
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
qwerty said:
The next 2-4 months are going to show us what a huge mistake the last two months were. We will see what the death rate, hospital numbers etc. looks like then. I know the shutdown proponents like IHO will say it was better to err on the side of caution but it came at a huge price.

Such a hypocritical statement.

Why did you even take the precautions to protect yourself and your family? 

That?s what the shutdown was about, to protect public health.

If you defied the shutdown and lived your life the same prior to the pandemic, your bravado would be more believable.

Did you protest to your boss? Your wife?

Saving lives is not a mistake.
So that CDC report shows twice the base infectivity of the flu. Three times the mortality for the infected and much higher hospitalizations rates.

0.3% sounds great until you look at those numbers and realize that was New York City in March, April, and early May.

Which makes sense since NYC  is such a big chunk of our data.

New York City?s experience is the ?most likely? scenario  people are cheering about...

irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
The next 2-4 months are going to show us what a huge mistake the last two months were. We will see what the death rate, hospital numbers etc. looks like then. I know the shutdown proponents like IHO will say it was better to err on the side of caution but it came at a huge price.

Such a hypocritical statement.

Why did you even take the precautions to protect yourself and your family? 

That?s what the shutdown was about, to protect public health.

If you defied the shutdown and lived your life the same prior to the pandemic, your bravado would be more believable.

Did you protest to your boss? Your wife?

Saving lives is not a mistake.

What is hypocritical about it?  I?ve mentioned many times, there is a cost benefit to the precautions I take. No cost and not sure what the benefit I?m getting if any. The cost of the shutdown was a huge mistake.

You keep trying to take whatever precautions I take, which are pretty basic and pretend that they are mutually exclusive to my view they we should have never shut it down.

Not sure why it?s so hard for you to admit the economic cost was too much. It Is ok to admit it, it doesn?t make you a bad person.

There is a price on every life. The governments just showed you that with how they modified their guidelines. They modified their guidelines because their budgets became their science and data and their bank account data said it was time to open up.

Money makes the world go round.

A five year old knows that - right eyephone!

You keep thinking that if we didn't shutdown the economy would be fine.

It wouldn't... name one place where there were no mandated shutdowns and the economy didn't tank. You can't. Still until now, you have not acknowledged that the Dow was dropping a month prior to the shutdowns.

And if more people were dead in the streets, the economy would be even worse and the bounce back would take longer because there would be no one to help revive it.

Money needs people to make the world go round.

Hey icey:,17339.0.html

I think I found what you were looking for in this thread.
irvinehomeowner said:
You keep thinking that if we didn't shutdown the economy would be fine.

It wouldn't... name one place where there were no mandated shutdowns and the economy didn't tank. You can't. Still until now, you have not acknowledged that the Dow was dropping a month prior to the shutdowns.

And if more people were dead in the streets, the economy would be even worse and the bounce back would take longer because there would be no one to help revive it.

Money needs people to make the world go round.

Hey icey:,17339.0.html

I think I found what you were looking for in this thread.

I never said the economy would be fine. I said it would not be anywhere near as bad as it is now.

The Dow goes up and down, what exactly did you want me to acknowledge?

I hope you see the irony in trying to prove my opinion wrong about the economy with your opinion about the millions of deaths that would have occurred.

qwerty said:
Dear Mr. President:

