Chinese people being Chinese... what would YOU do?

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Pretend i dont speak english and start honking the horn.

Alternativey just sit there and honk the horn everytime she opens her mouth.

Although i might laugh at the karma because i remeber doing that back in the 80s on a cold winter night at the movies when i was drunk.
Here's the YouTube video comments that go with the video:

Nicholas Chew

Published on Mar 10, 2018

Subscribe 73
Excuse the language in the video.

This morning, we went to have dimsum in Flushing and drove into the big parking lot that everyone packs into on weekends. Saw a spot and started driving towards it when this girl comes running in while I'm turning into the spot. She stands there saying that she was here first and that I should find another spot. Their car was a white Jeep Compass. Tell me if you see it anywhere at all in the beginning of the video rightfully waiting for that spot -- you don't because the car is at the next aisle of the lot. She and her mom then had the audacity to call me unreasonable. It was already about halfway through this video when their car finally made it to the spot and tried to come up real close to my car as if it was going to intimidate me to leave. I'm sure we've all had our share of standing in spots hoping to save it for someone, but if another car gets there first, we don't act like little entitled children like these two here. 

While eating dimsum, I had some second thoughts of maybe their car was, in fact, on the right side waiting for the spot and we just didn't see it. So I pulled the dashcam video and lo and behold, no white Jeep Compass anywhere in sight. And you can even see she runs from the other aisle.

If anyone knows these women, please point them to this video.

And the lady who ended up giving me her spot to end this, you the real MVP, thank you.

Just to clarify, I left because the woman who came at the end offered to give the women her spot because she saw that there were a lot of poor souls stuck behind us because of this situation (there's no space to go around). I knew that they, being the idiots that they are, would not leave this spot. So I sucked it up and decided to take the high road and take the woman's spot and go enjoy my dim sum while they remain the miserable fucks that they probably are. If there wasn't a giant line of innocent bystander cars stuck because of us, I definitely would not have moved.

Irvinecommuter said:
TBF...I have seen non-Chinese people do this.

Yeah , I really don't understand this obsession with the "Chinese " aspect of it

I have seen white trash bros do the same thing on occasion .  Only thing is they are much more threatening and their vocabulary is somewhat limited beyond just vomiting a diarrhea of f- this and f-that but quickly backoff when you stand your ground.
Irvinecommuter said:
TBF...I have seen non-Chinese people do this.

yeah, I am embarrassed to admit my mom said she used to do that to get a close place near Nordstroms at SCP. I actually think the guy in the car was worse if he was holding up traffic. I think if that happened here someone would have pulled out a gun or had some kind of roadrage incident.
Pull forward and push her back.  The car will win.  Either she will continue backing up, or else she will have to lay down in front of the car, at which time I would physically move her out of the way to prevent her from getting hurt.  The three women won because they didn't give up the way the weakling driver did.
StarmanMBA said:
Pull forward and push her back.  The car will win.  Either she will continue backing up, or else she will have to lay down in front of the car, at which time I would physically move her out of the way to prevent her from getting hurt.  The three women won because they didn't give up the way the weakling driver did.

That will get you a straight to jail card. Touching her with your car or moving her against her will is considered assault with battery. Actually using your car may have enhanced charges since the car is considered a weapon in that case. You may feel justified at the time but it will get you in a heap of legal trouble.
iacrenter said:
StarmanMBA said:
Pull forward and push her back.  The car will win.  Either she will continue backing up, or else she will have to lay down in front of the car, at which time I would physically move her out of the way to prevent her from getting hurt.  The three women won because they didn't give up the way the weakling driver did.

That will get you a straight to jail card. Touching her with your car or moving her against her will is considered assault with battery. Actually using your car may have enhanced charges since the car is considered a weapon in that case. You may feel justified at the time but it will get you in a heap of legal trouble.

I agree.
On another note. I wonder if there are terms of service on TI?
Haha oh my.

If you have the time, just stand behind her car until she comes back and refuse to move because your foot fell asleep. WINNING!!!
Maybe I?m just a nice and great guy. I don?t think like that.

Also, think about legal fees. (Possible criminal and civil)
Netperx said:
Haha oh my.

If you have the time, just stand behind her car until she comes back and refuse to move because your foot fell asleep. WINNING!!!

Bad choice. That will be false imprisonment and you could be arrested for it. Never mind the wait for her to come back.

If I had the free time to kill and a burning desire to win this situation, I'd place my car such a way that it does not allow her to park but frees up other card to move along. At some point, her car will be behind mine waiting for me to move and creating a big line in the waiting. Let them explain to the x number of drivers why they are holding them back.
Don't know about New York but it is illegal here in California and has been addressed before by the police. Call the police and make them come out if you have the patience for that sweet sweet revenge.

CVC 21954. (a) Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway so near as to constitute an immediate hazard.
I'm less concerned about Chinese lady camping on a parking spot or Indian guy parking behind your car in the parking lot, versus people who'd stone kangaroos to death to make them jump.  Back in 1982 I used to go fishing with a neighbor and he would kill or take home every catch.  If he caught a fish that he didn't want, he'd slam the fish on the hook in the water or ground repetitively, because the fish inconvenienced him and "need to be punished".  He also took his brother's rabbit to Santa Ana river and shot it with a blow gun (now illegal in CA) -- he blamed the rabbit for being too stupid for not running and need to be punished.

I don't think culture can really justify someone who wants to "punish" fish, rabbit, and kangaroos.  I've known a number of hunters and they simply look at doves and wild turkey as dinner, not something that need to be punished.

momopi said:
I'm less concerned about Chinese lady camping on a parking spot or Indian guy parking behind your car in the parking lot, versus people who'd stone kangaroos to death to make them jump.  Back in 1982 I used to go fishing with a neighbor and he would kill or take home every catch.  If he caught a fish that he didn't want, he'd slam the fish on the hook in the water or ground repetitively, because the fish inconvenienced him and "need to be punished".  He also took his brother's rabbit to Santa Ana river and shot it with a blow gun (now illegal in CA) -- he blamed the rabbit for being too stupid for not running and need to be punished.

I don't think culture can really justify someone who wants to "punish" fish, rabbit, and kangaroos.  I've known a number of hunters and they simply look at doves and wild turkey as dinner, not something that need to be punished.