
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Mety said:
So anyone knows how the disease first broke out? Is it from animals?

Have you seen the recent videos on Twitter of restaurants serving up bat and live mice in China?  I'm guessing that might be the first place to look. 
paydawg said:
Mety said:
So anyone knows how the disease first broke out? Is it from animals?

Have you seen the recent videos on Twitter of restaurants serving up bat and live mice in China?  I'm guessing that might be the first place to look.

So you happen to have a link?
First, for perspective, "CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 15 million flu illnesses, 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths from flu". Get your flu shots, people.
The genome of the coronavirus is reported to be 80-90% identical to the one found in bats.
Its also reported now that the infection may have started elsewhere and then spread through the wet market.
The Chinese need to stop eating all these wild animals and shit that cause this stuff. All of these damn diseases always seem to start in China.
qwerty said:
The Chinese need to stop eating all these wild animals and shit that cause this stuff. All of these damn diseases always seem to start in China.

Same reason why certain Hollywood zombie movie depicted China as the ground zero of zombie apocalypse. 

Because previous outbreaks were linked to bats -- SARS-CoV to Horseshoe bats in Yunnan and MERS-Cov to Egyptian tomb bats (also infecting camels) in ME and Africa, the assumption is that the current outbreak also originated from bats (and possibly snakes that ate the bats).

However, because the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market in Wuhan had already been closed, cleared and disinfected since Jan 1st, there's nothing left to sample/test.  It's suspected that the outbreak actually started in Nov 2019 from elsewhere before spreading to the Seafood market.

Right now there is simply way too much rumors and disinformation being spread on the internet.  It will take months before they sort this out.  In the mean time, be prepared for scenario where you may have to stay home.  Stock up on food, water, medicine, and necessities.
momopi said:
Right now there is simply way too much rumors and disinformation being spread on the internet.  It will take months before they sort this out.  In the mean time, be prepared for scenario where you may have to stay home.  Stock up on food, water, medicine, and necessities.

I dont think there is disinformation going on TI. It seems to me that people are simply concerned. Its a friendly conversation about protective gear, exotic animals for sale, and interesting consumption habits.
N95s aren?t really helpful without a fit test. Ie choose the right size and stick your head in a hood and spray the testing agent.
I have pallet of various size N95 masks in my garage. I will custom fit you for mask and box of 10 for TI discounted price of $1,000  :)
iacrenter said:
I have pallet of various size N95 masks in my garage. I will custom fit you for mask and box of 10 for TI discounted price of $1,000  :)

On eBay I just saw a listing for n95 masks for $2k for a box of 10. Also there are other listings for $1k.
Panda said:
Just saw this post from a buddy of mine in Irvine. Stay safe guys.

- Panda


This is hearsay. I have professional connections at this hospital and other area hospitals, the patient is NOT at Kaiser Irvine. The patient is at another area hospital, which I will not disclose. The only official confirmed OC patient is a MAN in his 50s.

misme said:
Panda said:
Just saw this post from a buddy of mine in Irvine. Stay safe guys.

- Panda


This is hearsay. I have professional connections at this hospital and other area hospitals, the patient is NOT at Kaiser Irvine. The patient is at another area hospital, which I will not disclose. The only official confirmed OC patient is a MAN in his 50s.

We don?t know if that story is true yet. Some say it is, some say it?s fake. But we all should be careful no matter what the truth is here. Stay warm.
You can buy the military surplus gas masks at Major Surplus & Survival in Gardena.  On checkout ask for the boss and see if they still give "Atlas Shelter" discounts.  The old mil-surplus masks tend to have terrible visibility, expired filters and many are not compatible with standard 40mm filters, so buyer beware.

You can buy new "full face" protective masks and filters made for industrial safety made by companies like Mestel.  They have much better visibility but are expensive (new).  Be aware that the filters cost $40-$80+ each and have typical shelf life of 5-10+ years.  Depending on the filter and nature of threat, each cartridge may last as short as 15 mins (for emergency escape filters) to 24 hours (military grade).

For more information, see:

Please note that wearing full face protective masks and protective gear may provoke panic, so it's not something that you want to put on unless if situation is dire.