Thousands of physicians in all specialties and from all States would like to express our gratitude for your leadership. We write to you today to express our alarm over the exponentially growing negative health consequences of the national shutdown.
In medical terms, the shutdown was a mass casualty incident.
During a mass casualty incident, victims are immediately triaged to black, red, yellow, or green. The first group, triage level black, includes those who require too many resources to save during a mass crisis. The red group has severe injuries that are survivable with treatment, the yellow group has serious injuries that are not immediately life threatening, and the green group has minor injuries.
The red group receives highest priority. The next priority is to ensure that the other two groups do not deteriorate a level. Decades of research have shown that by strictly following this algorithm, we save the maximum number of lives.
Millions of Americans are already at triage level red. These include 150,000 Americans per month who would have had a new cancer detected through routine screening that hasn?t happened, millions who have missed routine dental care to fix problems strongly linked to heart disease/death, and preventable cases of stroke, heart attack, and child abuse. Suicide hotline phone calls have increased 600%.
Tens of millions are at triage level yellow. Liquor sales have increased 300-600%, cigarettes sales have increased, rent has gone unpaid, family relationships have become frayed, and millions of well-child check-ups have been missed.
Hundreds of millions are at triage level green. These are people who currently are solvent, but at risk should economic conditions worsen. Poverty and financial uncertainty is closely linked to poor health.
A continued shutdown means hundreds of millions of Americans will downgrade a level. The following are real examples from our practices.
Patient E.S. is a mother with two children whose office job was reduced to parttime and whose husband was furloughed. The father is drinking more, the mother is depressed and not managing her diabetes well, and the children are barely doing any schoolwork.
Patient A.F. has chronic but previously stable health conditions. Her elective hip
replacement was delayed, which caused her to become nearly sedentary, resulting in a pulmonary embolism in April.
Patient R.T. is an elderly nursing home patient, who had a small stroke in early March but was expected to make a nearly complete recovery. Since the shutdown, he has had no physical or speech therapy, and no visitors. He has lost weight, and is deteriorating rather than making progress.
Patient S.O. is a college freshman who cannot return to normal life, school, and friendships. He risks depression, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, trauma, and future financial uncertainty.
We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients. The downstream health effects of deteriorating a level are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error.
It is impossible to overstate the short, medium, and long-term harm to people?s health with a continued shutdown. Losing a job is one of life?s most stressful events, and the effect on a person?s health is not lessened because it also has happened to 30 million other people. Keeping schools and universities closed is incalculably detrimental for children, teenagers, and young adults for decades to come.
The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.
Because the harm is diffuse, there are those who hold that it does not exist. We, the undersigned, know otherwise.
Please let us know if we may be of assistance.
Simone Gold, M.D., J.D. & >500 physicians

Just exchanging one death for another.

When the letter started out, Dear Mr  President. We want to THANK YOU FOR YOUR LEADERSHIP, 

I stop reading 😊
So now Governor Cuomo says something insightful and useful...

"We all failed? at coronavirus guessing, Cuomo admits, before hitting experts:?They were all wrong?

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared he is done with coronavirus guessing and, in a rare admission, said that ?we all failed? in getting the pandemic projections right.
The Democrat referred to the speculations by experts about the course of the virus during a news briefing Monday as he addressed questions about the reopening efforts in New York. Cuomo told reporters that hospitalization and death rate numbers were prime factors in decisions about the reopening of certain regions in the state, but there is no way to guess what the rates will be
Ventura County is the only county that seems to have gotten this right...they saw the danger of the Convalescent care risks and took focused action to protect that population...It worked, and their death rates are very low.  Compare that to Long Beach that saw 80% of its deaths in convalescent care facilities and you see the glaring difference in understanding the at risk population to this virus.  Too bad most of the others did not.

Ventura County nursing homes holding their own in COVID-19 battle, officials say

Though isolated cases of COVID-19 have emerged in Ventura County long-term care facilities and retirement communities, no outbreaks have been discovered in nursing homes or similar sites, public health officials said this week.

In Los Angeles County, health officials announced Monday they are investigating outbreaks ? meaning three or more cases ? in 11 nursing homes. An official with the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention told reporters of COVID-19 cases in more than 400 senior care facilities across the nation. There were separate reports of more than 100 nursing homes hit by the virus in the state of Washington alone.

In Ventura County, the vulnerability of seniors and long-term care facilities in Ventura County remains a source of concern, said County Public Health Officer Robert Levin. As of Thursday, all six COVID-19 deaths in the county involved people 70 and older.
Levin predicts a majority of the county residents who will die in the pandemic will be seniors. But so far, he said, strategies to keep the virus out of the region's more than 240 longterm care facilities appear to have worked.
As a note, they say this was also the difference between NYC and Florida (which has more retirees).

Florida separated Covid infected from the rest of the nursing home population whereas as NYC put them back into the facilities, thus infecting more at-risk people.

Maybe that's what Cuomo meant.. "he" failed. :)
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
NASA/JPL invented a ventilator which they are licensing for free:

And NVIDIA has created an open-source one:

Best minds are working on solutions!!

