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eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
For the record, I think the coronavirus breakout from a bat or bat soup is fake news also.

But you will not go to ground zero (China) for Free!!!
So I think a part of you believes it.

Bat or ant eater or something else. I still consider it as sick sh###.
Free is not a motivation of doing something. At least for me. Even if  give me a free ticket to Hawaii, I%u2019ll probably pass that too.

I will say this much. The virus did not breakout from eating exotic animals. It was an easy target so they just took the blame. Now this is what I believe, but it could be false too.

I think I heard on the news that trading/eating the ant eater is illegal in China.

Your a big defender of China. But they could of totally stopped this after the SARS outbreak.

I read an article that the trading of exotic animals is big time in China like big money. (Maybe not now, but just to give you perspective)

If you think I'm Chinese, I ain't one, bro. I don't like the idea of people eating those animals at all either. But that's just a personal preference, not necessarily defending the absolute truth or anything, right? Now it's really none of my business for China could have prevented or let it leak or whatever. It's already happened. And I just believe it did not break out from eating animals. But like I said, I could be wrong. I can at least share what I believe, right?
irvinehomeowner said:
So if the virus is common in animals, and it wasn't from eating said animals... how did patient zero catch it from an animal... hmmm?

You can believe what they say in public news and papers. I personally don't. I can't say I deny them 100%, but I strongly believe there are more than just what they present in media. I believe it was something closer to a chemical test failure/leak from labs. Then it got into those animal or wet markets. And also something very political driven stuff involved in all these from the start to finish. Did Trump say it should be OK by April?
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
For the record, I think the coronavirus breakout from a bat or bat soup is fake news also.

But you will not go to ground zero (China) for Free!!!
So I think a part of you believes it.

Bat or ant eater or something else. I still consider it as sick sh###.
Free is not a motivation of doing something. At least for me. Even if  give me a free ticket to Hawaii, I%u2019ll probably pass that too.

I will say this much. The virus did not breakout from eating exotic animals. It was an easy target so they just took the blame. Now this is what I believe, but it could be false too.

I think I heard on the news that trading/eating the ant eater is illegal in China.

Your a big defender of China. But they could of totally stopped this after the SARS outbreak.

I read an article that the trading of exotic animals is big time in China like big money. (Maybe not now, but just to give you perspective)

If you think I'm Chinese, I ain't one, bro. I don't like the idea of people eating those animals at all either. But that's just a personal preference, not necessarily defending the absolute truth or anything, right? Now it's really none of my business for China could have prevented or let it leak or whatever. It's already happened. And I just believe it did not break out from eating animals. But like I said, I could be wrong. I can at least share what I believe, right?

It like plain and simple look at the structure of the blood cell or something. I previously posted a link in this thread regarding research.
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So if the virus is common in animals, and it wasn't from eating said animals... how did patient zero catch it from an animal... hmmm?

You can believe what they say in public news and papers. I personally don't. I can't say I deny them 100%, but I strongly believe there are more than just what they present in media. I believe it was something closer to a chemical test failure/leak from labs. Then it got into those animal or wet markets. And also something very political driven stuff involved in all these from the start to finish. Did Trump say it should be OK by April?

Here we go with the GOP theory from one senator.
You can believe whatever you want to believe. But you can't force anyone to believe what you believe. Simply, live a life that sets an example and you'll gain the followers.
Mety said:
You can believe whatever you want to believe. But you can't force anyone to believe what you believe. Simply, live a life that sets an example and you'll gain the followers.

I am not forcing my opinion on you. But I am going by facts and by health experts.

But then again you think eating in n out is healthy. So go figure.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
You can believe whatever you want to believe. But you can't force anyone to believe what you believe. Simply, live a life that sets an example and you'll gain the followers.

I am not forcing my opinion on you. But I am going my facts and by health experts.

But then again you think eating in n out is healthy. So go figure.

healthier "than" McD. Gotta get the full picture, my friend.
For the hard core soccer fans and people who like to travel to Italy.

AP Article: Italian soccer game played in empty stadium due to virus fears

No fans were allowed into the stadium as a precaution as authorities try to contain a spreading virus that has made northern Italy the focal point of the outbreak in Europe. The epicenter of the outbreak is in the Lombardy region, and Milan is its capital.

NY Post Article: 3 soccer players, club staffer test positive for coronavirus in Italy

Three players and a staffer at an Italian soccer club have tested positive for coronavirus, the organization announced Friday.

The US Pianese, a Tuscany-based club, said one of its players began to develop a fever and headache Saturday evening while the team was in Alessandria for a championship game, according to a statement posted to Facebook.

