It is true for any proposal . But it should be played carefully when kids future is involved. Say if the Obama care is failed, we fall back upon to another insurance system. It is not the case with education. if they come to reliaze after 4 years that it is going to fail, what happens to the future of the kids who go through common core path.
You are correct that Irvine kids depend on private tutoring a lot. there should be no political war with educational system.
Its policies should be made,keeping the country's technological edge and kids future in view.
I have discussed about common core with some teachers. Even the teachers are not condifent how it works or what the syllabus is going to be and how they have to conduct the tests etc.
So if the kids are put in common core and teachers repeat the same old way of teaching , what is the use, except waste of time on it.
You are correct that Irvine kids depend on private tutoring a lot. there should be no political war with educational system.
Its policies should be made,keeping the country's technological edge and kids future in view.
I have discussed about common core with some teachers. Even the teachers are not condifent how it works or what the syllabus is going to be and how they have to conduct the tests etc.
So if the kids are put in common core and teachers repeat the same old way of teaching , what is the use, except waste of time on it.