Without a liability shield, what hospital will assemble a ventilator and open themselves to lawsuits?  Without profit margins what company will assemble them and deal with the FDA manufacturing controls for medical equipment?

Looks like there are 8 different companies willing to assemble them:

The eight manufacturers selected to produce VITAL stretch from Connecticut to California and from Minnesota to Texas. JPL did not say when the device might be ready for use.

Next, JPL is evaluating international manufacturers from countries including Brazil, India, Malaysia and Mexico. Those manufactures will also receive free licensing through Caltech.

Here is JPL/NASA's announcement:

The U.S. companies selected for licenses are:

Vacumed, a division of Vacumetrics, Inc. in Ventura, California
Stark Industries, LLC in Columbus, Ohio
MVent, LLC, a division of Minnetronix Medical, in St. Paul, Minnesota
iButtonLink, LLC in Whitewater, Wisconsin
Evo Design, LLC in Watertown, Connecticut
DesignPlex Biomedical, LLC in Fort Worth, Texas
ATRON Group LLC in Dallas
Pro-Dex, Inc. in Irvine, California

Irvine YO!
irvinehomeowner said:
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
NASA/JPL invented a ventilator which they are licensing for free:

And NVIDIA has created an open-source one:

Best minds are working on solutions!!

Without a liability shield, what hospital will assemble a ventilator and open themselves to lawsuits?  Without profit margins what company will assemble them and deal with the FDA manufacturing controls for medical equipment?

Looks like there are 8 different companies willing to assemble them:

The eight manufacturers selected to produce VITAL stretch from Connecticut to California and from Minnesota to Texas. JPL did not say when the device might be ready for use.

Next, JPL is evaluating international manufacturers from countries including Brazil, India, Malaysia and Mexico. Those manufactures will also receive free licensing through Caltech.

Here is JPL/NASA's announcement:

The U.S. companies selected for licenses are:

Vacumed, a division of Vacumetrics, Inc. in Ventura, California
Stark Industries, LLC in Columbus, Ohio
MVent, LLC, a division of Minnetronix Medical, in St. Paul, Minnesota
iButtonLink, LLC in Whitewater, Wisconsin
Evo Design, LLC in Watertown, Connecticut
DesignPlex Biomedical, LLC in Fort Worth, Texas
ATRON Group LLC in Dallas
Pro-Dex, Inc. in Irvine, California

Irvine YO!

Good for them, but the JPL one isn't free.  Its a competition to have the license.  The nvidia one is freeware.  Still brilliant work by JPL.  That may be profitable to build. 

Its a long regulatory road though if not streamlined. Hopefully we don't need them come October and if we do they are ready.

I will own up to being a bit overly negative on the original response. 
Infamous Ozark partier tests positive for C19:

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri -- A week after images of Memorial Day weekend revelers jammed into a Lake of the Ozarks pool party at Backwater Jack's Bar & Grill in Osage Beach made international headlines, the Camden County Health Department announced that a Boone County resident tested positive for the novel coronavirus after visiting the Lake of the Ozarks area over the holiday weekend.

The Boone County subject arrived at the lake on Saturday, May 23, and "developed illness" on Sunday, according to a news release obtained by, which like the News-Leader is part of the USA TODAY Network.

The infected person "was likely incubating illness and possibly infectious at the time of the visit," the health department said.

Most likely there will be similar reports for the rioters. Sad.
Who said we can not do a mandatory quarantine? Apparently they do it in Hawaii.


Gov. David Y. Ige issued a second supplemental emergency proclamation ordering all individuals, both residents and visitors, arriving or returning to the State of Hawaii to a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. The mandate the first such action in the nation applies to all arrivals at state airports from the continental U.S. and international destinations and extends to other private and commercial aircrafts

I was talking to my friend from Hawaii and apparently they arrest you if you do not follow the mandatory quarantine!

We need people with leadership skills and do what ever it takes to defeat the covid virus.
Meanwhile, catalina opened up...headed over on June 18th for our annual one month stay through the fourth... will be wonderful!!!
this thread is eerily silent now that people are rioting in the streets.

is the lockdown over? suddenly nobody cares about spreading the virus anymore?