Experts admit global warming predictions wrong

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Write your confessions...I wrote about meat ?God wants me to eat meat or he would not have made animals so delicious!!?  Add your own for climate change walkout Day tomorrow

Climate Confessions
Even those who care deeply about the planet's future can slip up now and then. Tell us: Where do you fall short in preventing climate change? Do you blast the A/C? Throw out half your lunch? Grill a steak every week? Share your anonymous confession with NBC News.
MTalltheway said:
morekaos said:
You're funny. ;D

I also find it hilarious how this eyephone guy gets so triggered, it's like he doesn't have anything better to do all day than being a keyboard warrior. ;D

Who is this guy? You ran away with your fake news in the other thread.

Go hard or go home.
Time Article: Reagan Administration Officials at First Dismissed the Ozone Hole. Here's What Changed

Looking back, environmental issues seem to have become personal for him around that time. The President had a skin cancerous growth on the right side of his nose removed three months after that historic study on the hole in the ozone layer. Between that surgery and his love of being outdoors, riding horses on his California ranch, the President may have been able to see how that it all related to the ozone hole, then-Secretary of State George Shultz told the Ozone Hole filmmakers. Eventually, he got behind the idea of a treaty to phase out chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the compound linked to the atmospheric damage.


Raegan understood the environmental impact. It?s too bad Trump does not see it.
morekaos said:
If you want some good laughs read the climate confessions posting. Normal people have turned it into a cynical comedy treasure chest.  The responses will definitely brighten up your morning coffee.


i make sure to empty an entire can of axe body spray every time i see a liberal complain about climate change, two cans if they force me to drink out of a paper straw
"who cares? I'll do what I like. I'll floor it in my gas guzzling sports car just for fun. You do not matter to me."

"I fly private jets. We will often burn an extra 500 gallons of fuel to save 10 minutes."

"I would rather the whole planet burn than give up steak. Kick rocks hippies."

Comedy Gold.
Copy and paste from the right wing blogs.

morekaos said:
"who cares? I'll do what I like. I'll floor it in my gas guzzling sports car just for fun. You do not matter to me."

"I fly private jets. We will often burn an extra 500 gallons of fuel to save 10 minutes."

"I would rather the whole planet burn than give up steak. Kick rocks hippies."

Comedy Gold.
No, thats directly from the NBC news site....hardly right wing and certainly not the virtue signalling they were looking for...thats the comedy.
This guy picks and chooses what he responds to. I will reference Ronald Raegan position on the environment in every post I make on TI until the Chicken guy responds on TI. (apparently he doesn?t go to the place where he promoted on TI)

[Long lines and there is a log wait, so much in demand] blah blah blah lol
Nice to know my $4.30 a gallon gas is paying for a useless push...thanks CARB.

Wildfires a massive threat to California?s progress in cutting greenhouse gases, report says

Though California has successfully cut carbon pollution, meeting its 2020 target four years early, ?these achievements were eclipsed several times over by the 2018 wildfires, which produced more than nine times more emissions than were reduced in 2017,? according to the report.

If wildfires were listed alongside other pollution sources tracked by the state, their 2018 emissions would rank among the largest, spewing more than the state?s commercial, residential or agricultural sectors in 2017 ? the most recent year for which data is available ? but less than Transportation, industry or electricity generation.
Super easy solution, treat it as a biofuel and don't count the emissions.  That's what they do for bio-diesel, exclude tailpipe emission because the next crop will reabsorb the CO2. 

Just heard the report on the radio and an environmentalist state that nature emits CO2 emissions that readily are re-absorb but electrical wire sparked fires are "different". 

First, they came for my SUV, then they came for my straws, it was inevitable.....

Environmentalists have a new target: Charmin toilet paper

"It's just unacceptable that a company like P&G is making toilet paper, a product that is used for seconds and flushed, from virgin pulp," said Shelley Vinyard, boreal corporate campaign manager for the Natural Resources Defense Council and one of several dozen protesters at P&G's annual shareholders meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday.
morekaos said:
First, they came for my SUV, then they came for my straws, it was inevitable.....

Environmentalists have a new target: Charmin toilet paper

"It's just unacceptable that a company like P&G is making toilet paper, a product that is used for seconds and flushed, from virgin pulp," said Shelley Vinyard, boreal corporate campaign manager for the Natural Resources Defense Council and one of several dozen protesters at P&G's annual shareholders meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday.

When I was in Japan, I observed that their toilets have add-on bidets, and the bathroom sink drains to toilet reserve tank for flushing.  The bidet helps to reduce toilet paper use, and the "recycled" sink water used for toilet flushing conserves water.

In Irvine we have a Lotus bidet store, but they're not cheap:
momopi said:
When I was in Japan, I observed that their toilets have add-on bidets, and the bathroom sink drains to toilet reserve tank for flushing.  The bidet helps to reduce toilet paper use, and the "recycled" sink water used for toilet flushing conserves water.

In Irvine we have a Lotus bidet store, but they're not cheap:
You still need to dry your ass with toilet paper after you spray it with a bidet.
Idiot, more pointless virtue time I stay at the Four Seasons I'm bringing an empty bottle to take home the gallon of quality shampoo in my hotel shower....years supply! >:D ;)

California bans hotels from using tiny plastic bottles

SACRAMENTO, Calif. ? Hotels in the nation's most populous state will have to stop giving guests small plastic shampoo bottles under a new law set to take effect starting in 2023.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday he had signed a law banning hotels from giving guests plastic bottles filled with shampoo, conditioner or soap. It takes effect in 2023 for hotels with more than 50 rooms and 2024 for hotels with less than 50 rooms.

Violators could be fined $500 for a first offense and $2,000 for subsequent violations.

Polystyrene breaks down naturally in just DECADES, not the thousands of years previously predicted by scientists
Polystyrene is the plastic oft used to make packing chips, cups and food boxes
The plastic is considered by many lawmakers to essentially survive 'forever'   
When exposed to UV light, however, it is known to yellow and physically weaken
Now researchers have shown that sunlight degrades polystyrene chemically too