Chinese people being Chinese... what would YOU do?

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iacrenter said:
StarmanMBA said:
Pull forward and push her back.  The car will win.  Either she will continue backing up, or else she will have to lay down in front of the car, at which time I would physically move her out of the way to prevent her from getting hurt.  The three women won because they didn't give up the way the weakling driver did.

That will get you a straight to jail card. Touching her with your car or moving her against her will is considered assault with battery. Actually using your car may have enhanced charges since the car is considered a weapon in that case. You may feel justified at the time but it will get you in a heap of legal trouble.

Theoretically, perhaps.  In practice, not so much.  You see, people are cowards.
They're afraid to take action, even when it is clearly warranted.  "Uh oh!  Be careful" is carried to the nth degree any more, and the world is the poorer for it.

When is the last time you personally stuck your neck out more than you think the average schlep would?  This should be good.
It pains me to contribute to this thread... yet I have too many stories from just a few months of living around FCB than I'd like to admit.

Irvinecommuter said:
spootieho said:
Irvinecommuter said:
TBF...I have seen non-Chinese people do this.
True, but...
This sort of thing happens way way more frequently with Chinese people.  It's a cultural thing.

Not quite sure how that is quantifiable or even provable.
Quite easy.  It just takes opening your eyes and paying attention.
Burn That Belly said:
The Chinese went through a great famine where tens of millions of folks died. I think that traumatic event was carried forward through their genes across multiple generations.

For that reason, that would explain the behavior:

So did the Russians.  They don't act like that.
Nearby, the people of India exist on the most meager of rations by the scores of millions.  Do you see them acting in such a way?    Vietnamese are overwhelmingly thin and many are malnourished.  But they're polite by comparison, and Vietnam shares a border with China.  My dental technician was born in Vietnam, in a shanty with a dirt floor.  I play tennis with two brothers born in North Vietnam.  My neighbor is Vietnamese.  Don't try to excuse inexcusable conduct.
StarmanMBA said:
Burn That Belly said:
The Chinese went through a great famine where tens of millions of folks died. I think that traumatic event was carried forward through their genes across multiple generations.

For that reason, that would explain the behavior:

So did the Russians.  They don't act like that.
Nearby, the people of India exist on the most meager of rations by the scores of millions.  Do you see them acting in such a way?    Vietnamese are overwhelmingly thin and many are malnourished.  But they're polite by comparison, and Vietnam shares a border with China.  My dental technician was born in Vietnam, in a shanty with a dirt floor.  I play tennis with two brothers born in North Vietnam.  My neighbor is Vietnamese.  Don't try to excuse inexcusable conduct.

The uncivilized Chinese behavior is a result of their political system. There are four main types of Chinese in the world: Hong Kongers, Taiwanese, Singaporeans, and Mainland Chinese. The first three types are no more or less uncivilized than any other people in the world. Only Mainland Chinese are disproportionately "special".

Burn That Belly said:
I believe Starman is the culmination of prolonged exposure to TCE. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, patient zero.

You write like a sixth grader because you think like a sixth grader. 
When I point out your mistakes, and discuss salient points in a logical manner, you resort to your hateful imagination, and bring up bizarre attacks such as your pathetic screed above.  Then at the bottom of every post you write, you present your toy car collection. 
Some boys never grow up.
Is TCE like that black liquid from Alien ? Then maybe we need a different graphic to properly demonstrate what might eventually happen to patient zero
I have actually started regretting my decision to live in irvine, while it's good that ppl elsewhere had troubled pasts in their culture, but u come ovr to americA for a better life. Most i feel never truly understand the system in place and general courtesy, they just dont make a conscious decision to change themselves to adjust to the life here,but repeat what they have learnt all their life here...woodbury town center is prime example of this, ppl would just not see pedestrians crossing, i have seen so many times these drivers  totally ignorant on what is happening....
I think running people over in parking lots IS local Irvine culture and has little to do with people from other countries. It's an entitled generational me first mentality that comes from the all American "time is money" cliche. People don't have enough time, feel rushed and crowded and think they are the most important person on the planet. Blonde twenty somethings are the worst followed by college aged middle easterners in $100k cars.
Loco_local said:
I think running people over in parking lots IS local Irvine culture and has little to do with people from other countries. It's an entitled generational me first mentality that comes from the all American "time is money" cliche. People don't have enough time, feel rushed and crowded and think they are the most important person on the planet. Blonde twenty somethings are the worst followed by college aged middle easterners in $100k cars.

People like that thinks cars should have priority when they're behind the wheel (pedestrians should yield).  But when they're crossing the street and cars don't yield to them they cuss at the drivers and say drivers should yield to pedestrians.

What it translates to is that both cars/drivers and other pedestrians should yield to THEM, but not the other way around.  If they're truly entitled (trust fund babies or wealthy parents abroad), they can afford to be snobby.  The ones who are poor or in low socioeconomic standing, but still have illusions of being entitled are prone to angst and lengthy rants.

brutepunk said:
I have actually started regretting my decision to live in irvine, while it's good that ppl elsewhere had troubled pasts in their culture, but u come ovr to americA for a better life. Most i feel never truly understand the system in place and general courtesy, they just dont make a conscious decision to change themselves to adjust to the life here,but repeat what they have learnt all their life here...woodbury town center is prime example of this, ppl would just not see pedestrians crossing, i have seen so many times these drivers  totally ignorant on what is happening....

Historically, newly arrived immigrants lived in ethnic ghettos, and took 1-2 generations to assimilate.  Today the upper classes from abroad are used to globe trotting, multiple passports/residencies, parking money in tax havens, and sending their kids to school around the world.  For example, Huawei's founder's youngest daughter Annabel Yao at age 21 has already attended school in Shanghai, HK, UK, and now Harvard in the US.  While her elder half sister (who had 7 passports) was being arrested in Canada, Annabel was busy attending Le Bal des D?butantes in Paris being escorted by Count Gaspard de Limburg-Stirum.

The "Tu Hao" of Irvine can only dream to be in her shoes.