seaturtle said:JadedOne said:seaturtle said:Yes I?m curious if other Shea buyers had to google product numbers to see what certain options look like because the builder did not bother to include pictures in its catalog (which is actually a dropbox link containing random and sometimes outdated slides), or whether they were scolded for not making an appointment to get a quick measurement.
So to clarify for all the people that asked here, it sounds like your issues are:
1. The Design Center not being helpful and giving you details of upgrade options
2. Being scolded for dropping by the models for a measurement
I am buying at Cetara and this is my second new construction home, so I'm somewhat familiar with what to expect. I'm the kind of person that doesn't leave anything to chance if I can help it, so I did all my own research on the options and had very detailed questions to ask the office and design center.
I also had low expectations for Shea and their staff. I know first hand how hard it is to run a business during Covid, so their hands are tied on certain things or they have to follow procedures that may not make sense to everyone. I don't like zoom calls or making appointments, but this is our reality right now.
I have found Leslie to be helpful and by far the most knowledgeable person at the office. She is very responsive to emails (aside from the first two weeks after model opening) and I have no issues with her. The others have not been as helpful or knowledgeable but everyone has been friendly and there's been no rudeness towards me from anyone.
The design center experience is tough, because in my mind it's all about the designer you're assigned. Mine was pretty good, but certainly could have been better. Email responses take days/weeks and they just don't have all the info I need. As I mentioned, I did my own research and asked detailed questions. It's too big of a purchase to let someone lead me blindly.
One question I asked of the designer was if the multi-gen suite was not selected, would the downstairs shower have a bench? This mattered to me because of the option for a soap niche, which I wouldn't need if there was a bench. My designer said she asked and there is NO bench, despite the floorplan showing one. Now that construction is well underway of homesites, I found that they are definitely building a bench in that shower. So either my designer didn't ask and lied to me or Shea doesn't have their stuff together.
Similar for the floorplan showing two water heaters. I said the model has one, but the floorplan shows two. I was told the floorplan is incorrect. I believe there's only one, as modeled.
I consider these to be little things. Yes, we're spending $2m on a home and I would hope that it comes with a premium experience. At the same time, I'm fine as long as I (mostly) get what I want out of it. If that means doing some legwork, I've been fine with it. But it certainly has not been a "premium" experience, whatever that means.
Those are my 2 cents.
Agree with you on the lack of premium anything (except on some of the option prices).
My examples were meant to be illustrative - unfortunately my issues with the Shea experience go beyond pretty pictures or bruised feelings. I?m just new to this site and not totally comfortable going into detail yet.
Anyway, after my original post, I?ve been contacted by a few new neighbors-to-be, so that?s been cool. Frustration and stress with Shea notwithstanding, I look forward to seeing all of you around the ?hood.
I agree with you. This is our 5th new build house & we always enjoyed time at Design Center with other builders; however, with Cetara Shea Design Center, we left with stress & frustration. My spouse refused to attend the next meeting