He was treated by the team?s doctor until he underwent COVID-19 testing Wednesday ? and the results came back positive.

He was hospitalized in Siena while other team members and staff were tested.

Two more players then tested positive for the widespread bug ? one without any symptoms and another who was slightly feverish. Both were under quarantine in their homes.
More info about AMP

Went to Costco in Tustin this morning to get some eggs.  Walked by the toilet paper section and was surprised that they only had 4-5 packages left.  Was going to get the 6 pack water jugs but a Costco employee said the only water left was the pH kind and the carbonated mineral water (Perrier). 

That was 9:36 am this morning...
OCLuvr said:
Same story in technology Costco

They were limiting 3 packs of water per person. Costco Technology ran out of water roughly around 10AM this morning but there was no real shortage of the Kirkland toilet paper. 
If there is ONE thing this virus should make clear, it's that too many people wait for an emergency  to arise before planning for it.  It's often too late then.  When do you put on the seatbelt?  Right before the impact?

Momopi has preached the gospel of preparedness repeatedly here.  Being able to survive in place for a few months without having to rely on anything or anyone should be a given.  Food, water, power, protection, medicine, daily necessities, etc...  Every plan has gaps, situations that can't be covered, but any well thought out plan is better than "We have 40 gallons of water in the water heater and some canned goods in the pantry, so we'll probably be OK".

If you're wondering how you'll pay the bills without being able to go to work for a few months, then you're not getting the direness of what might happen when the proverbial shit really hits the fan.

It's a good thing this "emergency" is a slow-moving contagion and not a huge earthquake.
Basically what Daedalus is saying if you live paycheck to paycheck and have not saved your sol. If the virus gets out of control.

daedalus said:
If there is ONE thing this virus should make clear, it's that too many people wait for an emergency  to arise before planning for it.  It's often too late then.  When do you put on the seatbelt?  Right before the impact?

Momopi has preached the gospel of preparedness repeatedly here.  Being able to survive in place for a few months without having to rely on anything or anyone should be a given.  Food, water, power, protection, medicine, daily necessities, etc...  Every plan has gaps, situations that can't be covered, but any well thought out plan is better than "We have 40 gallons of water in the water heater and some canned goods in the pantry, so we'll probably be OK".

If you're wondering how you'll pay the bills without being able to go to work for a few months, then you're not getting the direness of what might happen when the proverbial shit really hits the fan.

It's a good thing this "emergency" is a slow-moving contagion and not a huge earthquake.
Daedalus and Momopi is right. Best to be prepared.

I am not a fortune teller, but you guys can see from this chart that unemployment chart travels in waves and never in a horizontal line. The only place for this chart to go is up going forward. The unknown wild card is how serious the corona virus gets. The red lines represents how high the previous unemployment rate has reached in the OC. Just wanted to bring to your attention we have two things sort of happening in parallel.

A couple co-workers in their 20's have had "the flu" for a couple weeks now, and have not come into work. Pretty sure it's CV untested.
Anyone else besides me have family who got H1N1 in 2009? FWIW: Sick, yes. Scary, yes, Thankfully, no death even though California had many deaths from it...

But I don't recall as high a level of concern over H1N1 as there is so far with this bug. It's contagious for sure, but as lethal? Not from what's been reported by most Western nation's.

To me, given our close experience with a pandemic 11 years ago, this is a time to take care, prepare, but not by any means a time to panic. The silver lining here is that as the COVID-19 threat passes everyone stocking up will have supplies at hand for an earthquake - an event so few are at the ready for.

My 02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
Anyone else besides me have family who got H1N1 in 2009? FWIW: Sick, yes. Scary, yes, Thankfully, no death even though California had many deaths from it...

But I don't recall as high a level of concern over H1N1 as there is so far with this bug. It's contagious for sure, but as lethal? Not from what's been reported by most Western nation's.

To me, given our close experience with a pandemic 11 years ago, this is a time to take care and not any kind of time to panic.

My 02c

Sounds like something what Trump would say
eyephone said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Anyone else besides me have family who got H1N1 in 2009? FWIW: Sick, yes. Scary, yes, Thankfully, no death even though California had many deaths from it...

But I don't recall as high a level of concern over H1N1 as there is so far with this bug. It's contagious for sure, but as lethal? Not from what's been reported by most Western nation's.

To me, given our close experience with a pandemic 11 years ago, this is a time to take care and not any kind of time to panic.

My 02c

Sounds like something what Trump would say

Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax

President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration.

Listen nobody wants anybody to get ill or sick. Let?s be honest this shi# is scary.