Beer Thread

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<p><a target="_blank" href="">Oh no</a>!</p>

<p><em>"Shortage of beer ingredients may mean higher prices"</em></p>
<em>"I would think brewers will try to keep their existing beers in the marketplace if they can," he said. "But this may put a damper on some of that innovation and experimentation for some of those hoppier beers, which is a shame."

</em>Someone we know, is going to be a little bitter (pun intended) about this.
<p>"A triple whammy of bad weather in Europe, an increase in the price of barley and a decrease in hops production in the U.S. has lead to a price increase of 20 percent for the most widely grown varieties, to 80 percent for specialty hops. The shortage is particularly hitting microbreweries, since they use more hops than major brewers."</p>

<p>Who is responsible for decreasing hops production in the U.S.? Is there anyway I can blame the Bush administration for this?</p>

<p><a href="">Linky.</a></p>

<p> </p>

<p>lovely hops...</p>

<p><a onclick="'/templates/common/image_enlargement.php?imageResId=16272530' , 'imageEnlargementPopup', 'scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes' )" href="javascript:void(0);"><img class="photo border" alt="Hops" src="" /></a></p>
<p><em>Who is responsible for decreasing hops production in the U.S.? Is there anyway I can blame the Bush administration for this?</em></p>

<p>Yes, you can. It's the ethanol subsidies. Beef is more expensive becuase cattle food grain is converted to ethanol production. Other veggies/fruits are being converted to corn production for the subsidy too. More corn pulled to ethanol means less corn for HFS, starch and the wide variety of other products the wonder plant has been converted too by food industry.</p>
One side screams for alt fuels, one side screams for better beer, and Bush gets blamed for not doing both at once... I need a drink.
<a target="_blank" href="">Corn ethanol</a> is not an alt fuel. It's a farm subsidy.
Effen, what it has become doesn't matter. What it was hailed as over a decade ago was the end to our dependence on OIL.
IHB beer drinkers may be interested in my new seasonal favorite, Sierra Nevada Christmas Seasonal brew.

On tap at Danny K's for $5.25 for a 25 oz beer.

They also have my previously mentioned second favorite, Samuel Adams Octoberfest. Same price I think.

Danny K's is the hot ticket for drinking draft beers that are exotic without going to some ubertrendy spot. When it comes to drinking beer, I'm Joe Dirt.
<a href="">Best beer in the world?</a>
<p><a target="_blank" href="">Fuel or Beer</a>? Pick one.</p>
<a href="">More bearish news for beer</a>.

<em>Without their supply of hops, some smaller producers are going out of business, bringing to a halt the fastest-growing segment of the industry. Other craft brewers and brewpubs are experimenting with new recipes, hoping their customers will adapt.

</em>It is one thing for lenders to go out of business, but it is a another thing for small brewers to go under.
<p><em><em>Without their supply of hops...</em>hoping their customers will adapt</em></p>

<p>Adapt? <strong>ADAPT</strong>? To hopless beer? Who are they kidding?</p>
A little dated, but funny nonetheless...<a href="">Help Wanted: Starwood Seeks Chief Beer Officer</a> (eff ?)