City Election 2014

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I remember when Los Naranjos closed.

It's hard when you have to travel farther to another school but in the long run closing old schools benefits the students. It allows the district to use money to build new schools. Older schools have older technology, older hvac, plumming and electricity. Some may have asbestos lurking (ie. look at Oceanview's problems).

There are plenty of students in other districts who would like to attend new schools but are locked out because they don't pay mello roos. If you don't think that happens, I'm here to say it does and it did in Tustin. You got to go to a new school which gets to pick teachers when they open, presumably on fire teachers, not old teachers who are burned out counting the days till they retire.

So you say that Choi closed that school and opened up another? Hmmm........ might go up in my mind, combining schools, reducing costs and getting a new school in the process.
irvinehomeowner said:

Okay... that makes sense. I would be irritated too if they closed my close-by school and made my kids attend a different one.

But the question is, was that school really "well attended"? I only know of a few schools that have been closed in the last 15-20 years and based on their location, it seems that the attendance did drop and kids were actually sent to nearby schools within the village... not to Oak Creek (I'm thinking about Alderwood and Vista Verde). As far as I know, Alderwood kids were sent to Eastshore or Stonecreek and that closing made sense considering Woodbridge had 5 Elems at that time (so now they have 4). That seems to be the school that Joe is talking about. Vista Verde kids were sent to University Park Elem which is still in the village and actually not that far from Vista Verde.

Those closings make sense to me from a location/attendance aspect but I do understand that parents of kids who went to those schools would be irritated if they were told it would not close and it did. However, I don't think having to open Oak Creek is the main reason why they were closed if you look at the big picture.

Quick note to add on this-  Both Alderwood and Vista Verde were originally "choice" schools meaning that IUSD did not assign them to a neighborhood area,  they drew students from all over the district.  IUSD chose to "move" Alderwood over Los Najanros to Quail Hill because at the time it had one of the highest API scores in the state which looked great to the new families moving into Quail Hill. 

Both Alderwood and VV are now neighborhood assigned schools.
The California Court Company said:
Joe Irvine said:
And we have corrupt, dishonest and deceitful politicians everywhere too.

these words "corrupt, dishonest, deceitful,", apply to Agran perfectly.

That is most certainly the consensus of many.  However, I wasn't aware that he was running for Mayor.  :)

Irvine Dream said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Your story is confusing.

There wasn't enough students in Oak Creek to open a new school so they closed a nearby one?


Guess he is saying there wasn't enough kids in the new development to justify a new school.  But since the developers promised a new school they closed an existing school and built a new one on the new development (for the new kids plus the kids who were attending the old school).  Looks like OP was not happy that the kids attending the old closed school had to attend the new school which may be slightly away (but they get a new facilities though)

I'm not a Choi fan, but So far Irvine company has done a decent job with Irvine, same as IUSD, so driving a few extra miles to drop off the kid in a new school sounds not so much of a big deal. Perhaps Joe should over-look that old grudge and focus on the new issues like the great park and cemetery and the wood bridge high density plan ?
Looking at where Los Naranjos is located, just like Alderwood and Vista Verde, it made sense to close it.

The population of Elem kids in that area was waning and Deerfield Elem is nearby. Even El Camino was closed and those students moved to Woodbury Elem.

Just like Common Core, people resist change, but there are positives.
Joe Irvine said:
The California Court Company said:
Joe Irvine said:
And we have corrupt, dishonest and deceitful politicians everywhere too.

these words "corrupt, dishonest, deceitful,", apply to Agran perfectly.

That is most certainly the consensus of many.  However, I wasn't aware that he was running for Mayor.  :)

ummm...a former possibly "corrupted/wasteful" mayor re-running for city council and putting forth a last minute "puppet" mayor candidate is borderline fishy.. I wish there was another camp of candidates with no baggage and a realistic plan for Irvine (i.e something more solid than "slow/no growth" that's neither Choi nor Agran affiliated.  Picking the lesser of the two evils really sucks, really takes the fun out of the whole democratic process.
Since you are a long time Irvine resident, you do realize that one of the reasons Agran is running for Council member, is because the current term limit is to limit consecutive terms, and he has been using the loophole to switch between Mayor and council member alternatively to stay in power forever?

And you do understand that Gaido is Agran's puppet? So voting for Gaido is more or less voting for Agran?

Joe Irvine said:
The California Court Company said:
Joe Irvine said:
And we have corrupt, dishonest and deceitful politicians everywhere too.

these words "corrupt, dishonest, deceitful,", apply to Agran perfectly.

That is most certainly the consensus of many.  However, I wasn't aware that he was running for Mayor.  :)
The California Court Company said:
Since you are a long time Irvine resident, you do realize that one of the reasons Agran is running for Council member, is because the current term limit is to limit consecutive terms, and he has been using the loophole to switch between Mayor and council member alternatively to stay in power forever?

And you do understand that Gaido is Agran's puppet? So voting for Gaido is more or less voting for Agran?

Joe Irvine said:
The California Court Company said:
Joe Irvine said:
And we have corrupt, dishonest and deceitful politicians everywhere too.

these words "corrupt, dishonest, deceitful,", apply to Agran perfectly.

That is most certainly the consensus of many.  However, I wasn't aware that he was running for Mayor.  :)

And there's a ballot measure to restrict terms to lifetime terms, not consecutive. So of course Agran opposes this measure. Agran was mayor when I was an undergraduate at UCI, over 20 years ago! This guy wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't mayor/council. I'm not a particular fan of Choi, but Agran is just outrageously slimy. Choi is the lesser of two evils for me.
If some candidate comes out with the campaign slogan " I'll vote to get back the land, keep the great park as is, rent out to farmers and reserved as open space".  I'll vote for that guy.
troublet said:
If some candidate comes out with the campaign slogan " I'll vote to get back the land, keep the great park as is, rent out to farmers and reserved as open space".  I'll vote for that guy.

Yea, and in order to pay for it I'll add another Mello Roos of 1% to your property taxes.  No thanks!  Government is not and should not be a landlord.

troublet said:
If some candidate comes out with the campaign slogan " I'll vote to get back the land, keep the great park as is, rent out to farmers and reserved as open space".  I'll vote for that guy.

Agree with you on principle (although the details may be different). But unfortunately, we don't have that choice. The Choi camp and the Agran camp are our choices, and both choices stink. I've pretty much decided to vote for Choi, not because of anything positive Choi has done, but because of Agran's actions. I'll be holding my nose the entire time.
NYT said:
troublet said:
If some candidate comes out with the campaign slogan " I'll vote to get back the land, keep the great park as is, rent out to farmers and reserved as open space".  I'll vote for that guy.

Agree with you on principle (although the details may be different). But unfortunately, we don't have that choice. The Choi camp and the Agran camp are our choices, and both choices stink. I've pretty much decided to vote for Choi, not because of anything positive Choi has done, but because of Agran's actions. I'll be holding my nose the entire time.

You know, it's possible, albeit not probable, to vote both of these knuckleheads out.  After all, they're not actually running against each other.  Ideally, it'd be nice to get Lalloway out too.  We need to somehow get a council that functions productively.  Right now, our City Council is just an embarrassment.
I had been wondering when something much more along those lines would come out.  I kept wondering why Choi had not been more aggressive in regards to the outrageous claims of pro growth vs. slow growth, etc. 
Bullsback said:
I had been wondering when something much more along those lines would come out.  I kept wondering why Choi had not been more aggressive in regards to the outrageous claims of pro growth vs. slow growth, etc.

Because he like "growth"...his campaign has a lot of developer money in it.  It's not right or wrong because growth v. no growth is not right or wrong.