Cell Phone Reviews

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[quote author="roundcorners" date=1258371377][quote author="USCTrojanCPA" date=1258369391]ATT is freaking pissing me off. I can not get reception in the living room on an Woodbridge condo that I live in....nuts. Anyone here have the Droid? I'm so ready to switch to Verizon.</blockquote>

what happened to Quail Hill?</blockquote>
I moved over to Woodbridge at the end of last month when my lease at Quail Meadows expired.
[quote author="USCTrojanCPA" date=1258369391]ATT is freaking pissing me off. I can not get reception in the living room on an Woodbridge condo that I live in....nuts. Anyone here have the Droid? I'm so ready to switch to Verizon.</blockquote>

<em>An artist never blames his tools.</em>

Check your cell reception before moving to a new home, if it is important to you.

If you are stuck, you can call to report weak signal strength and get varied levels of response from the different service providers.

Service lines:

AT&T - <strong><a href="http://www.att.com/wireless/contact-us/index.jsp">http://www.att.com/wireless/contact-us/index.jsp</a></strong> or 1-800-331-0500

Verizon - <strong><a href="http://www22.verizon.com/content/ContactUs/">http://www22.verizon.com/content/ContactUs/</a></strong> or 1-800-837-4966

I go back to LA Cellular which became Pac Bell, now Verizon. Rarely a spotty area. I'd say almost fail-proof. Substantial rumors of the Jesus Phone coming to Verizon in Q3 2010. BTW If you get a smart phone and Apple does deliver the goods, Verizon has a significant smart phone cancellation policy.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People.
I dont know if you've seen the commercials but T-mobile finally rolled out that super cheap all inclusive plan that I mentioned in another/earlier post. 49.99 for everything... and I thought Sprint's plan for 99.99 was very reasonable. Something like 79.99 for a family unlimited.

Iphone will have ATT exclusivity through 2011. Not sure if this means it will end in 2011 or after 2011.
My business uses both Sprint and ATT cell phones.

Seems like the Sprint with my 3G LG Phone is best. Texts always are instant and the reception is acceptable. Unlimited EVERYTHING. About $ 90.00 a month per phone.

Works well in buildings and is rarely down. Just a few dropped calls on occasion would be my

biggest bitch.

One of these days I will get an IPhone. Some of those apps are really pretty cool.
I think android OS is the way of the future. I can already see the changes in the market with the new DROID users. A lot of the "mainstream" apps are coming from the iphone, which is nice. The android market initially won me over when you could tell that all these garage genius programmers were making apps. The linux crowd, if you will. My dad, who has an iphone, was always amazed at the innovation and creativity of some of the apps. The "wow, it can DO that?!" response. And its only getting better.

Apple, on the other hand, is quite stagnate. I hope they will get on their game and improve the user experience soon. Competition helps everyone.
Interestingly enough, I find that WebOS (the OS used on the "not so new anymore" Palm Pre and upcoming Palm Pixie) is a better user experience than Android (both 1.6 and 2.0).

It's a good balance between the power user and the casual user and just more intuitive. While getting one of my phones changed at a Sprint store, I had some time to compare the two phone OS systems and I just found WebOS to be easier to use, to navigate and much faster in terms of response.

The iPhone UI is probably the most intuitive but the advantage Android has over it (and WebOS) is all the carriers will have one or more phones that run it. What I find amazing is that the iPhone is only on one carrier yet almost everyone recognizes it and if you take any sample of 10 people anywhere, at least one will have an iPhone (the other is probably a Blackberry). Like Apple or not... they have done a very good job of penetrating a very crowded mobile phone market.
Yeah, I agree with your assessment of WebOS. Its very fluid because they threw in some high end hardware in there. The layout is also nice and intuitive. It had the Iphone's 3GS same chip months before the 3GS. The current android phones do not yet utilize as powerful chips. Those are coming soon though.

The WebOS is just slightly behind in variety of available apps. Its tough for devs to make the jump to WebOS too because it just looks like the next arms race is android vs. apple. They go where the potential customers are. But if your phone is used in a "strictly business" context, the Pre is awsome.
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1258423402]I dont know if you've seen the commercials but T-mobile finally rolled out that super cheap all inclusive plan that I mentioned in another/earlier post. 49.99 for everything... and I thought Sprint's plan for 99.99 was very reasonable. Something like 79.99 for a family unlimited.

The TMob 49.99 Unlimited plan is just for voice, if you want unlimited voice+text+data that's 79.99 (still cheaper than Sprint's 99.99 Simply Everything plan).
Are there websites that show how well the service is in each area, by carrier? My boyfriend has all but flushed his Sprint Palm Pro down the toilet due to the lack of service here.