Contamination under Irvine

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Not sure if many Irvine residents know but there's a massive plume of toxic contamination under a large part of Irvine, and this is well documented at the Heritage Park Library. A web site called has been investigating the issue, and they have uncovered lots of documents that indicate the problem is much bigger than previously thought.

I live in Irvine and with this contamination under my property, how could I ever sell? Who would want to buy my house knowing so much of Irvine sits on top of a toxic superfund site? Do other Irvine residents know that they, too are impacted by this mess? Thousands of homes, apartments, schools, etc. sit right on top of this toxic mess.

On January 13, 2009, a woman testified at the city council meeting saying she, her daughter, son, and friends have all come down with very serious medical problems, and they all lived in Irvine and drank the water for years. You can see this video at the web site I mentioned above. I understand also Hoag Hospital said they have seen a high number of breast cancer cases in Irvine, and this is consistent with the testimony given by the woman above at the city council meeting.

My husband and I have been doing some research on this also; the city is trying to cover it up as are realtors and others.

There is one GOOD thing about this: You can challenge your property taxes and possibly get them lowered because of how the homes on top of this contamination are worth considerably less and thus, the property taxes should be lowered.

What shocks me most is how this has been covered up for years, but not any more. We Irvine residents deserve better!
Welcome, Marsha.

Type: "Desalter Project" (without the quotes) into the search bar in your upper right-hand corner of the screen and hit "Search". It will bring you to some threads where we have discussed the TCE plume. Hope this helps.
Yea, I know all about that and far more the city of Irvine doesn't want anybody to know about. For example, Larry Agran pledged testing would be done, but weeks later, it hasn't. And what about all that "hush-hush" water testing being done over in Santa Ana where Irvine gets its water? That's been kept quiet also so as not to alarm Irvine residents. Watch out Irvine, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Just because some residents claim that they have gotten cancer from the water in Irvine doesn't make it so. Is there any actual scientific evidence that anyone has gotten sick from this? There is contamination in many, many places in this country. Almost none have any actual, documented, scientifically proven connection to illnesses in the community. Have you seen the number of Irvine properties entering escrow? If you price your house right you should have no trouble selling it.
After seeing the plume map in one of the other threads, I wouldn't want to live on or even near it. I tend to be skeptical of big entities telling me everything is "okay" when it's in their best interest for me to think so. Calculated risk right? I mean I drive to work every day, risking possible auto accident/death, but I wouldn't go playing in traffic. I live in Southern California, where there is air pollution/smog everywhere, but I wouldn't move onto a TCE plume. Call me crazy.
A bunch of us in Irvine have done exhaustive research and we discovered TCE exists in other parts of the country, and guess what? Lots of cancers and other illnesses linked to the contamination. With just a little work, you can discover this info yourself on the web. For example, visit and watch the video.

As far as those houses in escrow, I bet you these new buyers aren't being told about the contamination even though the law requires its disclosure. We have caught many Irvine realtors lying about the presence of the contamination.

How would you feel if you bought in Irvine on top of the contamination but weren't told about it prior to the sale? This is exactly what has happened to thousands of homeowners in Irvine.

Welcome to the forums. The TCE topic has long been a concern of the IHB community.

It has been discussed on <em>many</em> threads, including the Villages of Columbus discussion.

Here is an <a href="">article</a> in the OCR that sums up the current battle over this matter.
Yes, we've seen the articles. But unfortunately, the Register--despite having the information--hasn't reported anywhere near the whole story. My neighbors and I have been researching this ourselves for months uncovering all sorts of memos, documents, maps, etc. showing how bad this contamination really is. Do yourselfves a favor; do some digging on your own, and you will be shocked at what you find. This contamination matter has become one of the biggest cover-ups in Irvine since its inception in 1971.

The people that have done the best investigative work on this are at a site that contains information my neighbors and I have verified through other sources.

There is a silver lining: If Irvine residents were smart, they would ask to get their property re-assessed by the tax office because doing so could save strapped Irvine residents thousands. This is what I and a few of my neighborsw are working on doing.
Oh No! City of Irvine actually down play or even covers up bad news? What is the incentive for the city to do that!!

$$$$$$$$ for future home sales in permit fees, property tax. sales tax, and processing fees, and other significant city income generated by RE developments. The Police department is also next to the Mayor's office. The icicle gun was never found at the Tri Village "suicide".

Avoid the lowest elevation when selecting your future home location. Underground toxin migrates to the lower level elevation due to gravity. The flat land in between the path connecting former Tustin and El Toro Base are at risk. Places like Laguna Crossing and Orchard Hills are at higher ground and away from the peripheral influence of the toxin migration.
You'd think people with an agenda to push could be a little smarter, a little sneakier, more patient... How is it that the trolls are so flippin' easy to spot?!
I know you guys talk about this problem on the VOC thread, but sometimes it's nice to get another thread on it and sometimes it's not. I guess it all depends. Like I didn't know that the toxins were that prevalent in Irvine. I thought just near and under the old marine base.

I guess I should really do the research to find out how bad it is. I mean 0.1% chance higher to get cancer should lower prop values by $20,000 right? every 0.1% equates to $20,000? Ok I just made that up, so you know...don't quote me.
The OCR article seems fairly accurate. The City of Irvine website also has links to how this is being dealt with.

Is there a similar plume under VoC? I don't recall reading an IHB thread with specific links but maybe my search-fu isn't all that great either.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1236731481]The OCR article seems fairly accurate. The City of Irvine website also has links to how this is being dealt with.

Is there a similar plume under VoC? I don't recall reading an IHB thread with specific links but maybe my search-fu isn't all that great either.</blockquote>

There are maps for both the TCE plume and another plume in Columbus Square next to the hangar (hence the well known VOC disclaimers).

Both aren't moving much now, the TCE plume is parked under Woodbridge extending up from El Toro. The other plume in columbus square is between the hangars and Edinger, affecting the south/west side of CS.
Although Marsha displays the troll attitude but I think many first time posters are afraid to post unless there is enough to form a positive attribute. Marsha researched the subject matter and felt her post is a noteworthy post. She may not have read the previous posts on VOC since she is a newbie. I can also see Graph politely suggested the "search" button.
[quote author="asianinvasian" date=1236759275]<img src="" alt="" /></blockquote>

[quote author="bkshopr" date=1236763617][quote author="asianinvasian" date=1236759275]<img src="" alt="" /></blockquote>


He can't even post pictures correctly. I would repost it for him, but it would be in violation of the new rules. As much as he annoys me, I don't want to be the one responsible for getting him in trouble... yet.