ana and saying I dont want to live next to Hispanics.
This is why Qwerty lives in Irvine to avoid Hispanics and me living in Santa Ana to avoid FCBs. We traded houses. All I need now is to knock up a Hispanic girl so my offsprings would have a better chance at Harvard.

hello said:
irvinehomeshopper said:
I would pay anything not to have FCBs as my neighbors and this is the best natural FCB deterrent.

I assume you either live in Irvine or still shopping for an Irvine home.  Why Irvine if you dont want to live next to FCB????
Thats like me moving to Santa Ana and saying I dont want to live next to Hispanics.
Portola Springs is built next to ancient Indian burial site but it is ok. I don't understand the logic?
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground?

When it's Native American graves that they are already living on top of, they don't care. When it's veterans, all of a sudden, they care. #FauxFengShui
"...we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? The fobs living next door? The fcbs living in China that owns both empty houses on either side of you? These veterans have a greater responsibility than the fobs could possibly fathom....And a veteran's cemetery's existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to these Chinese, saves lives. They don't want to admit the truth of why they are against the veteran's cemetery because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want them on that wall, you need them on that wall. They use words like honor, code, loyalty. They use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. The fobs and fcbs use feng shui, property value, the children's 5th high school. The soldiers have neither the time nor the inclination to explain themselves to the people who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom and property appreciation that they provide, and then questions where they should rest in peace..." -Col. Nathan R. Jessup
qwerty said:
All of northeast Irvine is done. Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground? TL for life!

Went to revist Greenwood, spoke to a sales person from Crawford. They were throwing out the Cemetery news. I notice all the potential buyers in the sales office stopped to listen.  The asians there cringed then asked for more info on Greenwood.
Irvine Fanatic said:
qwerty said:
All of northeast Irvine is done. Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground? TL for life!

Went to revist Greenwood, spoke to a sales person from Crawford. They were throwing out the Cemetery news. I notice all the potential buyers in the sales office stopped to listen.  The asians there cringed then asked for more info on Greenwood.

sales 101?
bones said:
Irvine Fanatic said:
qwerty said:
All of northeast Irvine is done. Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground? TL for life!

Went to revist Greenwood, spoke to a sales person from Crawford. They were throwing out the Cemetery news. I notice all the potential buyers in the sales office stopped to listen.  The asians there cringed then asked for more info on Greenwood.

sales 101?
Except that StanPac/Ryland/CalAtlantice has projects (and the largest) in BP as well
Irvine Dream said:
bones said:
Irvine Fanatic said:
qwerty said:
All of northeast Irvine is done. Who the hell wants to live next to dead people buried in the ground? TL for life!

Went to revist Greenwood, spoke to a sales person from Crawford. They were throwing out the Cemetery news. I notice all the potential buyers in the sales office stopped to listen.  The asians there cringed then asked for more info on Greenwood.

sales 101?
Except that StanPac/Ryland/CalAtlantice has projects (and the largest) in BP as well

yea but what do the individual sales people at non-BP projects care.  their job is to move their product.