Cell Phone Reviews

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Getting close to the end of our contract...Have ATT now and am somewhat satisfied. Never go over my minutes (family plan-700) thanks to the rollover but the plan seems expensive especially compared to what T-mobile is now offering. Getting more dropped calls than before but not too bad. Don't have text or web but thinking of moving up for the right price.

Just wanted to see what people have and how they like it (prices, phones, coverage, dropped calls.)
I worked for AT&T as they morphed to Cingular and back to "at&t".

I got T-Mobile as soon as I left the company and haven't gone back. I hope that helps ;)
I have both Sprint and AT&T.

For cell service, Sprint uses the same technology as Verizon (CDMA) and coverage is pretty good, especially inside buildings.

AT&T and T-Mob use the same tech (GSM) and may have wider voice coverage, but less 3G data coverage.

AT&T/T-Mob phones are easily interchangeable because of the SIM chip and most are international ready, while VZW/Sprint need a specific phone (that supports dual GSM/CDMA) and the phones take more work to switch.

The selection of phones have increased greatly on all carriers and Android is the new hawtness. VZW has some exclusives on some nice phones (the ENV series), AT&T has the iPhone and the others have some type of unique phone to their brand. The exception is usually Blackberries as all carriers have a variance of the same model (Pearl, Curve, Tour, Bold etc etc).

The big thing for you would be price and how good the coverage is for the places you are most. I think Sprint has one of the most affordable data+voice unlimited plans but TMob is getting there with their new pricing.

If you are just looking at voice and don't really travel, you may want to look at MetroPCS. They have unlimited voice plans starting at $35 although you did say your entire family doesn't use more than 700 minutes per month (Rollover is pretty nice).
T-mobile is great for us. My wife and I have the 5-fav thing going (each with 5 numbers with no minute penalty) and an extra 1000 minutes between us. We are both working professionals and use our phones all the time, and have never come close to using our minutes. We also both have the G1 with full unlimited internet, unlimited texts and multimedia messaging, etc. I also have equipment protection. For all of this, I am paying $125/month for both our lines. Not bad.

PS: T-mobile offers 5-10% discounts for membership in various organizations. I used LACBA, but my cousin called up and asked for a AAA (I think) discount and got the same 10% off total monthly bill.
Sprunt here...

We have unlimited everything... but our phones pretty much take care of everything. I just wish i had access to the iPhone [Jealous :shut: ]
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1257302566]T-mobile is great for us. My wife and I have the 5-fav thing going (each with 5 numbers with no minute penalty) and an extra 1000 minutes between us. We are both working professionals and use our phones all the time, and have never come close to using our minutes. We also both have the G1 with full unlimited internet, unlimited texts and multimedia messaging, etc. I also have equipment protection. For all of this, I am paying $125/month for both our lines. Not bad.

PS: T-mobile offers 5-10% discounts for membership in various organizations. I used LACBA, but my cousin called up and asked for a AAA (I think) discount and got the same 10% off total monthly bill.</blockquote>

Thanks for the tip, Calbar has a good discount too (12 percent). I am very interested in new Behold II on T-Mobile...the Samsung AMOLED display is supposed to be incredible....Just not sure I want to plunk down $200 for the phone though :D
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1257302566]T-mobile is great for us. My wife and I have the 5-fav thing going (each with 5 numbers with no minute penalty) and an extra 1000 minutes between us. We are both working professionals and use our phones all the time, and have never come close to using our minutes. We also both have the G1 with full unlimited internet, unlimited texts and multimedia messaging, etc. I also have equipment protection. For all of this, I am paying $125/month for both our lines. Not bad.

PS: T-mobile offers 5-10% discounts for membership in various organizations. I used LACBA, but my cousin called up and asked for a AAA (I think) discount and got the same 10% off total monthly bill.</blockquote>

Per the <a href="http://gadgetress.freedomblogging.com/2009/11/03/t-mobile-says-phone-service-not-working/25153/">OC Register website</a>, TMobile is having some major issues right now in OC. I hope you can hear me now (sorry I had to type that):

<em>T-Mobile says phone service not working

November 3rd, 2009, 5:56 pm ? 1 Comment ? posted by Tamara Chuang, a.k.a. The Gadgetress

T-Mobile has just confirmed that there is a major outage.

?T-Mobile customers may be experiencing service disruptions impacting voice and data. Our rapid response teams have been mobilized to restore service as quickly as possible. We will provide updates as more information is available,? according to a statement by the company.

Reached by phone, David Henderson, a T-Mobile spokesman, said he could not discuss the outage any further or say whether it extends beyond Orange County. But it sounded like news of the outage was just hitting and he had to leave to get on a conference call to get more details.

When I asked him about this outage Monday after hearing that the service was out in South County, Henderson said no outages had been reported for the Orange County area.

I have heard of a very small number of T-Mobile customers experiencing outages in the past two to three weeks. Typically, their phones cannot find service.

I?m a T-Mobile customer as well and have not had any problems until the past 10 minutes. I?ll report more here as I learn more.</em>
A not-so-dirty secret: Text messages get through when voice calls get no signal or dropped because they take up very little space and can be queued to send in the first available spot. This is why they tell you to send SMS rather than trying to call during large scale emergencies or service disruptions. In other words, success with a test isn't proof positive it fixed.
Right, but the text and voicemail services were down for certain parts of the state. Other parts of the country had no voice. Some had no data. It was weird. I had no text, but could use voice and net.
[quote author="IrvineCommuter" date=1257222387]Getting close to the end of our contract...Have ATT now and am somewhat satisfied. Never go over my minutes (family plan-700) thanks to the rollover but the plan seems expensive especially compared to what T-mobile is now offering. Getting more dropped calls than before but not too bad. Don't have text or web but thinking of moving up for the right price.

Just wanted to see what people have and how they like it (prices, phones, coverage, dropped calls.)</blockquote>

I recently switched to AT&T with an iPhone. Prior to that, I had had Sprint for years and was last using a Palm Treo. I decided to switch when hubs and I were in the car somewhat recently and I wanted to look up live traffic conditions on the 'net. My battery had died, so I used his (non-iPhone, but smart phone) phone and <em>*zoom*</em>, the internet connection was significantly faster on his phone than mine. I had no idea what I was missing. I am happy so far with the iPhone and AT&T. It's fast, does everything I need it to do, and some things I like even though I don't need them.
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1257386461]Did you have 3G on your treo? The treos, unless it was the very latest model, were not 3G capable for quite a while.</blockquote>

I have no idea, but probably not. It was 3+ years old.
[quote author="Nude" date=1258365967]You have to wonder id Steve Jobs has any regrets about that "1984" commercial now that he <strong>is </strong>Big Brother.</blockquote>

Fixed that.
ATT is freaking pissing me off. I can not get reception in the living room on an Woodbridge condo that I live in....nuts. Anyone here have the Droid? I'm so ready to switch to Verizon.
[quote author="USCTrojanCPA" date=1258369391]ATT is freaking pissing me off. I can not get reception in the living room on an Woodbridge condo that I live in....nuts. Anyone here have the Droid? I'm so ready to switch to Verizon.</blockquote>

what happened to Quail Hill?