eclipxe said:
eyephone said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
eyephone said:
ChiKid24 said:
Any BR people checking this thread? We're in escrow and excited to move in this fall. Would love to get any thoughts, impressions of the area. Coming to OC from LA. Thanks in advance!
All I got to say. Don?t drive fast on Alton...
More cops on that road now?
Any response from the BR residents?
Haven?t noticed more cops but people do speed wya too much.
is eyephone talking about cops or something else?
definitely cops/speeding
Not recently but around a month ago, there were several complaints on nextdoor of people racing down alton. I think they called it alton raceway or something like that lol..
so of course one of the posts had the cell phone number of one of the police supervisors and many people called and complained and lots of people got pulled over. Haven't seen the cops anymore recently..