Beer Thread

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This may very well be your soul mate eff.... <a href="">YouTube - Miracle Beer Diet</a>
<p>Oh, she's a Ron Paul fan...</p>

<p><embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" wmode="transparent"></embed></p>
When my wife and I flew into New Zealand for our honeymoon several years ago, we arrived in Christchurch on December 25th. We were staying at Warners Hotel, and we were tired and hungry when we got there in the afternoon, and since it was their summer, it was pretty warm. The Kiwi's (and much of the rest of the world for that matter), have a defined period at most establishments when they serve lunch -typically 11:00 to 2:30. After that they are shut until dinner, so it is very hard to find food between 2:30 and 5:30. The only place open that afternoon was the bar downstairs - Bailes.

We sat down at a table and I glanced at the bar, and immediately admired the beer tap. It was thick white porcelain, with a kind of art neuveau type of shape to it, almost kind of free form.

I walked up to take a closer look, and realized that the porcelain was really a three inch coating of ice on a standard tap.

And that was my introduction to Speights.
<p>The NY Times has a great feature on <a href="">hoppy brews</a>:</p>

<p>"...Forget about I.P.A.’s, strong, hoppy brews developed by the British centuries ago to withstand the ocean voyage to colonial India. Americans are now making double I.P.A.’s, Extreme I.P.A.’s, even Unearthly I.P.A.’s. </p>

<p>Nowadays, the beer shelves are so crammed with brews labeled Maximus, Monstrous and Imperial that you feel as if you’ve stumbled into a file of e-mail spam. </p>

<p>In this world, bigger is always better, and why not? Hummers rule the road and 16 percent alcohol pinot noirs rule the wine ratings. Why not a beer like Stone Ruination I.P.A., so-called, the brewery proudly asserts, because of the ruinous effect of “this massive hop monster” on your palate. <u><strong>Are you man or woman enough for this beer</strong>?</u></p>

<p><strong>Some of their recommendations:</strong></p>

<p>Tasting Report: Careful, These Are Beers That Can Bite</p>

<p>"Our favorite was the robust 90 Minute Imperial I.P.A. from Dogfish Head, a beer that balances its exaggerated caramel and chocolate sweetness with a bracing bitterness derived from hops. If you sneer at the 90 Minute, Dogfish also occasionally issues its 120 Minute I.P.A., which, at 20 percent alcohol, may well be, as the brewery contends, “the biggest I.P.A. ever brewed.”</p>

<p>Our No. 2 beer, the Weyerbacher Double Simcoe I.P.A., seemed to embody the term “killer,” the extreme beer fan’s favorite compliment. Killer hops, killer fruit, overwhelming yet bearable, even enjoyable, because it is so well balanced. </p>

<p>The No. 3 beer, the I.P.A. Maximus from Lagunitas, was something of a lightweight in this crowd with a mere 7.5 percent alcohol, yet it was lively and energetic with a lush citrus perfume.</p>

<p>By contrast, the Gordon from Oskar Blues — the only beer in our tasting to come in a can — was practically mellow and subdued. Was that a good thing? We thought so, because the flavors were nonetheless distinct and complex.</p>

<p>You would not call the Victory Hop Wallop mellow, but it was fresh and delicious. And you would never call Mad River’s Steelhead Double I.P.A. or Flying Dog’s Double Dog Double Pale Ale subdued. Their signature hop aromas practically punch you in the face..."</p>

<p><a href="javascript:pop_me_up2('', '09beer_3_ready', 'width=720,height=600,scrollbars=yes,toolbars=no,resizable=yes')"><img height="244" alt="" width="190" border="0" src="" /></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>A Man’s 6-Pack Can Serve as His Castle</strong></a> </p>

<p>HOUSTON — From his front porch, John Milkovisch was able to see the beer truck heading for the local grocery, spurring him into action. “He’d run over there and clean them out,” recalled his son Ronald. “He never had less than 8 to 10 cases stacked up in the garage.”</p>

<p>From 1968 until his death 20 years later, Mr. Milkovisch, an upholsterer for the Southern Pacific Railroad, not only emptied 50,000 cans or more of his favorite beverage but also put the containers to good use, cladding his house and workshop with thousands of maintenance-free flattened beer cans (Falstaff was a favorite) and shading the sun with garlands of tinkling beer can tops and tabs.</p>

<p>Known to generations of sidewalk gawkers as the Beer Can House, the folk art monument was dedicated Thursday and will open to the public on Saturday for the first time since its purchase from the Milkovisch family and a seven-year restoration project totaling $400,000. </p>

<p><img height="450" alt="" width="650" src="" /></p>
<p>Please help me pick one from these three euro style beers for tonight:</p>

<p>Stella Artois</p>

<p>Heineken Light</p>

<p>Grolsch Premium Blonde</p>

<p>Thanks </p>
<p>If you want a premium lager, go with Stella. <a href="">Beer advocate</a> didn't like it all that much, but the choices you gave are kinda limited.</p>

<p><a href=""><strong>Drunk Puppet Reviews Stella Artois!</strong></a></p>

<a class="logo" href=""><img height="63" alt="" width="132" border="0" src="" /></a>

Concur fully on the Stella choice. Damn you for that post, I'm stuck at mother in law's tonight and all they have in the fridge is Bud. Now you go and put thoughts of a frosty Stella dancing through my head.....
<img alt="" src="" />
The Stella I had in Bastogne Belgium was real good. I'll drink Stella over any domestic any day of the week and do...
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<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href=""><img src="" class="gc-images" title="Stella-1.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>