City Election 2014

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
paperboyNC said:
Joe Irvine said:
Choi and company have spent over a million $$$ and have wasted over a year on this Great Park forensic audit.  Hey, if there's a crime, get the damn federal indictment and be done it.  Otherwise, shut up already and actually get something done (other than making huge deals with the development companies). 

What I'd love to see more than anything is where Choi's campaign funding is coming from.  That, to me, would paint quit an alarming picture.

Hmm. Joe Irvine sounds like a fake generic account and all four posts are anti Choi. I'm not for Choi, but I would certainly take anything this poster says with a big grain of salt.

GP funds situation is worst than the City of Bell corruption. At least the people who were responsible from the City of Bell went to trial.

Joe Irvine said:
Choi and company have spent over a million $$$ and have wasted over a year on this Great Park forensic audit.  Hey, if there's a crime, get the damn federal indictment and be done it.  Otherwise, shut up already and actually get something done (other than making huge deals with the development companies). 

What I'd love to see more than anything is where Choi's campaign funding is coming from.  That, to me, would paint quit an alarming picture.

Joe Irvine sounds phony. 

jmoney74 said:
Joe Irvine said:
Choi and company have spent over a million $$$ and have wasted over a year on this Great Park forensic audit.  Hey, if there's a crime, get the damn federal indictment and be done it.  Otherwise, shut up already and actually get something done (other than making huge deals with the development companies). 

What I'd love to see more than anything is where Choi's campaign funding is coming from.  That, to me, would paint quit an alarming picture.

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a phoney.  I am a 20 year resident of Irvine and an Irvine business owner.  My dislike (and distrust) for Choi goes back to his IUSD school board days where he closed our neighborhood school in order to open another school to appease the Irvine Company.  He was in their pocket then and he's in their pocket now (and in the pocket of 5Points and in the pocket of Korean developers).  In my opinion, he's horrible for our city.     
Joe Irvine sounds phony. 

Joe Irvine said:
jmoney74 said:
Joe Irvine said:
Choi and company have spent over a million $$$ and have wasted over a year on this Great Park forensic audit.  Hey, if there's a crime, get the damn federal indictment and be done it.  Otherwise, shut up already and actually get something done (other than making huge deals with the development companies). 

What I'd love to see more than anything is where Choi's campaign funding is coming from.  That, to me, would paint quit an alarming picture.

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a phoney.  I am a 20 year resident of Irvine and an Irvine business owner.  My dislike (and distrust) for Choi goes back to his IUSD school board days where he closed our neighborhood school in order to open another school to appease the Irvine Company.  He was in their pocket then and he's in their pocket now (and in the pocket of 5Points and in the pocket of Korean developers).  In my opinion, he's horrible for our city.     
Joe Irvine sounds phony. 


So what type of business you own???
How did one person close down a school?

Aren't there different factors that lead to that? Declining population, class performance, etc etc?
irvinehomeowner said:
How did one person close down a school?

Aren't there different factors that lead to that? Declining population, class performance, etc etc?

The Oak Creek community was built but not filling up as fast as the Irvine Company predicted, which meant there weren't enough students to justify opening the newly built school in the community.  The Irvine Company sold the homes based on having a new neighborhood school for the kids to attend, but there was no way the school district had the budget to open the school with such low enrollment.  So, the school board, as pressured by the Irvine Company, closed a perfectly functioning, well attended, neighborhood school.  They (Choi and the IUSD Board members) ensured us this would not happen, yet completely lied to us throughout the entire process.  Our neighborhood school was closed and all of our kids were displaced.  So much for "supporting the master plan".

When Choi was first running for City Council, I met with him and called him out on this.  He stood there looking like a dumfounded idiot with absolutely nothing to say.  Yup, this is our Mayor.
In the grander scheme of things, Irvine closes old schools, sells off the land and opens new schools with the mello roos money, thereby allowing the district to have newer schools, newer technology, etc.

Most likely the older school would have closed eventually anyway.
you are just one of the minority residents, a bitter person who has held grudge against Choi. IUSD as a whole, has been doing an excellent job. Closing a school due to low attendance is perfectly reasonable. Most of us have no issues against IUSD over the years.

Joe Irvine said:
irvinehomeowner said:
How did one person close down a school?

Aren't there different factors that lead to that? Declining population, class performance, etc etc?

The Oak Creek community was built but not filling up as fast as the Irvine Company predicted, which meant there weren't enough students to justify opening the newly built school in the community.  The Irvine Company sold the homes based on having a new neighborhood school for the kids to attend, but there was no way the school district had the budget to open the school with such low enrollment.  So, the school board, as pressured by the Irvine Company, closed a perfectly functioning, well attended, neighborhood school.  They (Choi and the IUSD Board members) ensured us this would not happen, yet completely lied to us throughout the entire process.  Our neighborhood school was closed and all of our kids were displaced.  So much for "supporting the master plan".

