Walking Dead comic >>>>> (+infinity) Walking Dead TV series.
I admit I'm a zombie-holic, but I think that goes more towards my affinity for end-of-world catastrophes (like we were supposed to experience in Irvine Real Estate).
I've actually asked myself that question, other than going up to Shady Canyon and clearing out a nice McMansion for myself (pros: Elevated and near Albertson's for food raids; cons: near Hoag and Kaiser where more Zeds would surely be hanging out), is there really any future where the threat of the undead greatly outnumber the living?
Military might isn't the solution people think it is when it comes to zombies... esp if anyone who dies turns into one (not just bitten people). I remember reading some book that tried to explain why at the beginning of such an event, soldiers would be ineffective because they are overconfident in armed ground combat. Against a normal enemy, most ammunition would stop their advancement due to fear, loss of morale and wounds... not zombies. And since they are trained for center mass targeting and not head shots, by the time they adjust their tactics, they will probably get overrun by them and their own recently undeaded-selves. If they stick to aerial and long range combat, they'll be okay but the initial confusion of what is actually happening (plague? sickness? mass dementia) it might be too late to properly organize a defense (unless of course there is some "Zombie Counter Tactics" that the military has trained for).
Basically... no one can be prepared for something that is impossible.
/endzombiejack (man... I'm bored)