Can Irvine become too Asian?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I'm a caucasian and live in a particularly Asian-dominated (inclusive of South Asia as well as Southeast) part of Irvine, and generally have not felt any discomfort or experienced any overt rudeness on the part of the 'non caucasians' - call me a bleeding heart but I just don't see as much of the culture  clash this thread is detailing, at least not personally. Ethnic pluralism is a good thing, isn't it? Sign of the times? I'd like to think its something other than the San Gabrielification of Irvine, anyway.
I normally hear about Asians complaining about too many Asians in Irvine, not really Caucasians complaining.  However, my Mexican neighbor thinks Irvine is there's that.
jamboreedude said:
zubs said:
So the real question is will Irvine turn too white...and the answer is no.

absolutely NOT.

Time for TIC to implement a White flight plan before it's too late:

1) Moratorium on new Asian restaurants. They need more soupplantations , pancake house, and Olive gardens.

2) No more Asian super markets. White folks love organic food and farmers markets. Build an outdoor Whole Foods and they will come in droves.

3) Actually anything outdoors and they will come. Be it farmers market, hiking trails, lawn bowling, rugby, beach volleyball... They love it if it is outdoors.

4) Need better stores... More places like REI, Uggs Outlet, Lulu Lemon etc...

5) More film and art festivals

Feel free to add to list  ;)
4) Need better stores... More places like REI, Uggs Outlet, Lulu Lemon etc...

Uggs Outlet...! hilarious!  ;)
iacrenter said:
Time for TIC to implement a White flight plan before it's too late:

1) Moratorium on new Asian restaurants. They need more soupplantations , pancake house, and Olive gardens.
The only thing missing is Pancake House, but we have 2 IHOPs and a Mimi's Cafe.
2) No more Asian super markets. White folks love organic food and farmers markets. Build an outdoor Whole Foods and they will come in droves.
University Center every Saturday.
3) Actually anything outdoors and they will come. Be it farmers market, hiking trails, lawn bowling, rugby, beach volleyball... They love it if it is outdoors.
Is that why they are doing bocci ball courts now?
4) Need better stores... More places like REI, Uggs Outlet, Lulu Lemon etc...
The Marketplace?
5) More film and art festivals
Westpark Edwards
Feel free to add to list  ;)
The snowball is rolling... nothing can be done to reverse it.


"White flight is a myth, Irvine isn't any more Asian than it was 20 years ago." - Graphrix
The subject "Can Irvine become too Asian" is like asking "Can Berlin become too white?"
Irvine is default Asian.

So to all the white people:

It is interesting that we have poster here that worry about Irvine becoming too "Asian" and posters who worry that the Asians in Irvine are not "Asian" enough.

I'm pretty much for people living in Irvine, regardless of race.  One of the great things I like about Irvine is the cultural diversity.  Chinese, Korea, Indian, Persian, American etc.  Variety in shopping, dining, and cultural events.
Irvinecommuter said:
It is interesting that we have poster here that worry about Irvine becoming too "Asian" and posters who worry that the Asians in Irvine are not "Asian" enough.

I'm pretty much for people living in Irvine, regardless of race.  One of the great things I like about Irvine is the cultural diversity.  Chinese, Korea, Indian, Persian, American etc.  Variety in shopping, dining, and cultural events.
Yeah, we even have Polish realtors too.  haha
I can't help but think that all the complaining regarding racial/ethnic diversity in Irvine is based on subjective experience. My largely asian/indian neighborhood couldn't be more warm, friendly, generous, etc to me and my caucasian family. We have barbecues, community events, and are generally very neighborly in spite of certain language and cultural barriers (people speak English, or they try to). I generally do not experience the shy/rude behavior from non-caucasian residents in the way many on this thread seem to have. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I just don't experience it myself. To me, it just seems like the Irvine I grew up in, only with lots more different kinds of people with lots more food choices.
valueoc said:
I can't help but think that all the complaining regarding racial/ethnic diversity in Irvine is based on subjective experience. My largely asian/indian neighborhood couldn't be more warm, friendly, generous, etc to me and my caucasian family. We have barbecues, community events, and are generally very neighborly in spite of certain language and cultural barriers (people speak English, or they try to). I generally do not experience the shy/rude behavior from non-caucasian residents in the way many on this thread seem to have. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I just don't experience it myself. To me, it just seems like the Irvine I grew up in, only with lots more different kinds of people with lots more food choices.

Each person is unique and different.  People on this board like to stereotype ethnic groups and brush everyone in that group as the same.  As we all know, there are good, bad, friendly, social, introverted, rude, kind people in every racial category. 
I wonder if there is a south county real estate forum that talks about too many caucasians in their city?

I bet there is a member called Somer_Himpson who says he moved out of south county to Irvine because his white neighbors were too friendly. :)
The whites don't talk about having too many whites.. they talk about leaving.  lol

I would like more diversity.. so a healthy blend of white is always needed. 
jmoney74 said:
The whites don't talk about having too many whites.. they talk about leaving.  lol

I would like more diversity.. so a healthy blend of white is always needed.

With where you're moving... good luck... I hope you like naan/curry and cha siu faun!
