Belvedere at Eastwood

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Someone probably will say I should know this, but is their a shopping center planned for anywhere in Eastwood or is TIC skipping since you have CV, Woodbury, OH, and NH centers all relatively close by (plus even over by Northpark). 
Are we talking about undercrossing as in under Jeffrey?
Because it could mean an undercrossing under Encore on the trail. 
Much like there's one in Woodbury. It goes underneath Bryan and not across Jeffrey.
I presumed it would go underneath the pathways over by the Palo Alto models (where that park is). Would seem like a natural place for it, but maybe I'm wrong. 
Bullsback said:
I presumed it would go underneath the pathways over by the Palo Alto models (where that park is). Would seem like a natural place for it, but maybe I'm wrong.

Just FYI, there is already a undercrossing that is built next to a circular park near Palo Alto on Encore that goes below Jeffrey to Eastwood.  It's a two way tunnel.  Construction is already completed.
wow are you serious? I'll have to go check this out. That's good news.

Goriot said:
Bullsback said:
I presumed it would go underneath the pathways over by the Palo Alto models (where that park is). Would seem like a natural place for it, but maybe I'm wrong.

Just FYI, there is already a undercrossing that is built next to a circular park near Palo Alto on Encore that goes below Jeffrey to Eastwood.  It's a two way tunnel.  Construction is already completed.
ChasingRainbows said:
Interested to hear TIers opinion on living near an elementary school as Belvedere homes will be close to it. Pros and cons? Thanks.

I don't live near an elementary school but from what I experience when dropping off kids is traffic every weekday at the same time.  I don't notice any problems litter or wear and tear on nearby landscaping.  There's also the school bell during the day and kids screaming on the playgrounds and fields.  You will have more traffic on a daily basis and expect parking overflow onto the streets from time to time during events.
MFWIC said:
ChasingRainbows said:
Interested to hear TIers opinion on living near an elementary school as Belvedere homes will be close to it. Pros and cons? Thanks.

I don't live near an elementary school but from what I experience when dropping off kids is traffic every weekday at the same time.  I don't notice any problems litter or wear and tear on nearby landscaping.  There's also the school bell during the day and kids screaming on the playgrounds and fields.  You will have more traffic on a daily basis and expect parking overflow onto the streets from time to time during events.

Walking distance is great but I would not live next to a school. Too much noise and traffic. Have you seen the chaos of morning drop offs in Irvine?
And when school is out doesn't mean all the kids go.
Probably see kids all the time around the school playground until dark.

Good thing once it gets dark, it becomes a less dense area (compared to having bunch of densely packed homes)
Received this e-mail from Irvine Pacific

The Belvedere Team is excited to share the base pricing information!  The base pricing does not include the exterior premiums or location premiums.

Plan 1 = $1,110,000
Plan 2 = $1,161,000
Plan 3 = $1,290,000
Plan 3X = $1,311,000
Plan 4 =  first plan 4 is in phase 2 price TBD

We are anticipating 6 homes in phase 1:
1= plan 1
2= plan 2
2= plan 3
1= plan 3X
Starting price in the $450 sq/ft, not counting upgrades, lot premiums, wow.  Don't they know I'm about 15% less cash since the stock market started tanking?  I guess that's the premium for no toxic land/freeway/cemetery/super duper MR. 
DrTravel said:
Received this e-mail from Irvine Pacific

The Belvedere Team is excited to share the base pricing information!  The base pricing does not include the exterior premiums or location premiums.

Plan 1 = $1,110,000
Plan 2 = $1,161,000
Plan 3 = $1,290,000
Plan 3X = $1,311,000
Plan 4 =  first plan 4 is in phase 2 price TBD

We are anticipating 6 homes in phase 1:
1= plan 1
2= plan 2
2= plan 3
1= plan 3X

Aren't these prices comparable or higher than Strada?  I thought there was supposed to be some OH premium?
DrTravel said:
Received this e-mail from Irvine Pacific

The Belvedere Team is excited to share the base pricing information!  The base pricing does not include the exterior premiums or location premiums.

Plan 1 = $1,110,000
Plan 2 = $1,161,000
Plan 3 = $1,290,000
Plan 3X = $1,311,000
Plan 4 =  first plan 4 is in phase 2 price TBD

We are anticipating 6 homes in phase 1:
1= plan 1
2= plan 2
2= plan 3
1= plan 3X

Wow, makes OH look like a bargain.