When Choi was first running for City Council, I met with him and called him out on this.  He stood there looking like a dumfounded idiot with absolutely nothing to say.  Yup, this is our Mayor.
irvinehomeowner said:
Your story is confusing.

There wasn't enough students in Oak Creek to open a new school so they closed a nearby one?


Guess he is saying there wasn't enough kids in the new development to justify a new school.  But since the developers promised a new school they closed an existing school and built a new one on the new development (for the new kids plus the kids who were attending the old school).  Looks like OP was not happy that the kids attending the old closed school had to attend the new school which may be slightly away (but they get a new facilities though)
Irvine Dream said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Your story is confusing.

There wasn't enough students in Oak Creek to open a new school so they closed a nearby one?


Guess he is saying there wasn't enough kids in the new development to justify a new school.  But since the developers promised a new school they closed an existing school and built a new one on the new development (for the new kids plus the kids who were attending the old school).  Looks like OP was not happy that the kids attending the old closed school had to attend the new school which may be slightly away (but they get a new facilities though)

I think the bigger takeaway was that Choi promised one thing and then caved completely. 

Okay... that makes sense. I would be irritated too if they closed my close-by school and made my kids attend a different one.

But the question is, was that school really "well attended"? I only know of a few schools that have been closed in the last 15-20 years and based on their location, it seems that the attendance did drop and kids were actually sent to nearby schools within the village... not to Oak Creek (I'm thinking about Alderwood and Vista Verde). As far as I know, Alderwood kids were sent to Eastshore or Stonecreek and that closing made sense considering Woodbridge had 5 Elems at that time (so now they have 4). That seems to be the school that Joe is talking about. Vista Verde kids were sent to University Park Elem which is still in the village and actually not that far from Vista Verde.

Those closings make sense to me from a location/attendance aspect but I do understand that parents of kids who went to those schools would be irritated if they were told it would not close and it did. However, I don't think having to open Oak Creek is the main reason why they were closed if you look at the big picture.
irvinehomeowner said:

Okay... that makes sense. I would be irritated too if they closed my close-by school and made my kids attend a different one.

But the question is, was that school really "well attended"? I only know of a few schools that have been closed in the last 15-20 years and based on their location, it seems that the attendance did drop and kids were actually sent to nearby schools within the village... not to Oak Creek (I'm thinking about Alderwood and Vista Verde). As far as I know, Alderwood kids were sent to Eastshore or Stonecreek and that closing made sense considering Woodbridge had 5 Elems at that time (so now they have 4). That seems to be the school that Joe is talking about. Vista Verde kids were sent to University Park Elem which is still in the village and actually not that far from Vista Verde.

Those closings make sense to me from a location/attendance aspect but I do understand that parents of kids who went to those schools would be irritated if they were told it would not close and it did. However, I don't think having to open Oak Creek is the main reason why they were closed if you look at the big picture.

That's why I think the takeaway is what the politician did or did not do.  I think you can handle a situation like that by being forthright and realistic rather than blowing smoke and ducking away. 

TBF, I don't know the situation at all but I think that's Joe Irvine's current beef is as to Choi. 

As an aside, I love the IUSD but not so much the IUSD board...the whole 5th HS debacle was handled poorly IMO.
eyephone said:
Old schools closing and new school happens everywhere.  :o

Yup, they do.  And we have corrupt, dishonest and deceitful politicians everywhere too.  I tend not to vote for those (at least to ones I know about, that is).

Regarding the school, it was Los Naranjos.

For those of you pulling for the Choi camp, I'd recommend seeing if you can get some answers as to where his campaign funding is coming from.  Assuming you can - and you like what you see - then by all means, cast you vote. 
Joe Irvine said:
eyephone said:
Old schools closing and new school happens everywhere.  :o

Yup, they do.  And we have corrupt, dishonest and deceitful politicians everywhere too.  I tend not to vote for those (at least to ones I know about, that is).

Regarding the school, it was Los Naranjos.

For those of you pulling for the Choi camp, I'd recommend seeing if you can get some answers as to where his campaign funding is coming from.  Assuming you can - and you like what you see - then by all means, cast you vote.

Funding of Choi's campaign also concerns me but I figured it'll just be GOP money and developer/home builders.  It's not really anything I don't know about.  Question is whether that's worse than Agran's past failures.  His "no growth" plan isn't exactly striking a chord with me.