bones said:
What kind of cough? How many times per minute cough? What does the cough sound like? Is it a qwerty cough?
Schools won't be able to monitor coughs. They may do temperature checks but that also doesn't catch everyone. I think this question is why the numbers show that there is a portion of the population that will opt for DL.
Well the guidelines say
Check for Signs and Symptoms
%u2022 Prevent discrimination against students who (or whose families) were or
are diagnosed with COVID-19.
%u2022 Actively encourage staff and students who are sick or who have recently
had close contact with a person with COVID-19 to stay home. Develop
policies that encourage sick staff and students to stay at home without
fear of reprisal, and ensure staff, students and students%u2019 families are
aware of these policies.
%u2022 Implement screening and other procedures for all staff and students
entering the facility.
o Conduct visual wellness checks of all students and take students%u2019
temperature with a no-touch thermometer.
o Ask all individuals about COVID-19 symptoms within the last 24 hours
and whether anyone in their home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a
positive test.
o Make available and encourage use of hand-washing stations or
hand sanitizer.
o Document/track incidents of possible exposure and notify local
health officials, staff and families immediately of any positive case of
COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality, as required under FERPA
and state law related to privacy of educational records. Additional
guidance can be found here. As noted in Section 9 below, the staff
liaison can serve a coordinating role to ensure prompt and
responsible notification.
o If a student is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, staff should
communicate with the parent/caregiver and refer to the student%u2019s
health history form and/or emergency card to identify if the student
has a history of allergies.
%u2022 Monitor staff and students throughout the day for signs of illness; send
home students and staff with a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, cough or
other COVID-19 symptoms.
%u2022 Policies should not penalize students and families for missing class.
And the Covid-19 symptom iinks to the CDC showing
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Question to the District, kid has a cough, drippy nose, complains his throat is scratchy? Check the health records for allergies and wave their hands?
I already hear, I have a health condition whenever people don't have masks and are asked. The kid has allergies will be next?
My kid does have mild allergies, sometimes the oddball cough caused by nasal drip, or stuffy/runny nose a lot.
Given IUSD's statement saying DL will have limited resources, don't they have an obligation to provide a safe environment? Other Districts planning the same.
Will they get sued for turning kids away and sued for failing to turn kids away?