
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Maybe they should of sent them to Guam in the first place. You can come to a US territory, but come to the US mainland once your cleared.

iacrenter said:
Looks like the flights were diverted to Travis AFB in NorCal. One flight will be quarantined there and others will fly on to Miramar Air Station in San Diego.

iacrenter said:
Two more chartered flights coming from Wuhan to March AFB, Riverside will land early Wednesday morning.

You can track them here:
There's conflicting information on if the evacuated folks would be kept for 14 days in quarantine, or as little as 3 days plus "voluntary self quarantine at home".  The assumption here is that the virus incubation period is 5-7 days, so 14 day quarantine is supposed to be effective.  But you should be prepared just in case.  In worse case we may have to stay home.

At minimum you should consider stocking drinking water, food, medicine, and other necessities for at least 2 weeks.  In addition, you should prep 72 hours "bug out bags" in case if you had to leave your residence.  The Red Cross web site has recommendations on what you should prep for 3 day pack.  Don't forget cash, in an emergency the bank will not be open, and the ATM may be empty or not running (power outage).

The LDS Church (I am not a member) recommends long-term emergency supply of food, water, and funds for at least 3 months.  They have many articles on their web site if you're interested, they also sell freeze dried #10 can foods with 30 year shelf life at very reasonable prices.

Many people will run to local military surplus stores to buy stuff.  We have many in the area, including Major Surplus and Survival in Gardena, Prep & Save in Upload, and All American Military Surplus in Fullerton & Stanton.  Those stores are good for some stuff but I would caution against buying stuff like mil-surplus gas masks/filters/etc.  The old military style masks have poor visibility and the filter cartridges do expire.  Don't get hooked into buying some NBC kit with old gas mask and expired filter/iodine pills.

Remember -- before you spend money, look around the house.  You may already have the items that you need.
I don't understand.

Based on the numbers, regular flu is more harmful/deadly than coronavirus.

Why would we stay home for corona but not flu?

I don't remember ever having a flu shot in my life yet I'm in public places quite often without a mask... am I immune? I don't think so because I have had bouts of the flu just not often.

Are the symptoms of corona worse than the flu?

I do think I had H1N1 when that was "trendy"... that was probably the worse flu I ever had. I also had a nagging cough when that was a "thing" a few years ago. What can I expect if I catch corona?
We have fairly well established vaccinations and treatments for the flu, but not coronavirus.  Although the fatality rate appears low, mass infections will result in significant number of deaths.  Take for example the Asian Flu (H2N2) and Hong Kong Flu (H3N2) of 1950s-1960s, both have death rates of under 0.2%.  But due to the high number of infections, they resulted in approx. 1 million deaths each.

For the elderly, pregnant, and those with compromised immune systems (diabeties), they will be at higher risk.


Recently I have observed people trying to sell "bio-hazard suits" to army surplus stores in OC.  Please be aware that what you think the suits should look like does not imply specific function.  I used to work for So Cal Gas and we stocked these.  There's a variety of suits including disposable coveralls for industrial use to Hazmat suits of various levels.  Most of these have expiration dates and are single use.  The people peddling boxes of suits to surplus stores may be recyclers selling expired or even used products.  Yes used, not necessarily in emergencies but regular training sessions.

The protection levels of these coveralls and suits vary greatly.  Without knowing what you're buying or having specific training in its use, you might be wasting your money.  Wearing such gear may also provoke panic from general population.

For those looking to buy surgical masks and N95 masks on amazon. be aware that it's full of rogues trying to cash in right now.  Without detailed specs like product origin and ASTM ratings, who knows what you're getting.  Unfortunately reputable vendors like Grainger is back-ordered on these products, so it's a difficult situation.
This Wuhan coronavirus could lead to pneumonia. That's pretty huge for children and elders.

Also influenza is all over the place now so minimizing spending time outside where it's too crowded is not a bad idea.

I wouldn't go far as wearing masks, but if that helps your mindfulness, then go ahead.

However, I do think the media is making a bigger deal than what it really is out of this coronavirus, especially from Asian medias.
I?m not a health expert. There is no cure for this. (Maybe there is, but I?m not aware of it.)

If you think it?s not a problem then you should take advantage of the deals and travel to China right now.  >:D
eyephone said:
I?m not a health expert. There is no cure for this. (Maybe there is, but I?m not aware of it.)

If you think it?s not a problem then you should take advantage of the deals and travel to China right now.  >:D

But first, you have to want to travel to China. If no desire there, then no reason to go even with discounted flights whether there is virus or not.

BTW, who said it wasn't a big deal? I only said the media might be making a bigger deal than what it is.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
I%u2019m not a health expert. There is no cure for this. (Maybe there is, but I%u2019m not aware of it.)

If you think it%u2019s not a problem then you should take advantage of the deals and travel to China right now.  >:D

But first, you have to want to travel to China. If no desire there, then no reason to go even with discounted flights whether there is virus or not.

BTW, who said it wasn't a big deal? I only said the media might be making a bigger deal than what it is.

I was proving a point. Let%u2019s be honest you wouldn%u2019t go.
I think the media is informing the public. If it wasn%u2019t for the media people would go there like nothing is happening. In the mean time people would possibly get really sick.

Did you hear about the doctor that alerted his colleagues about SARS like symptoms are appearing again? The local police brought him in for questioning. Their government didn%u2019t take action until there was like an outbreak. Just think this could of been contained from the beginning.

Whats up with the 2019 if we use the apostrophe?
Unfortunately, the fatality rate for 2019nCoV appears to be 0.2% (2/1000 infected, but data is still incomplete) versus a rate of 0.01% for normal seasonal flu (though the worst strains were similar to the 2019nCoV).

Fortunately, it does not appear to be killing pre-teens
The comparison of corona virus to the flu is not the same.
It?s better to compare this to SARS, MERS, or Ebola.