This thread is extremely "racial". I'm not saying RACIST.
Can you imagine if someone started a thread that asked.. "Is the City ______ too (Black, Hispanic, Jewish, White) ? ...
But to ask, is it tooo Asian.... Holy @#$@$# yes.. the thought may pass your mind.. but to openly discuss this topic is demeaning to Asians! And disrespectful..!
And to discuss it so "normally" and "casually" as though having too many Asians is some kind of "disease"...
The objectification of this ethnic group is INCREDIBLE.
Is a city NORMAL if it was 80% white? 80% hispanic? or even 80% black.. 80% Jewish? But if a city or school is 60 to 80% Asian.. it's open season for questioning the racial mix?
Why is this?
Why are Asians (a minority group) treated like a Super MAJORITY GROUP.
Asians aren't white. Asians don't get any special treatment in western society...
I'm not asking for any special treatment for "Asians"... but let's exercise some DECORUM!
And you "Asians" who are participating in this discussion like it's "funny" or "normal".. you guys are FOOLISH...
Can you imagine if someone started a thread that asked.. "Is the City ______ too (Black, Hispanic, Jewish, White) ? ...
But to ask, is it tooo Asian.... Holy @#$@$# yes.. the thought may pass your mind.. but to openly discuss this topic is demeaning to Asians! And disrespectful..!
And to discuss it so "normally" and "casually" as though having too many Asians is some kind of "disease"...
The objectification of this ethnic group is INCREDIBLE.
Is a city NORMAL if it was 80% white? 80% hispanic? or even 80% black.. 80% Jewish? But if a city or school is 60 to 80% Asian.. it's open season for questioning the racial mix?
Why is this?
Why are Asians (a minority group) treated like a Super MAJORITY GROUP.
Asians aren't white. Asians don't get any special treatment in western society...
I'm not asking for any special treatment for "Asians"... but let's exercise some DECORUM!
And you "Asians" who are participating in this discussion like it's "funny" or "normal".. you guys are FOOLISH...