Good tip.
Till last weekend, all Legado and LaCressa phase 1 sold out.
Apperantly, as a large home( both of Legado and LaCressa target at 2000+ sqt home market with at least 4 bedrooms), their price is fairly low. As a phase 1 home, not low enough, but acceptable.
Possible reasons that cause low price:
1. Open with EW at the same time. Lose in the first step.
2. Far away from retail store, shopping center.
3. Too many flats and apartments in PS3.
4. Landfill issue, Cemetery issue.
(Hard to say about this two. From distance, PS3 is actually better than other PS enclave. But landfill is still there, and when we talk about PS, we can never forget about landfill.
Cemetery is another factor may push FCBs away from PS3. I don't know whether this has been shown in the open price)
cheetos said:
Do you think cressa's price is low because the rest of ps3 is condos/flats? Are there going to be more sfh in the neighborhood?